At this moment, Daoist Jianzhen and Izumo Boy's expressions also became extremely indifferent. One after another, the chains trapped the treasures, and then the sword light that swept across the ages drowned the treasures.

In the face of their attacks, Terma calmly followed the mysterious and mysterious seals in his hands, and suddenly an endless purple-gold aura erupted from his body.

"The ten thousand soldiers are coming!"

Suddenly, from behind him, a ray of light filled the sky, and the sky and the earth were completely illuminated, and the space began to melt at this moment.

Then one after another, the weapons that were wrapped in the Law of Origin Dao rushed out from there, like a stream of eternal light, and the speed was unimaginable.

With the aura of destruction, he slashed towards Kita, Izumo Douji, and Daoist Jianzhen!

Gui Tuo, Izumo Boy, and Daoist Jianzhen looked at the treasure world behind Fu Zang with slightly widened eyes, as if they had discovered something horrifying.

One after another space barriers appeared in front of them, resisting the attack, and the void was constantly shattering, and they could hardly resist.

"Myriad Void Treasure World was actually found by you, and found by you!"

Gui Tuo, Daoist Jianzhen and Izumo boy were struggling to resist the attacks of the original Dao soldiers, and their faces were a bit ugly and said to the treasure.

"Hmph, didn't you think of 507?"

Tertsang held the treasure seal in his hand, and said solemnly.

"Then do you know that the Myriad Void Treasure World is so powerful?!"


Gui Tuo, Daoist Jianzhen and Izumo boy did not hesitate to tear open the void and run away.

They understand what it means that the treasure world has been refined by the treasures.

This requires the origin realm in the boundless Dao to be able to do it!

One of the Dao Wuya realms is divided into four realms, from low to high, they are the Primordial Realm, the Origin Realm, the Great Burial Realm, and the Palm Dao Realm!

The three of them are all in the Primordial Realm in the boundless Tao!Originally, they thought that the treasure was also in the Primordial Realm, but they did not expect that the treasure had been quietly promoted to the Origin Realm!

Only the Origin Dao Realm on the other side of the refining Dao can be promoted to the Origin Realm!

Wanxu Treasure Realm is the origin Dao Realm on the other side of Dao!

The fact that the terma can display the Myriad Void Treasure Realm can illustrate the state of the terma at this time!

"Hmph, I want to go! It's late!"

With the change of the Terma gesture, the Myriad Void Treasure Realm suddenly became larger, sucking Gui Tuo, Daoist Jianzhen, and Izumo boy all into it.

Gui Tuo, Daoist Jianzhen and Izumo Boy shouted, but to no avail, they had no chance of breaking free if they were swallowed by the Myriad Void Treasure Realm.

It can be seen that in the Myriad Void Treasure Realm, a piece of Tao's source weapon was activated to drown them all. .

Chapter [*]: Questions and Answers

In the sound of screams, their bodies were all torn to pieces.

But the terma did not completely kill them, but suppressed them under a bronze pagoda.

After all this is done, Terma will return to his normal look and breath, and the Myriad Void Treasure Realm behind him will slowly disappear.

Seeing this, Bai Ye and other powerhouses in Chaos City felt shocked.

The domineering power displayed by the terma was an eye-opener for them.

"Myriad Void Treasure Realm was really obtained by the Lord of the City. There were some rumors before that I couldn't believe it. This time I saw it with my own eyes. It was really shocking.

Many powerful Daozhi powerhouses were amazed.

However, after the terma had dealt with all of this, he disappeared again, as if the dragon had seen its head but not its tail.

After he left, the order of the entire chaotic city gradually recovered.

At this time, Bai Ye also felt that the treasures seemed to be a level higher than the three Dao Wuya powerhouses.

But it doesn't have the kind of strength that can be crushed with a flick of a finger, it should be only a small realm higher.

But now he is not very clear about the specific realm of Dao Wuya.

He was silent for a moment, turned his head and glanced at the golden armored guard and said slowly, "In the realm of Dao Wuya, is there a specific division of the realm?"

The golden armor guard looked at Bai Ye and was slightly taken aback.

He seemed surprised that Bai Ye didn't know the division of this boundless realm?

No, according to Bai Ye's strength, he should be very familiar with the division of the entire cultivation realm, right?

However, he was only a little stunned and quickly recovered his expression, and it was inconvenient for him to ask more about Bai Ye.

Since Bai Ye asked, he answered truthfully: "Dao Wuya does have a small realm, but the gap between this small realm is also very large, similar to the gap between the Dao-level powerhouse and the Daozhi powerhouse. ¨..."

"Oh? There is such a big gap in this small realm?"

Bai Ye's brows turned and he said in amazement.

The Golden Armored Guard said directly and simply: "Of course, at the end of this practice, even if it is only a small gap in realm, the strength may be different."

Bai Ye agrees with this.

Just like Daozhi's mid-level realm powerhouse can easily kill Daozhi's primary peak powerhouse, the realm gap is not big, but the strength gap is still quite large.

Daozhi realm is like this, so the realm strength gap in Dao Wuya realm is even more needless to say.

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