Mi Zang stepped forward and walked to Bai Ye's side, watching what Bai Ye said.

"Senior Bai, this is our elder Zhang Xuantong, who teaches the execution of criminal law, Master Zhang, and Senior White. We are just fine. Let's follow the teacher to see the head!"

Bai Ye nodded and gestured towards them, and Bai Ye followed Hu Mao and swayed behind the team.

When Mi Zang came to the front, he talked about how he met Bai Ye, his identity and the teacher in charge.

This uncle Zhang still turned his head in surprise, looked at Bai Ye, then bowed and walked forward again.

When they came to the main hall, they saw the head of the Demon Flame Sect.

It was only Bai Ye that he knew that this demonic god had not been the head for a long time.

His head is the seventh-generation disciple of the Demon God.

After listening to Mi Zang's introduction to Bai Ye's origin, he was very surprised to ask Bai Ye, what did he mean by looking for the devil?

"I came here because of the name. I've heard about the Demon God of the Demon God Capital for a long time. I have mastered the supreme supernatural powers and have worshiped it for a long time, so I want to have a deep friendship. At the same time, I have a business I want to talk to him about."

Talk about business?Just find the boss.

This is the first time I have heard in such a long time that someone came to do business with the Demon God.

Shouldn't the general businessman be the God of Wealth and the God of Wealth?How could they find their Demon God?

But the sect master knows that there are many such people, so let's not say anything else. He has already met this kind of people who come here several times.

So he nodded very clearly and coped with it with a smile.

"Dissatisfied with your Excellency, the Demon God has been away from the sect for a long time, and has already traveled around. If you want to meet fellow Daoists, I will arrange for you to live in a wing here. When the Demon God returns to the sect, I will introduce you again, and then you can meet. See you, how?"

As soon as Bai Ye heard it, he knew that this was what he was talking about. .

Chapter 822 Sound Transmission

Bai Ye is not angry either. To be honest, at his level now, it is hard to have anything or something that can make him feel angry or angry.

Because in Bai Ye's eyes, everything has rules and its own system.

Don't be surprised, it's self-defeating.

When Bai Ye was in this world, the rapidly developing information age had already allowed him to see a lot of things, and his vision was already very high.

Later, he got Zhutian City, which allowed him to see all kinds of worlds, all kinds of people and things.

So it was just a small embarrassment, and he didn't take it to heart.

It's just that this matter itself makes him a little difficult to handle, and he understands their vigilance and non-cutting.

But this time, I really have great benefits waiting for the Demon God.

How can I convince them that they are doing something right?

It seems that it has to be deterred by the cultivation base.

Wherever able people go, they will be respected, and their words will also be valued.

This is also the helplessness of human development to the present, and it can also be said to be the essence.

Bai Ye sat there and rubbed his brows, then looked up at the head sitting above.

With a slight smile, he said, "I understand your concerns, Sect Master. I know that this kind of thing should have happened a lot, but how can I make you believe that I really have something to do, that's my ability."

His words made the head sitting above stunned for a moment, just about to say something.

Suddenly, a terrifying coercion hit his face, and the sect master instantly felt that his blood had coagulated, the hairs all over his body stood upright, and his pores shrunk.

The uncontrollable heart throbbed, contracted, and beat in a panic.

This is not the most frightening thing for him, the most frightening thing is that he is a cultivator without boundaries, and he can't control his body.

At the same time, he actually had a feeling that he wanted to kneel and surrender.

And he didn't even have a sense of resistance, as if he wanted something else.

What greets him will be endless darkness and untold possibilities.

You must know, what is the concept of the boundless realm?The world's top powerhouse.Although he is only in the Primordial Realm, he will not be reduced to such a realm.

It was just a little bit of coercion, but at the moment, I was like a toddler facing a fairy.

There is absolutely no trace of even the slightest resistance.

And Mi Zang and the elders who were sitting next to them looked at the head and Bai Ye in confusion.

Because they could see with the naked eye that the head was pale and blue, and there was soy-like sweat on his forehead.

Falling down, the clothes on his body were soaked in an instant, and water stains slowly appeared.

On the other side of the white night, as if nothing happened, drinking tea leisurely.

It was normal for them not to react, because Bai Ye did not release coercion on them, and the elder sect master who was sitting on the side immediately got up and came to the sect master's side.

Then stared at Bai Ye angrily, because he already understood, what did Bai Ye do? !

Mi Zang also had some slight surprises, but there were still some in disbelief.

As far as he knows, we are now masters of the Dao Wuya realm, and if we can force the Sect Master to this point, then what a terrifying level Senior White's cultivation has reached.

Could it be comparable to the Demon God?

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