"Then what is the specific division of the small realm?"

At this time, Chuangshi Yuanling asked for Bai Ye.

Several of them are also very curious about the division of the realm, because one day they can't say that they will reach that realm.

Although the process is extremely difficult and even an extravagant hope, there is always a glimmer of hope in my heart.

The Golden Armored Guard didn't give a shit, and replied directly: "Dao Wuya is divided into four realms, from low to high, namely, the Primordial Realm, the Origin Realm, the Great Burial Realm, and the final Dao Dao Realm."

"Then is it the legendary emperor and Taoist realm after this?"

Chuangshi Yuanling's expression moved slightly, and then he asked.

"Yes, but that existence is supreme. It is the ceiling on the other side of the entire Tao. With a single thought, it can dominate the life and death of billions of powerful people. This lost land has never been born with such a realm of powerhouses."

The Golden Armored Guard replied lightly.

For the existence of that taboo, he both revered and felt fear.

Hearing that Bai Ye seemed to be aware of some information, he frowned slightly and said, "So, in addition to the supreme existence, the powerhouses of other realms exist in this lost land?!"

Creation Yuanling also seemed to have thought of this question, and looked at the golden armor guards in unison.

Seeing their curious appearance, the golden armor guards didn't intend to hide anything, and said with a faint smile: "Yes, apart from the Taoist gods and the emperor, there are indeed terrifying and abnormal powerhouses in the Lost Lands. Hidden in the depths of the Lost Land, they occupy the most advantageous geographical environment, and they cultivate in meditation. Under normal circumstances, they cannot be seen at all. The people who can be active are basically the powerhouses and origins of Hongmeng who are boundless. Realm powerhouses, but the origin realm powerhouses are less active outside. When they reach their realm, they basically don’t need to deliberately compete for some leftovers outside. As long as they accumulate enough, they can go into the depths of the lost land and look for them. A suitable place to practice."

"I see."

Chuangshi Yuanling and the others nodded thoughtfully.

Just now, they saw Gui Tuo and the others who came to Chaos City for treasures.

Treasures in the hands of Terma should be very attractive, and it stands to reason that there should be many Dao Wuya powerhouses secretly spied on.

After the Golden Armor Guard explained this, they suddenly realized.

When Gui Tuo and the other three masters in the Dao Wuya realm were fighting against the Terma, it was possible that some Dao Wu Ya realm experts were secretly observing and spying, but after seeing the strength of the tertang, they were afraid to retreat.

Since the Origin Realm powerhouses in Dao Wuya rarely show up, then the powerhouses like Terma should be regarded as one of the top existences in the Lost Land.

Because those more powerful beings simply dormant for hundreds of millions of years, they basically don't care about the outside world.

"¨"It seems that this lost place is also very difficult, and the powerhouse of the Daozhi realm is not much different from the ants here."

Bai Ye frowned slightly and said.

Listening to his words, the golden armor guard on the side smiled faintly and said: "Lord Bai Ye, why did you say this, as long as you don't provoke those who are in the Dao Wuya realm, the Dao Zhi realm powerhouses are also free to travel through the lost land. , Those who are in the realm of Dao Wuya will not attack those in the realm of Daozhi for no reason, and with the strength of Lord Bai Ye, they should be able to break through the realm of Daozhi and reach the realm of Wuya soon, right?"

The last sentence was meant to be tentative.

But Bai Ye didn't have anything to hide, just nodded slightly. For him, it was really easy to step into the boundless realm.

Just spend value points.

It should be very easy to collect [*] trillion value points in the world beyond the Tao.

By now, he has a rough understanding of the information about the world beyond the Tao, and his clone can be disintegrated and dispersed at any time.

But when he wanted to disperse the clone like this, it was a little frivolous, and he wanted to do something interesting when he finally dissipated. .

Chapter [*]: Conflict, Little Marquis

"You said before that you can let us go to the City Lord's Mansion to see?"

Bai Ye turned his head slightly to look at the golden armor guard and said.

"Yes, I don't know if Lord Bai Ye is interested. With the strength of Lord Bai Ye, it is still possible to get the identity of an inspector in Chaos City."

Seeing Bai Ye's intention to mention the City Lord's Mansion, the golden-armored guard smiled slightly.

Bai Ye frowned slightly.

In fact, he has no interest in the identity of this inspector, but just wants to see how strong the core of Chaos City is.

"You can go and see, but don't think highly of my strength."

Bai Ye smiled lightly and said.

In fact, there is not much energy left in his body, and the strength he exerts will not be the peak.

After all, he had consumed a lot of energy in the two previous battles.

Although he tried his best to control the loss, no matter how he controlled the fight between the Daozhi realm powerhouses, the energy consumed was quite large.

"Inspector? Just the few of you want to be inspectors? I really don't know what to do!"

I don't know when a bronze open-top carriage slowly rolled past Bai Ye and them. On the carriage, a young man with fair skin and a thin mouth raised his head and ate a bunch of divine fruit similar to grapes. He glanced at Bai Ye disdainfully. etc. Humane.

Apparently, he had heard one or two of the conversation between Bai Ye and the 510th soldier of the Golden Armored Guard.

"What did you say! Say it again!"

Bai Ye didn't say anything yet, but the Spirit Beast of Fate Time and Space couldn't help it. He stepped forward slightly and scolded the young man on the carriage.

The golden armor guard looked at the young man on the carriage, his face was not very good-looking, he secretly pulled the fate time-space spirit beast.

It seemed that the young man on the carriage made him very afraid.

"Presumptuous! Do you know who is in this car!"

A guard in red scale armor who was guarding the carriage yelled at the Fate Space-Time Spirit Beast with a spear in his hand.

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