They all became anxious.

"I didn't expect three Dao Wuya powerhouses to come! Can the city lord of Chaos City be able to resist?!"

At this time, the Creation Yuanling and the others were also extremely worried.

They are not clear about the strength of the few Dao Wuya powerhouses in front of them, but a pair of three is not very good no matter what.

The golden armored guard standing beside him frowned tightly while looking at the situation ahead.

But he still insisted: "I have confidence in Lord City Lord, Lord City Lord will definitely suppress them all!"

"So confident?"

Creation Yuanling glanced at the golden armor guard with some surprise.

This time, the golden armor guard didn't answer him, just stared straight ahead. .

Chapter seven hundred and ninety-one: Wanxu treasure world, the road has no boundaries and four realms

Tertsang looked at the three Dao Wuya powerhouses in front of him, his eyes wandered slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

But it can be seen that there is still no panic on his face, as if there is a feeling of heaven and earth in his chest.

"It seems that you are very sure about your visit this time?"

At this time, his tone was much calmer.

Makes it hard to fathom.

Gui Tuo smiled and said: "To be honest, we are not very sure, but we still have to give it a try. You should have reached that level soon, right?"

Terma was silent and did not deny it.

Then he continued: "Aren't you afraid that I have reached that state?"

When he said this, Gui Tuo's face was stunned for a moment, and then he quietly felt the breath of Terma's body, as if he was relieved, and said with a light smile: "If you have reached that state, I am afraid you will not be here either. We are talking nonsense here."

"Ha ha."

Fu Zang smiled slightly.

"Since you have already come, let's take action. The Tianzu relic is on me. If you have the ability, you can take it."

The Terma calmly faced the Guido, and Izumo Boy and the Daoist Jianzhen opened their mouths.

Even in the face of three powerful men with no boundaries, he still maintained his 29 calmness.

"Actually, as long as you hand over the relics of the ancestors happily, we don't have to hurt the peace, why should we fight each other with knives? To be honest, I really don't want to offend you."

Izumo boy on the side, looked at Terma with a smile on his face and said.

He was generally aware of the strength of the terma, and if they were fighting alone, none of them would be his opponent.

They offended the terma today, and if any of them met the terma alone one day, it would be a disaster.

Although Terma is a relatively gentle person in the Lost Land, but if there is hatred, he will not be soft-hearted.

Izumo boy is also a little worried, and the terma will ask them to settle accounts separately in the future.

Tertsang snorted softly: "The matter has come to this, don't say such words again. If you have the courage to come here today, I am afraid that the consequences should be well thought out, so don't be shy in front of me."

"Izumo, don't say such words to destroy your own spirit at this time, let's do it!"

Daoist Jianzhen said in a cold voice.

He didn't seem to be afraid of the sky and the earth, the ancient sword clanged out of its sheath, and endless nine-colored rays of light flowed with the cold sword energy.

The void was neatly cut open, and it was as fragile as soft tofu. The sharp sword energy made the strong men in the chaotic city in the distance feel pain in their bodies!

This is still under the circumstance that the city of chaos has a protective cover. If there is no shelter from the city of chaos, they don't know how they will feel!

I am afraid that a wisp of sword energy can make them annihilated!

Seeing that Daoist Jianzhen was about to take action, the Terma waved his hand, and the surrounding time and space suddenly formed layers of transparent barriers, like blocks of thick ice, isolating all the time and space outside.

Seeing this move of Terma, Gui Tuo on the side showed a hideous smile and said, "I didn't expect that at this time, you still care about the lives of these ants!"

This move of Terma is entirely for their battle not to spread to the strong outsiders.

Fu Zang coldly glanced at Gui Tuo and said, "You and I also grew up from ants. Without the protection of the strong, neither you nor I would have grown to where we are today."

Facing the words of the terma, Guido said nothing more.

Yes, he used to grow up step by step from being weak, but after he grew up, his mentality has completely changed.

He knows that only strong enough is the truth, and he is not in the mood to protect the weak!

As long as he can reach a higher realm, even if all living beings are annihilated, he will not hesitate.

This is his belief that keeps getting stronger!

In fact, in the entire world beyond the Tao, for those strong people standing at higher places, he is not an ant-like existence!

Only when he gets all the resources and treasures to strengthen himself can he look down on everything!


Gui Tuo suddenly stood up from the green lotus pedestal, and a golden pestle appeared in his hand, smashing it towards the Terma.

The endless flower of the rune of the Tao is blooming!

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