After dodging the hurricane, Mi-zang was accidentally pierced in his left arm by a sharp arrow that followed.

Those who were hit by this force took two steps back, and at this time their formation was slowly weakening.

The eighth-order magic eagle saw the opportunity and continued to flap its wings, generating more hurricanes, interfering with their sight, and seeing that the eighth-order magic eagle was about to fly out of their control.

Mi Zang immediately shouted: "Quick! Keep the formation, don't let it run away!"

But the reality is not as they thought, the eighth-order magic eagle broke free from their formation and escaped.

Just as he was about to escape, the ground suddenly shook.

Then came the painful cry of the magic eagle, and a few happy chirps.

Bai Ye was also shaken by the ground's vibration, jumped out, and walked closer.

I saw the eighth-order magic eagle struggling, chirping, roaring, and the sound of pain resounded through the heavens and the earth, but it was powerless.

Because sitting on it is the white and fat body of the tiger hair that has been following Bai Ye.

Seeing Bai Ye coming over, Hu Mao immediately made a chirping sound, as if he was complacently asking for credit.

And Bai Ye is full of black lines, when did this thing come over?And it flew down from the sky.

Bai Ye looked at Mi Zang with a look of surprise, gestured to him with an expression, and gave himself a powerful explanation.

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Mi Zang was also full of surprise, but then looked at Hu Mao in surprise.

Then seeing Bai Ye's expression, he explained with a smile: "Senior Bai, don't look at its huge size, but it's flexible, and it can grow and shrink freely. floating in the sky."

and many more!Bai Ye felt that he heard something extraordinary.

Can this thing get bigger?into a balloon?floating in the sky.

"What level is this thing?"

Bai Ye glanced at him, looked at his reward-seeking tiger fur with expectant eyes, turned his head and asked Mi Zang.

Mi Zang seems to have only realized it now, so he just said, why doesn't Senior White want tiger hair!

...... 0

"Senior Bai, he is a species of super tenth order, but this one is a cub now, and it is only ninth order now.

Seeing Bai Ye's puzzled expression, he explained it tomorrow morning.

"The rite of passage for them is to advance to the tenth level. After they reach adulthood, they will exist in the super tenth level. No one has tested how powerful they will be, so we call this kind of beast a super tenth level beast."

When Mi Zang said this, he looked at Bai Ye in embarrassment.

"Little Junior Sister didn't continue to entangle Tiger Hair just now, not only because of Senior White, but also because after we arrived, we found that it was already of the ninth rank. With our strength, it was not its opponent, so we let it fend for itself. ."

Bai Ye nodded knowingly when he heard this. It turned out to be the case. It seems that this thing is quite powerful.

Bai Ye pointed at Hu Mao: "Get up and give them the thing under your butt! You will be killed by you."

When Hu Mao heard Bai Ye speak to it, he chirped happily twice.

Then he moved his butt, and pressed the two wings of the magic eagle with one hind leg, and then stood up.

It stamped its other foot on the ground.

"Tweet!" They called out to Mi Zang and the others twice.

After seeing Mi Zang walking to its side and catching the magic eagle, he released the screaming foot that was holding the magic eagle's wings.

Then bang bang bang came to the front of Bai Ye.So.

Chapter 820 Accepting Tiger Hair

Bai Ye saw Tiger Hair standing in front of him and asking him for credit.

Feeling itchy in my heart, I reached out and touched the white fluff in front of me.

Well, it still feels pretty good.

Hu Mao may have felt Bai Ye's closeness, and leaned forward like a spoiled child.

Bai Ye looked up at the behemoth squatting in front of him, and felt that this thing was very considerate, and it was nothing if he took it.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye asked Mi Zang next to him, "What do you eat with this thing, usually?"

Mi Zang and a few senior brothers had already packed up the magic eagle and put it in a cage specially designed to hold the magic eagle.

As soon as I walked to Bai Ye to thank him, I heard Bai Ye's question, then thought for a moment and said to Bai Ye.

"Tiger feathers eat different things according to different attributes, but most of them are omnivores and eat everything. Of course, it is best to give them food corresponding to their attributes, which will help them advance."

Omnivores, so well fed!

Bai Ye turned around, looked up and down, squatted in front of him and let himself touch the tiger fur.

Looking up at Hu Mao tentatively: "Hey, big guy! Do you know what kind of attribute you are?"

Hu Mao nodded very humanly, and took a step back regardless of Bai Ye's surprise.

Then the white hair on his body trembled, and then the tiger hair chirped a few times towards Bai Ye.

Then I saw that on its snow-white hair, first cyan flashed, then yellow, gold, green, red, and finally blue light, making it look like a lantern.

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