Before Bai Ye could understand, he heard Mi Zang's exclamation and Mo Li's scream.

"This is, this is all-attribute tiger hair, my God! It actually exists."

Looking at the exclaimed Moli, Bai Ye asked her casually, "Are all attributes rare?"

As a result, not only Moli nodded, but even the always steady Mi Zang kept nodding his head.

And he explained excitedly: "Senior White, you may not know that the monsters on the other side of the road usually focus on cultivating one attribute, and the monsters with only one attribute must be top-level existences."

This Bai Ye knew, so he nodded, pointed at the tiger fur, and said, "But this thing, it has five attributes."

"Yes, Senior White, ordinary monsters will have two or three attributes. Because of their limited spiritual power, they can only cultivate one or two. If the attributes are both good, if the attributes are mutually restrained, you can only choose one. Come to practice."

When Mi Zang said this, he watched Bai Ye continue his introduction.

"The reason for this result. It's because their attributes are unbalanced! Compared with a single top-quality attribute, all attributes are rare in the world! Because the five elements are healthy and there is no mutual restraint, you can cultivate any attribute at will."

Bai Ye raised one eyebrow in surprise and looked up and down around the tiger fur.

And Hu Mao's head also followed Bai Ye's gaze.

It looked very cute and vivid, and Mo Li on the side saw this, put down her surprise, and started to make a foolish voice again.

Bai Ye really didn't expect that when he met a big guy on the road, he turned out to be a remarkable existence, and this thing was quite knowledgeable and followed him like this.

After thinking about it in the middle of the night, it is rare to encounter an omnivorous spirit beast that is so powerful and delivered to the door, and it doesn't take much effort to raise it.Just accept it with difficulty.

So Bai Ye casually touched the tiger's white fur again and said to it.

"Okay, big guy, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Although your strength is average now, for the sake of your obedience, just follow me."

Hu Mao seemed to understand and circled around Bai Ye.

It jumped while turning, making a chirping sound.

The ground was swayed up and down by it, and Bai Ye was dizzy.

"Stop, stand for me, don't jump! Remember, except when attacking the enemy, you have to walk lightly at other times. Do you understand? Otherwise, I won't want you."

Hu Mao nodded obediently, and chirped twice at Bai Ye.

In this way, Bai Ye did not make any contract, and let Hu Mao follow him willingly.

This makes Mo Li and Mi Zang and his party very envious.

He also made up his mind that he would cultivate well, and if his abilities were strong enough, he would naturally come to join such a high-level beast.

There are several people in the Mi Zang family, although they said that they have completed some tasks...  

But because of the addition of tiger feathers, they plan to capture a few more magic eagles, which can be exchanged or given away by themselves.

Bai Ye did not interfere, and let them ask Hu Mao by themselves. In the end, Mi Zang bribed Hu Mao a lot of good things, and Hu Mao finally agreed to help them capture the magic eagle.

The previous one is to attract Bai Ye's attention and show his strength. Bai Ye has already accepted it, so Hu Mao will not easily help.

Seeing this, Bai Ye nodded secretly, yes, very shrewd, with the characteristics of our city of the heavens.

With the help of Tiger Fur, Mi Zang and the others captured several more magic eagles.

Then they plan to go back, because their mission has been successfully completed this time.

The way back went smoothly.

Mi Zangji was galloping fast, while Bai Ye was lying leisurely on Hu Mao's back.

Let the tiger hair camel walk with him, which is both comfortable and comfortable.

Since it is their own magical beast, there is no need to use it for nothing, and along the way, Mi Zang and the others sometimes stopped to catch some useful magical beasts.

Of course, at this time, they especially hoped that Hu Mao would come to help.

But Hu Mao also has a temper. Occasionally, when they offer a bribe, they convince it to take one or two shots.

If I'm in a bad mood, I don't care about Mi Zang and Mo Li at all.

Follow Bai Ye wholeheartedly, it can be said that wherever Bai Ye goes, it will follow it, as if 2.1 was afraid that Bai Ye would throw it away.

This made Mi Zang and Mo Li very speechless.

And Bai Ye is also very speechless, why is he like an old mother.

Later, Bai Ye thought about it, maybe because he didn't sign a contract with it, so this big guy has been following him carefully.

In the end, Bai Ye was also annoyed, so he stopped to ask it.

"Big guy, is this because we didn't sign a contract? Do you want to sign it?"

What I didn't expect was Hu Mao's enthusiastic nod, and Bai Ye tentatively asked again: "You have been following me, are you afraid that I will run away, and you can't find me because you haven't signed a contract?"

Unexpectedly, the tiger hair was made at this time.Daughter-in-law's grievance, glanced at Bai Ye, and then tweeted twice aggrieved. .

Chapter 821 Coming to the Devil's Capital

In the end, Bai Ye had no choice but to negotiate the terms with it.

"If you don't, you have been following me step by step, and we will sign a contract."

With Hu Mao's consent, Bai Ye looked to the side of Mi Zang.

Mi Zang is still very good.Instantly understood.

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