It seems that the black robe just now is really just an empty robe, there is no body, just a ray of soul.

"Since the inspector has spoken, everyone, please enter the city."

The Golden Armored Guard is also relieved at this time, and he doesn't have to take any responsibility at this time.

With a golden token on his body and a mysterious formula, a black hole appeared in front of the city gate.

The golden armor guard signaled Bai Ye and others to enter the black hole, and then they could enter the city of chaos.

Bai Ye looked at the black hole in front of him, and thoughtfully, the black hole in front of him made him feel very familiar.

Same as the world channel.

Is the city of chaos in another world?

However, he also thought about it for a while, and without any hesitation, stepped into the black hole, and the Creation Primordial Spirit and the Destiny Space-Time Spirit Beast also stepped in.

Entering the city, it really is another world. It is completely different from the gray space outside. The sky in this city is extraordinarily bright and blue.

The energy in heaven and earth is also very rich, stepping into the city of chaos is like stepping into heaven from the dark hell.

The pavilions and pavilions are located in various places, and you can vaguely hear the voices of extravagance from the distant music workshop.

Makes people feel intoxicated.

Bai Ye looked at the chaotic city in front of him and was a little stunned for a while.

The chaotic city in front of you is a city, it is completely a world, although it is not such a big world, but the space range can be regarded as comparable to a medium world!

But the space and the level of energy here are completely incomparable to the ninth-order great world among the heavens and the world.

"You can move freely here, but you can't shoot at will in the city of chaos. There are also rules here. If you violate the rules, you will be expelled from the city of chaos, and you will be killed on the spot. !"

At this time, the golden-armored guard also came in from the outside, and said to Bai Ye and others.

Bai Ye nodded slightly.

He naturally understands this point, no matter where there should be rules, just like in the city of the heavens.

If some restrictive rules are not formulated, the entire city will become very chaotic.

"Is the lord of this chaotic city a powerful character?"

On the side, Creation Yuanling asked the golden armor guard.

The Golden Armored Guard suddenly replied with a somewhat reverent expression: "The City of Chaos was built by Lord Terma, who is a powerhouse in the realm of Dao Wuya, and is one of the top existences in the entire Lost Land. ."

"The Dao is boundless powerhouse?"

Shocked expressions appeared on the faces of Creation Yuanling and Destiny Space Spirit.

Dao Wuya powerhouse is the existence above the realm of Daozhi, and they still don't know how powerful such a powerhouse is.

After all, they have never seen such a strong man before.

But it should be an existence that people look up to.

Bai Ye, who was on the side, did not change his face when he heard this. It was also what he expected that a Dao Wuya powerhouse would sit in the chaotic city. After all, the golden armor guard who guarded the gate had also reached the mid-term realm of Dao Zhi.

If the city lord of Chaos City does not have the realm of Dao Wuya, it can't be said. .

Chapter seven hundred and eighty ninth: Invasion of the boundless powerhouse

Bai Ye and Chuangshiyuan walked slowly on the streets of Chaos City, and some pedestrians looked at them.

But not too much attention.

It may be that they feel that the breath of Bai Ye and the others is very unfamiliar, but the intensity of the breath on them is very ordinary, so they don't care.

Bai Ye also looked around with his eyes, and he could see many strange races around him.

There are not only human races here, but also many other strange races. It seems that this chaotic city is still very inclusive.

The strong people of all races get along very harmoniously here.

There seems to be no racial divide.

Most of their auras seem to be much stronger than Bai Ye's.

It seems that he is indifferent to strangers and people who are less powerful than him.

However, only the golden-armored guards who followed Bai Ye knew how terrifying Bai Ye's strength was.

In the city of chaos, I am afraid that it can be ranked in the top few.

After thinking about it, he stepped forward and walked beside Bai Ye again, and said, "I don't know what this lord is called?"

At this time, he directly addressed Bai Ye as an adult to show his respect for Bai Ye.

Bai Ye turned his head to look at him lightly, smiled and said, "Bai Ye."

"Lord Bai Ye, you are willing to go to the City Lord's Mansion with me. With the strength of Lord Bai Ye, you can at least get the identity of an inspector."

The Golden Armored Guard then spoke up.

"City Lord's Mansion, inspector?"

Bai Ye frowned slightly.

He is really interested in seeing the city lord Dao Wuya strong in this chaotic city, and wants to see how strong the Dao Wuya strong above the realm of Dao Zhi is.

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