Mi Zang hurriedly shook his head, suppressing the terrifying conjecture in his heart.

But he looked up at the Sect Master who was sitting in the upper seat, still unable to move.

But he had to believe that his guess might be true. What kind of existence did he find?

At the same time, I am extremely fortunate that Mo Li was fortunately stopped in time.

I didn't offend Bai Ye, otherwise he might just be a handful of loess at this time.

Thinking of this, Mi Zang unconsciously glanced at Mo Li, and Mo Li obviously reacted just like him.

He could see the expression of surprise and fear in Mo Li's eyes.

Bai Ye felt that it was almost there, so he withdrew his coercion, and the head slumped on his seat instantly.

Breathing heavily, he felt the blood flow back to his limbs, arousing a real numbness.

Uncontrollable spasms, trembling, and he couldn't bring up a shred of strength, allowing his sweat to flow into the sweat in his eyes.

It's been a long time since I felt this situation, and the Sect Master doesn't know or can't tell.

Even if he is now facing the Demon God, he is not so vulnerable.

Mi Zang is a boy, where did he bring in this great Buddha?

At the same time, the sect master also understood that what Bai Ye said before, wanting to meet the Demon God, was not an excuse or flattery.

That's just the most real thoughts, it's just a simple meeting.

But after a moment, the sect master adjusted his state, then got up and walked quickly to Bai Ye.

Bowing to the deep in the middle of the night, bowed.

"I also hope that seniors will forgive my sins. It's because I have no eyes. Please seniors, there are a lot of adults, don't mind."

Bai Ye waved his hand indifferently: "¨"I don't mind, I also understand, you think I'm here to take advantage, so I'll tell you in the most intuitive way that I'm really here for something."

"Yes, what the senior said is that I didn't understand it myself." The head nodded again and again in response.

On the side of the headmaster elder and Mi Zang, their jaws were really shocked, but it should be the case when thinking about it.

Bai Ye didn't want to talk nonsense with them, so he asked straightforwardly: "Then if I am like this, can I see the Demon God?"

Hearing the words, the head appeared on his face, making Bai Ye unexpectedly reveal a bitter smile.

"Senior, to be honest, the Demon God is really not in the sect. He went out to travel a long time ago. At this time, I don't know where he is."

Bai Ye wrinkled his nose unexpectedly when he heard the headmaster's words.

"The magic detective didn't leave the sect's voice transmission or anything to contact him and solve the sect's internal affairs?"

If it was said that the Sect Master could not contact the Demon God, Bai Ye would not believe it.

There will always be an emergency way to contact him to protect his sect.

Bai Ye nodded when he saw the head: "Senior said that the Demon God left a message before he left."

Bai Ye just wanted to happily let the head contact the Demon God, and the next step was to wait for the head's explanation.

"But this sound transmission is the eye of the Demon Flame Sect's Mountain Protection Formation. If the sound transmission is sent to the Demon God, then this mountain protection formation will naturally be activated. Those who are not disciples of the Demon Flame Sect will be excluded by the formation. "

"Oh? This Demon God just doesn't want you to contact him?"

After listening to Bai Ye, I thought it was necessary to exaggerate.

It's just a sound transmission, there is something, I can't find him yet!

The opportunity this time is clearly when the sect is alive and dead, and he can use the sound transmission to tell him. .

Chapter 823 Seven emotions and six desires, the land of trials

Other times he is a dead man, and there is no such person.

This Demon God is a ruthless man.

When the head heard Bai Ye's words, he coughed softly in embarrassment.

"Senior, you can't say the same, because the Demon God, his cultivation is too high, and he can't use his spiritual power to influence and guide the development of the sect, so try not to interfere if you can."

"Okay, I don't need to explain so much to me, I just want to know if there is any other way to contact him."

Bai Ye waved his hand impatiently, unwilling to listen to the shirk's words.

When we see Bai Ye like this, we know that he really has something to do with the Demon God.

Maybe there is another way, but...

If this is the case, it may be feasible. Thinking of this, the Sect Master hesitates.

Bai Ye saw the head's concerns and said it directly.

"Don't hesitate, you've been chattering, and if you have anything, just say it directly, whether it will work or not, I will consider it for myself."

As soon as the head heard it, he thought it was the same, he raised his head, looked at Bai Ye respectfully, and explained in detail.

"Senior, I don't know, the Demon Dao God left behind before he left. There is a way to find him, but this method is more difficult and complicated than opening a mountain."

Bai Ye heard the head say this, and suddenly became interested: "Oh! What a complicated method, let's hear it."

We saw that Bai Ye was so interested, so we said it bravely.

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