On the other side, on Fei Tian's back.

The Demon God was a little indignant and complained to Bai Ye.

"Brother Bai, why did you stop me? That little guy, I just had to put in a little effort to end his life. If I keep him like this, I'm worried that there will be a steady stream of troubles in the future."

Bai Ye nodded and said to the Demon God: "Big Brother Du, I also know that this person doesn't look like the kind of broad-minded person, and he will definitely wait for the opportunity to retaliate against us in the future, but if we kill him at this time. , the revenge of the first sword god will follow one after another."

Speaking of this, Bai Ye paused, looked at the Demon God and said, "Don't we still know who is colluding with the Twelve Emperors? Therefore, within the ten Dao Gods, we can't cause disputes and contradictions here. ."

When the Demon God heard Bai Ye's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that he reached out and patted Bai Ye's back.

With a hearty smile: "Sure enough, Brother Bai still looks transparent and white. I'm a little impulsive. At this time, it's really not the time for conflicts between our top ten Taoist students."

Demon Dao Shen picked up a glass of wine and said to Bai Ye, "Brother Bai, I'll give you a toast. Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books! I, Du Shiliu, are here, and I thank Brother Bai for his advice."

Bai Ye humbly picked up the wine glass, shook his head and said, "Big Brother Du, this is polite, but Big Brother Du is the kind of outspoken true gentleman who always considers so many details?"

Seeing that Bai Yi still wanted to be humble, the Demon God directly interrupted him.

"Okay, brother Bai, don't be humble, come and drink this cup for our meeting."

Bai Ye and Mo Dao Shen touched the wine glasses, and then drank it, and heard the praise sound of Mo Dao God laughing in his ears.

"Happy! Brother Bai, it's really a blessing to know you."

"Brother Du, you are being humble. You are my lucky star. I know you, such a hard-to-find mechanical god, I can easily contact you, and I feel lucky."

Bai Ye and the Demon God looked at each other and smiled.

This incident was just an episode. In the end, neither of them took it to heart, so they just let him go.

In a blink of an eye, they had already arrived at the Mechanical City.

This mechanical city did not disappoint Bai Ye. From a distance, one could feel the complex and sophisticated feeling of the machine, which was different from the high-tech metallic feeling.

Before the two of them approached, the city gate of the mechanical city slowly opened.

This city gate is different from any city gate seen in the night. From a distance, it looks like an ordinary city gate.

But when it is fully opened, you will find that it actually forms a pattern.

From a distance, the word "welcome" is actually formed.

Hearing the Demon God say that the characters on the city gate can be changed at will, and various characters can be adjusted according to the mood of the Mechanic God, and the white night is also amazed.

More and more interested in mechanical sounds, Bai Ye has always felt that technology can change the world and promote the development of the world, so this mechanical god is obviously the same.

When the two of them landed at the city gate, they got off Fei Tian's back.

I saw that the two sides of the car door had been covered with long red carpets, and there were many puppets standing on both sides.

It's so lifelike that if you hadn't walked up to it, you wouldn't have noticed it.

Although the expression on his face may be a little stiff, the coordination of his limbs is very good.

As soon as the two of them walked to the gate, they saw an elderly and amiable old man who greeted him at the gate of the city.

The Demon God walked forward skillfully, bowed respectfully, and shouted, "Uncle Li, why did you come to pick us up?"

"Little boy, I heard that you brought a good friend here, and he is the friend he is interested in, so he told me to come here to pick you up."

The demon statue Bai Ye said: "This is the butler of the mechanical god. It can be said that the entire mechanical city is run by Li Bo. Brother Bai, you can call him Li Bo."

Bai Ye Wen Yan bowed respectfully towards Uncle Li, and then shouted, "Boy Bai Ye, thank Uncle Li for waiting here."

Li Bo looked up and down the white clothes, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Then he praised: "Not bad, not bad, looks calm and easy-going, Du Shi, you are not a good boy, but you have made some good friends."

The Demon God followed Li Bo's words and continued: "Of course, your family's Li Xiao is not an ordinary person, let alone my brother Bai! Come on, Li Bo, Li Xiao should be in a hurry, he is Impatient..."

Li Bo also laughed and pointed at the Demon God with his finger: "You brat!"

After he finished speaking, he took the Demon God and Bai Ye into the Mechanical City.

After entering the mechanical city, Bai Ye felt that his eyes were not enough.

Because there are exquisite mechanical mechanisms everywhere, the appearance looks very ordinary, but Bai Ye can feel that the hidden energy operation is not ordinary.

Li Bo was very interested in Bai Ye, so he introduced several famous buildings to Bai Ye one by one.

Li Bo pointed to a fan-shaped building on the street and introduced it to Bai Ye.

"This is a famous restaurant here. It was designed by a small company. At that time, he felt that it was too hot in summer, so he wanted to design a building with a cool appearance and a cool interior."

The Demon God hurriedly added on the side: "Yes, Brother Bai, when it's hot, the windows and eaves of this piece will turn into windmills one by one, and they will rotate automatically, and the room will be very cool."

Bai Ye nodded clearly when he heard it. This is the concept of modern air-conditioned rooms.

Li Bo pointed to another building that looked like a spider and introduced it to Bai Ye.

"This is the famous Xiuyi Building here. When night falls, dozens of long sashes are released from the spider's stomach and stretch out everywhere. The girls who performed that night will use this long sash as a passage to enter this place. in the building.”

The Demon God was beside him.

"That's really a super beauty 2.1, Chang Ling is beautiful, and people are full of fairy spirit, and even the whole scene is dazzlingly beautiful, with all kinds of lights, tsk tsk, when? I'll bring you here to meet me."

Bai Ye is also very curious. This unique way of appearing is also thanks to the mechanic being able to come up with it.

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