But he was worried that the other party would see through the details.

In his current state, in front of the Dao Wuya realm powerhouse, he should have no ability to resist.

His Ten Directions Banning Great Array is only useful to the Daozhi realm powerhouse, and the Dao Wuya powerhouse is beyond the scope of the Ten Directions Banning Great Array.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye wanted to reject the kindness of the Golden Armored Guard.

But before Bai Ye could reject him, a big golden hand that covered the sky suddenly descended from the sky. The huge golden palm passed through many obstacles and shot directly on the entire Chaos City.

Immediately, the entire earth continued to crack, and the mountain ranges were destroyed, turning into powder in an instant.

The city of chaos was shaking violently at this moment, and the terrifying aftermath was coming towards Bai Ye and others.

All buildings and all living beings will be destroyed.

Everyone felt a strong sense of oppression.

One after another powerful figures rose into the sky, avoiding the terrifying energy aftermath.

Just when Bai Ye and others were about to retreat.

The entire chaotic city seemed to be completely activated, and hundreds of millions of rays of light suddenly erupted, forming an indestructible protective cover to protect all the mountains and rivers.

Bai Ye and others also stood quietly in place, watching all this.

At this time, Bai Ye had quietly released the Shifang Banyan Formation, and he was ready for defense.

But it looks like he doesn't need his defense.

The city of chaos automatically turned on the defense function.

"How is this going!"

Chuangshi Yuanling and others looked at the big golden hand emitting endless rays of light in the distance in surprise.

"Could it be that there is an invasion by foreign enemies?!"

"Who is it, who dares to mess around in the city where the powerful people of the boundless realm are in control?!"

The golden armor guard on the side frowned tightly and looked into the distance, and said slowly: "There is only another Dao Wuya strong man who can do this, otherwise, the Dao Zhi realm strong man will be in chaos. The city's basic defenses can't be broken!"

"Invasion of Dao Wuya powerhouses?! Could it be that the Lord of Chaos City still has a mortal enemy in this lost land?!"

Creation Yuanling opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief.

"Of course, in this lost land, almost everyone has enemies, and the Dao Wuya powerhouse is no exception. The resources here are very limited. If you want to get more resources, battles will inevitably occur. It's all normal things."

The golden armor guard spoke calmly.

Seeing him so calm, it seems that this should not be the first time that a powerful man with no boundaries has invaded the city of chaos.

At this time, Bai Ye remembered the many terrifying traces of attacks he saw on the outer walls of the city of chaos.

It seemed that Dao Wuya could not maintain complete peace in this lost land.

That huge golden arm is still emitting the destructive energy that can annihilate countless worlds.

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But fortunately, at this moment, countless dazzling runes appeared in the chaotic city, quickly stabilizing the whole world.

All the chaotic city powerhouses flew out from various tall buildings, and they looked at the huge golden arm connecting the world and dared not approach.

Until a white-robed man stepped on a white cloud and quickly approached, there were eight black-robed men behind him.

"The Lord of the City has appeared!"

The golden-armored guard looked at the white-robed man in the distant sky and said in surprise.

"Is that the Lord of Chaos City?!"

Chuangshi Yuanling and others said in surprise.

They didn't seem to feel any oppressive breath from the white-robed man, as if the white-robed man thought of a very ordinary strong man.

..... 0 ......

An existence that can be ignored very much.

However, Bai Ye felt a bottomless energy in the white-robed man, which was extremely terrifying!

I can't see any cause and effect and energy fluctuations in him!

This is the real state of returning to the real state!

There is no deliberate cover up, but it makes ordinary strong people unable to see any information on him.

Even Bai Ye took a deep look and felt an inexplicable force attacking him. Fortunately, he used the Ten Directions Forbidden Array to cut off this connection at a critical moment.

But that's it, the white-robed man glanced at Bai Ye as if he was aware of it.

With this ordinary glance, Bai Ye seemed to feel that all the secrets on his body had been seen through by him.

"Interesting, it's not an entity."

The gentle voice of the white-robed man rang in Bai Ye's ears.

Bai Ye opened his eyes slightly, his body tense at this moment.

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