Fortunately, I didn't offend Senior White just now, or else I really explained it here at this time.

After listening to Mo Li's introduction, Bai Ye looked back at Hu Mao, who had been following him.

The tiger hair seemed to see Bai Ye looking at it, so he ran a few steps to the first, "dong dong dong" came to Bai Ye, tilted his head and stared at Bai Ye cutely.

Bai Ye heard Mo Li's exclamation in his ears, praising its lovely voice.

Bai Ye's face was full of helplessness. If he wanted a pet, what Zhu Tiancheng had was why he wanted this one, a monster that didn't look very powerful.

Bai Ye thought about it and said that this monster has a high IQ, so he should be able to understand what he is saying.

Bai Ye let Mi Tsang and the others go first, and then made a gesture at Hu Mao to let him follow him.

After seeing that thing, Pi Dian Pi Dian followed.

Bai Ye stopped, turned his head and said to Hu Mao, "Big man, don't follow me, I won't accept you as a demon beast, your strength is a little too weak, wait for you to practice."

That tiger fur seemed to be anxious and angry at Bai Ye, shouting something "hum, hum, hum".

Bai Ye couldn't understand it, and was too lazy to study it, so he waved at it.

"Tell you, don't follow me, or you'll be welcome." Then Bai Ye released a trace of imposing aura of boundless realm.

Looking at the tiger hair fruit then taking a step back, shivering.

Bai Ye turned around and walked towards the back of Mi Zang's team.

They walked for about an hour.

Came to the foot of a mountain, one side is a steep mountain, the other side is a rolling hillside.

Mi Zang walked to the end of the line and said to Bai Ye.

"Senior Bai, we came out this time to receive a mission from the division gate to capture the eighth-order spirit beasts. In front of them is the lair of the eighth-order spirit beasts, magic eagles. We are here now, take a rest, and wait until the evening is the best opportunity to capture. "

Bai Ye nodded, picked a big tree at random, jumped on the branch, closed his eyes and meditated.

The spiritual power of the world beyond the Tao is indeed much richer than that of the heavens and the world. .

Chapter 819 Capture the Eighth-Order Magic Eagle

Mi Tsang and the others saw that Bai Ye was already meditating on the tree, so they did not dare to disturb him.

Therefore, if the division of labor is clear, it is easy to clean up.

Although they are disciples on the other side of the Tao, they have also cultivated from the very beginning. Their cultivation base is the highest, that is, Mizang.

So they treated Bai Ye with great respect. Bai Ye took the time to look down and found that they had a clear division of labor, clear organization, and tacit cooperation. It seems that several people should come out to do tasks often.

It was getting dark soon, and Bai Ye didn't need to do this task, so he still sat on the treetops and meditated.

Mo Li and Mi Zang did not dare to disturb Bai Ye.

They prepared to catch the magic eagle by themselves, so they set up traps to lure the magic eagle.

The magic eagle is a kind of monster that lives on the cliffs, but it will produce magic cores in its body.

Most of the magic eagles are of the wind element, some are of the thunder element, and some are of the water element, depending on their own attributes.Bai Ye saw Mi Zang and the others, holding a special kind of meat in his hands, emitting rosemary.

Then he threw it into the trap to lure the magic eagle down to prey.

Bai Ye had already felt it, and there were three wandering in the sky, hesitating.

Looking down at the methods of Mo Li and Mimi Zang, he shook his head.

But Bai Ye didn't plan to help them, after all, this was their own teacher's experience.

At this moment, a magic eagle in the sky couldn't stand the temptation and charged towards the ground very fast.

Bai Ye looked at it in surprise, the green vortex air flow in mid-air.

I didn't expect that just an eighth-order magic eagle can produce such a great momentum. It seems that the other side of this road is really not easy.

The blue-gray magic eagle swooped down, grabbed the meat, and immediately ran out.

How could Mo Li and Mi Zang Shimen let them escape?Soon several people formed a large formation to bind the magic eagle.

But the eighth-order magic eagle is not so easy to deal with.

I saw that the eighth-order magic eagle flapped its wings, creating a blue vortex, like a small hurricane, fanning to Mi Zang's brothers one by one.

A few people couldn't bear it and were instantly fanned to the sky.

Fortunately, several of them were ready, and they were all tied with ropes.

The magic eagle probably saw that the hurricane had nothing to do with them, so it spread its wings and trembled vigorously.

Then I saw the feathers on the wings straightened instantly, and they flew towards Mo Li and Mi Zang like sharp arrows.

Some of their senior brothers could not afford to be injured, and they happened to be stabbed in the shoulders, and some were stabbed in the thighs, bleeding profusely.

What makes Bai Ye appreciate is that these young people did not give up, nor shouted loudly, but gritted their teeth and insisted.

Maintaining the formation, it seems that they are very team-minded, which is not bad.

Bai Ye has a certain favorable impression of this Demon Flame Sect, and it is estimated that the sect that can educate such disciples will not be too bad.

Don't underestimate the shrewdness of animals, they have keen intuition.

When a few people were injured and distracted, the eighth-order magic eagle immediately fanned out a few small hurricanes and shot at them, while the sharp arrows behind them splashed away like raindrops.

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