After all, it was a rare experience.

At present, he can't enter the world beyond the Tao with his body. After all, the powerhouses in the city of heaven have not been arranged, so he can't rashly enter the world on the other side of the Tao.

If he wants to enter the world beyond the Tao, he still needs to make some preparations.

But at the same time, he is very curious about the world beyond the Dao, and has a sense of impatient waiting. If he can enter a ray of consciousness into the world beyond the Dao with the help of the consciousness of the Dao of the Heavens, and experience the life in it, this is also very important. OK

"In that case, when are you going to start?"

The Supreme Avenue consciousness continued to speak.

"Just now."

Bai Ye said directly.

After all, there is nothing to prepare when a conscious body enters the world beyond the Tao.

Even if this wisp of consciousness dissipated, it was nothing.

Therefore, they can enter the world beyond the Tao at any time.

The Creation Primordial Spirit and the Destiny Space-Time Spirit Beast on the side also nodded.

At the same time, there was a hint of excitement on their faces. Except for Jiang Yi and Nightmare, they were all trying to enter the world beyond the Tao with their consciousness bodies for the first time.Sun.

Chapter [*]: The Lost Land, the Prison of Chaos

To be precise, Jiang Yi and Nightmare are also about to enter the world beyond the Tao in the form of consciousness for the first time.

And they didn't go to many other places in the world beyond the Tao before the incomparably distant years.

They are also very much looking forward to entering the world beyond the Tao with a conscious body this time.

This time, entering the form of consciousness and entering the world beyond the Tao, will they go to areas they have not been to before?

After all, when they were in the world beyond the Tao, they stayed in a safe area and never stepped out of the safe places that sheltered them.

Therefore, they are also very curious about the rest of the world beyond the Tao, and they are looking forward to it.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's get started."

Zhutiancheng Avenue realized that several people had no opinion, so he directly waved his hand, and a cloud of purple air flew from the sky and stopped in front of Bai Ye and several people.

These purple qi exudes a touch of Dao energy, which is exceptionally pure.

Several people in Bai Ye could feel that these purple qi contained astonishing energy and laws.

"You place your consciousness in these Dao Zi 503 Qi, and I can send your consciousness to the world beyond Dao."

The Consciousness Body of the All-heaven Avenue spoke directly to Bai Ye and the others.

After Bai Ye heard the words, they directly pinned their consciousness in these purple qi.

When their consciousness entered these purple qi, the clumps of purple qi in the void suddenly changed.

These groups of purple energy were constantly changing in the void, and finally changed into their appearance.

They look the same as Bai Ye, except that their breath is much weaker. It seems that they seem to be clones of themselves, and their strength is between the ninth-order peak and the tenth-order.

This is also caused by the energy of the Dao Ziqi. These Dao Ziqi contain a huge amount of energy, which can temporarily supplement their consciousness with enough energy.

Of course it can't be as powerful as their body.

However, this is not bad, at least they will not attract much attention when they enter the world beyond the Tao with such strength.

Bai Ye and others were quite satisfied when they looked at the avatars of Dao Ziqi combined with their own consciousness.

At this time, the consciousness of the All-heaven Dao slowly opened the mouth and said: "Now I will send you consciousnesses into the world beyond the Tao."

Several people nodded in the white night, and several people looked at the dome of the heavens and the world, and there was a constant flash of light in their eyes. At this time, their hearts were also full of expectations.


The consciousness of the All Heavens Dao waved its hands slightly, with a strange seal, and as it opened, the consciousness of Bai Ye and others disappeared in place in an instant.

Bai Ye and Creation Yuanling could not perceive the existence of their consciousness.

"Can't feel it?"

Bai Ye and the others were slightly startled.

If they cannot perceive the existence of their conscious body, then their conscious body enters the world beyond the Tao, then is it not a waste of money, and the great river east is gone forever?

Even a little information, the body can not perceive?

The Dao of All Heavens conscious body seems to know their worries, but said indifferently: "You can't perceive that it is very normal. All strong people will be cut off when they enter the world beyond the Tao."

"Then what's the use of our consciousness entering the world beyond the Tao? We don't know any news or information. Isn't this a vain toss?"

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny on the side couldn't help but said.

Bai Ye also looked at the consciousness of the Great Dao of the Heavens. He looked at it without speaking, and seemed to want to hear its explanation.

Things shouldn't be as simple as what they see. He believes that there should be a special way for the consciousness of the heavens to connect with their consciousness.

Sure enough, the conscious body of the Dao of the Heavens said indifferently: "You can't perceive it, it doesn't mean I can't perceive it, those purple qi are prepared for connection."

Saying that, it waved its hand, and a special picture appeared in the void. In the void, Bai Ye and others saw the existence of their consciousness.

At this time, their conscious bodies were side by side, and they entered a completely unfamiliar environment. Looking at the surrounding environment, it seemed that it was not a good place.

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