It seems that every building here is not only its unique appearance, but also its substantial use value, which is its greatest charm.

So Bai Ye listened more and more seriously to Li Bo's introduction.

When Bai Ye saw the front, there was a square building, which can be said to be the most common building.

But in the mechanical city, compared with other strange buildings around it, it is the most unusual.

Bai Ye pointed to the building and asked Li Bo: "What is this for?".

Chapter 836

When Li Bo heard Bai Ye's question, he explained with a smile on his face, "This is the forging room."

"Forging room? Is it for refining materials?"

Bai Ye suddenly realized, and instantly understood why it was such a shape.

Li Bo nodded and continued to introduce: "Don't look at the front of it is a square, but there is a passage behind it. The passage connects to the tall main building at the back, and the main building is a small place for making machinery."

Li Bo said again and again, while leading us forward, and after finishing speaking, he also went to the front of the building.

When I looked at the building in front of me, I instantly felt like I had traveled through time and space, as if I had returned to the original world, the kind of department store.

The door is stepped, and when you go up the steps, you can see that the hall on the first floor is made of that kind of transparent material, which is light-transmitting and beautiful like glass. No worse than bulletproof glass.

Seeing that I was interested in this transparent material, Li Bo came over and explained with a smile.

"This is a special kind of crystal. It was also sent by the buyer to 29 when a small group of other people were building things. He felt that the material was strong and transparent, so he used it as a wall."

The Demon God also nodded in admiration and said: "This material is transparent and beautiful, and it can be connected to the formation. After the formation is activated, it can also be transformed into, from the inside, you can see the outside, but you can't see the single inside. How about the effect of the face? It's amazing."

Bai Ye instantly understood that this was the same as the anti-peeping glass for cars in the original world.

Li Bo pushed open the door on the first floor. As soon as he entered, there was a very wide hall with some seats in the corner of the hall.

Going inside, there is a large wall with many lattices installed on the wall.

Just like the ancient pharmacy, the walls are full of small grids filled with medicinal materials, but this is the material.

There will be a card on each grid, indicating what the materials are in each, the variety is complete, and it is clear at a glance, Bai Ye is very envious of it.

As an outsider, he felt that having such a wall of materials was super satisfying, not to mention the Mechanic God himself.

"These are the materials that Xiao Xiao himself collected. He felt that it was a bit of a waste to put them in the space ring, so he built a cabinet like this for himself, and put various common materials in different categories."

Hearing Li Bo's introduction, Bai Ye nodded.

"Let's go, Xiao Xiao should be waiting upstairs."

Li Bo pressed a button on the innermost wall, and instantly opened a passage. This familiar feeling was the passage that Bai Ye was sitting in at the Xiangxi Building. It was the same principle.

It's just that that one moves back and forth, this one moves up and down.

Bai Ye, Li Bo, and the Demonic Dao God sat in the Luan Jia together. They felt that the rise was not very fast. Bai Ye estimated that it should be around the third floor.

After the door opened, Bai Ye saw a man standing at the door.

How should I put it, it was completely different from what Bai Ye imagined. Bai Ye thought that he could make all kinds of skilled craftsmen, and he must have a big man with broad shoulders, thick hands, a short stature, stable lower limbs, and a blushing face.

But the first time Bai Ye saw the Mechanic God, he felt like an otaku.

He was still the kind of otaku who stayed at home for a long time and didn't go out. Li Xiaoxiao was very tall and looked like he was almost two meters tall.His face was pale and his skin was delicate, probably because he had not been in the sun for a long time.

The limbs are slender, and the appearance is also very delicate, and it even gives people a feeling of being weak.

Bai Ye was stunned at the time, feeling a little bit different from what he thought.

On the other hand, the Demonic God stepped forward enthusiastically, patted the mechanical god on the shoulder, and said enthusiastically.

"You kid, haven't you come out for a long time? You are torturing yourself. To be honest, I think a large part of the reason you are practicing so fast is because you don't want to eat or sleep."

The Mechanic Dao God turned the Demon Dao God in vain, and then saw Bai Ye behind him, his eyes lit up instantly, staring at Bai Ye.

Then he rubbed his hands a little nervously, then took a step forward and smiled at Bai Ye.

If others laugh like this, it will give people a kind of silly feeling, but the mechanical Taoist smile will give people a very different feeling.

It was a kind of handsome and restrained feeling, Bai Ye raised his arm and saluted.

"In Xiabaiye, I was fortunate to meet the Mechanical Taoist God."

Li Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, as if he was not used to the name of the mechanical Taoist god, and then scratched his head shyly, with a slight blush on his face.

"Don't, don't say that, you can just call me by my name, or follow Lao Du and call me Lao Li, I don't dare to be a mechanical Taoist god."

Bai Ye carefully looked at the man in front of him.

More and more I wanted to abduct him into Zhutian City, so Bai Ye just wanted to say something.

As a result, he was interrupted by the mechanical Taoist god. He rubbed his hands again, and his face turned red when he spoke, and he looked at Bai Ye with very excited and excited eyes.

"Brother Bai, have you brought the blueprint? Can you show it to me first? I, I don't understand it a bit, so let's study it first."

Bai Ye laughed when he heard the words, took out the blueprint from the space ring, and handed it over.

The mechanical Taoist took it with both hands excitedly, and then directed at Bai Ye, turned around with a sincere smile, and returned to the workbench.

Until this time, Bai Ye did not have time to observe the room of the mechanical Taoist god.

The room and the elevator are directly connected. As soon as you enter the door, there is a large forging furnace on the left. The fire has not been extinguished, and it is burning with a blue-purple flame, but it makes people feel no heat.

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