He took out a stone from the space ring and handed it to Bai Ye.

"Senior Bai, this is the other side of our Tao, the contract stone needed to make a contract with a beast. After you melt it with your spiritual power, when you think about the contract, it will automatically transform into a contract, and you and the tiger hair will be drawn on the body of the contract symbol. imprint."

Bai Ye glanced at Mi Zang with admiration, and took the contract stone.

Then, according to Mi Zang, he signed a contract with Hu Mao.

After the contract was completed, Bai Ye felt a connection with Hu Mao, and quickly understood what Hu Mao meant.

On Hu Mao's forehead, a pattern like the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams appeared.

The same pattern also appeared on Bai Ye's right wrist, 29.

After signing the contract, it is really convenient.

When Mi Zang Moli catches other monsters, Hu Mao will go out to play and hunt by himself.

Tiger hair is indeed omnivorous, eating everything, flowers, trees, birds and beasts.

And it does not need to spend more energy in the night, which is much more convenient.

A few people were like this, walking and playing like a vacation, and soon arrived at the Demon City of the Demon God.

This is completely different from what Bai Ye imagined.

He thought that the Cold Demon City, although not as chaotic as the city, although not so savage and desolate!

But it should also be eerie, but I didn't expect the birds and flowers to be fragrant here, which is very delicate and beautiful.

Bai Ye pointed at the city gate of the Demon City, and said to Mi Zang, "What are the flowers on this city tower? What are the fluffy things on both sides? Is this the characteristic of the Demon City?"

Bai Ye really has no eyes to see!Because this demon god is exquisite and cute in appearance.

It really doesn't go well with the title Touching Shendu.

Seeing that Mi Zang nodded embarrassedly, he also felt that his understanding of the demons and gods was still very one-sided.

"What hobbies does this Demon God usually have?"

Seeing Bai Ye, who might have found the clue, Mi Zang smiled.

"Mo Dao God usually likes furry animals, such delicate flowers and plants, and cute girls."

Bai Ye was quite surprised, thinking to himself, okay, this is the first time I have met a character with such a unique style of painting.

In such a comparison, I feel that my Zhutian City is so high-end and upright.

Bai Ye followed Mi Tsang and the others into the city.

I have to say that the streets are also very clean, and especially delicate, and the details are in place.

It is very pleasing to the eyes everywhere, and the children who run by have smiles on their faces.

The overall feeling is that it is thriving, which makes Bai Ye more and more interested in the demon gods.

Bai Ye followed Mi Zang and Moli back to the Demon Flame Sect, at the gate of the Demon Flame Sect.

There were disciples from far away who greeted Mi Tsang and the others.

"Senior Brother Mi Zang, Junior Sister Moli, you are back."

Then they came to the interior of the Demon Flame Sect amid the constant greetings.

The Demon Flame Sect is okay. It looks normal as a whole. It is not as fancy as the city gate, but it is still very decent. Bai Ye is also relieved. If it is cute from the inside out, I really don't know what to do. Deal with him.

"Senior Bai, wait here for a moment, I will introduce you to our sect master after I go to hand over the sect mission!"

"Okay, you go to hand in the task first."

Mi Zang took the cage of the magic eagle and led a few brothers to a building on the side.

There are many sculptures placed at the entrance of the building, all in the shape of various monsters.

Among them, there is even a tiger hair. I looked at my sculpture, and the tiger hair was still curious to go to the east and touch the west.

After letting the passing disciples see the tiger hair, they exclaimed again and again.

At this time, a heroic voice came from Bai Ye's ears.

"Father, this tiger fur is so cute! I don't know which apprentice brother caught it, so go and catch one for me too."

Hearing this voice, Bai Ye turned around and saw a woman in red standing beside a middle-aged man in brown.

The two of them seemed to see Bai Ye clearly, and then the middle-aged man instantly turned serious and walked over.

"Excuse me, is this fellow Daoist invited by that disciple?"

At the same time, Mi Zang's voice came from behind Bai Ye.

"Master Teacher, this Senior White was invited by me."

The middle-aged man raised his head and saw Mi Zang and Mo Li, and immediately restrained the expression on his face, showing a smile, and then bowed apologetically towards Bai Ye.

"I'm sorry, this fellow Daoist is used to this, please forgive me, don't take it to heart."

Bai Ye waved his hand, indicating that he didn't care.

Then he turned his head and gestured to Mi Zang, who is this?

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