Seeing the surprise and amazement on Bai Ye's face, he added another sentence.

"So you two, let me go quickly! Otherwise, my great-grandfather knows who hurt me, and will definitely not spare you."

After hearing this, the Demonic God sneered, then stretched out his demonic palm and grabbed the young man's throat.

"Boy, are you a little too arrogant? We don't even know whether what you said is true or not. Do you think we will believe you? Just move out someone and come to scare us. of."

The young man was a little nervous and shouted with a bit of urgency.

"I didn't lie, what I said was true, you let me go now, I have something to prove."

Oh?Bai Ye tilted his head in surprise, and looked at the young man with a hint of curiosity: "You take out the things and show us, so that we can know the truth."

The young man looked a little unconvinced. He glanced at the hand of the Demon Dao God on his neck with his eyes, and then said to Bai Ye: "You let him take his hand away first, and I will show it to you, otherwise, I will also I can't take it."

Bai Ye smiled when he heard the words, and then looked at the Demon God.

He said to Mo Zhishen in a gentle tone: "Big Brother Du, let him go first and see what he can come up with to prove his identity. I'm also very curious, this is the most mysterious first avenue god."

The Demon God let go of his hand, and the shrewd young man immediately took a few steps back and coughed a few times.

Then, from the space ring, he took out a talisman and shook it in the direction of Bai Ye.

"This is my great-grandfather's first sword god, the sound transmission to me. If I am in any danger, I will transmit it to him, and he can come and save me!"

Then he put away the sound transmission, took out the second talisman, and continued.

"This one, this is my great-grandfather's avatar, with a wisp of my great-grandfather's consciousness on it, if you guys want to hurt me, I will crush the talisman, and my great-grandfather's avatar can kill you. "

The young man raised his face proudly when he saw that Bai Ye and the Demon God were silent.

"How is it, are you afraid? So don't help me up, sir, and show me your demon beast, or I'll be rude to the two of you."

"If you have the ability, you can pinch it. I really want to see the true face of this first god. It's so mysterious. It turns out that it's just a person who doesn't know how to teach his descendants."

When the young man heard that the Demon God was not afraid of his great-grandfather, he suddenly panicked.

Then he said in a stuttering voice, "I tell you, you... don't mess around, my great-grandfather is very good."

The Demon God was a little impatient to hear what the young man said, so he waved his palm and overturned the young man to the ground.

Just when the Demon God wanted to take a step forward and directly kill the young man.

But he was stopped by Bai Ye. Although Bai Ye felt that the young man was so arrogant, he believed what the young man said.

Bai Ye didn't want to offend the Ten Great Dao Gods prematurely, especially the first Divine Sword God who was the most mysterious and easily invisible to others, so he planned to let this young man go.

"Brother Du, let's let him go, let him be spared, and I don't think what he said is fake."

Mo Dao Shen looked at Bai Ye with a serious face and thought for a while, then let go and said to the young man hiding behind his valet.

"Boy, I don't have the same knowledge as you today, so let's go."

There was a hint of viciousness in the young man's eyes, and then he pretended to have hurriedly stuck his head out and said, "I don't know who you are yet? Do you dare to tell me who you are?"

As soon as the Demon God heard this, he became angry: "Hey, you kid, let you go! Why are you still thinking about taking revenge? Then I will tell you today, I will change my name if I can, and I will not change my surname... ..."

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"Brother Du, it's alright, don't get to know him in the same way, let's go, there are other important things to do."

Bai Ye hurriedly covered the voice of the Demon God with his voice.

Don't let him say his name, because when the Demon God spoke just now.

I didn't see it from the front. The boy's eyes were unwilling and hot, but Bai Ye could see it clearly, so he knew that the boy wasn't just asking for his name.

The Demon Dao who was stopped by Bai Ye hummed away from Bai Ye's hand.

Then he summoned his own demonic beast, Whale Feitian, and after sitting with Bai Ye, he rose back into the air and left.

The young man saw that Bai Ye and the Demon God had already left.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, and reached out and slapped his attendant in the face.


At the same time, he also scolded: "Trash, it's all trash, just two people, they are afraid of this."

"Master, it's not that we are afraid, it's that those two people are really too powerful. Under their coercion, we can't move. Those two people should already have a boundless realm."

After listening to the young man, he was thoughtful. In the world beyond Dao, there are not many in the realm of Dao Wuya. If he does not find these two people, it will be difficult to understand the hatred in his heart.

This young man did not lie. He was indeed the great-grandson of the Sword God, but he was a collateral grandson of the brother of the Sword God. It could be said that the relationship was very distant.

But this young man is very good at manipulating people's hearts, so he was also very pleased by the Kendo God, so he gave him those talismans, which also gave him the opportunity to pretend to be a tiger.

And because the young man was used to being arrogant, he really felt that he was the most beloved grandson of the Kendo God, and he was very arrogant and domineering.

And Demon Dao God and Bai Ye were indeed the first ones who made him suffer this humiliation, one can imagine how unwilling he was.

So he directed at the valet beside him: "Go, go and find out who these two people are? I must find an opportunity to let these two people submit to my feet and beg me on my knees!"

The young man looked at Feitian who had already flown away in the distance!His eyes flashed fiercely and fiercely.

His little valet immediately took the lead and pushed it down.

But Bai Ye and the Demon God didn't know that they had offended such a villain who was so arrogant.So.

Chapter 835 Kendo Mechanical God

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