"Oh, put this aside in advance. I just came here, Lao Li, you can't give us a call or something, let us sit down and talk, how can you drive people directly like you."

Although Li Bo didn't know what happened, what does Bai Ye's invitation card to the mechanical Taoist God of the Heavens City mean?

But he knew that it was always someone brought by the Demon God, so he hurriedly stepped forward and said politely.

"Young man, it's alright. This kid is a little straighter. He must have some reason. Let's sit down and talk slowly and talk about it."

Bai Ye also found that he was a little anxious about the speed of his speech just now, so he smiled at Li Xiaoxiao and followed Li Bo's lead, and they walked to the lounge next door.

It turned out that next to the wall where they came in, there was another passage leading to the lounge.

This is really a blind spot of vision. Generally, a lounge is rarely created next to the entrance of the house.

Wait for Mechanic Dao God, Demon Dao God, Bai Ye, Li Bo, they all sat down and chatted.

They exchanged a few words with each other, and then Bai Ye asked the Mechanical Dao God why he refused the invitation card from Zhutian City.

To be honest, Bai Ye is really super curious.

The Mechanic Dao God didn't answer Bai Ye immediately, but sat there and started stunned.

Bai Ye looked at Mo Dao God with inquiring eyes, and Mo Dao God also looked at Mechanical Dao God inexplicably and shook his head, indicating that he was not very clear.

In the presence, the only person who may know the reason is Li Bo, apart from the Mechanic Dao God.

Bai Ye thought about it, in fact, with Uncle Li's aptitude and ability, it is also possible to enter Zhutian City, so Bai Ye exchanged another invitation card from Xiaobai. .

Chapter 838 Reasons for Rejection

Bai Ye stood up, bowed respectfully in front of Uncle Li and said.

"Uncle Li, please forgive me. Just now, I was in a hurry to see the Mechanical Taoist God, so I forgot to give you the invitation card."

Li Bo smiled and waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I'm almost old, it doesn't matter if I go or not."

When Bai Ye saw Li Bo like this, he knew that Li Bo clearly misunderstood, and Bai Ye hurried forward to explain.

"Uncle Li, you will understand as soon as you pass it. There should be a place for the mechanical Taoist god, and you can directly invite Uncle Li, but now..."

Li Bo understands, and he is also very curious, why Xiao Xiao's reaction is so big.

Moreover, I have never heard of what Bai Ye said about Zhutiancheng, and I am actually very curious.

Li Bo ended up with the invitation card given by Bai Ye, stood still, and accepted the description of the content of the invitation card.

Then after a while, he came back to his senses.

Bai Ye immediately cast an inquiring look at Li Bo, and Li Bo was indeed full of amazement and shock.

To be honest, based on Li Bo's experience, he would not be shocked by anything this time, but the existence of Zhutian City broke Li Bo's previous cognition.

And Li Bo quickly realized the value of Zhutian City.

Therefore, his shock is more, lamenting the potential future development value of Zhutian City.

Bai Ye saw that Li Bo was there to initiate 547, but did not respond to them, so Bai Ye turned around and asked the Demon God with his eyes.

Now only the two of them don't know the situation, so the two look at each other with a wry smile.

Fortunately, Li Bo quickly came back to his senses, thought about it, and told Bai Ye the possibility that he thought of.

"Before, Xiaoxiao once received a commission to make a hidden weapon. The surface was a sword. At that time, it could be combined into separate pieces. As soon as Xiaoxiao received the commission, he was very excited and went straight to retreat for a long time to study."

Bai Ye and Mo Dao Shen looked at Li Bo seriously, wondering what happened next.

"Later, I started to build it at a young age, and it cost all the top materials, so the moment the finished product came out, it directly caused a spatial shock on the other side of the Tao."

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Ye understood the reason: "Is it because the rank is too high and is rejected by the world?"

Li Bo nodded and agreed with Bai Ye's words.

"So Tiandao gave a punishment. At that time, everyone didn't react, and even Xiao Xiao himself didn't understand, and the punishment came down."

Li Bo said here, as if recalling the scene at that time, with a guilty expression on his face, and then said.

"I was talking with a few stewards in the restaurant, but when I hurried back, the matter had already happened, and everything was a foregone conclusion."

The Demon God looked at Li Bo with concern: "What's wrong with Lao Li? Something happened, isn't it okay now?"

"Yeah, Xiaoxiao is fine, because he was rescued. It was his cousin from his uncle's house who saved him. He has been close to Xiaoxiao since he was a child, and has always been a helper for Xiaoxiao."

Li Bo sighed, and the Demon God saw this and asked, "What about people now?"

Li Bo looked at the Demon God and didn't say a word, and Bai Ye and the Demon God both understood in an instant.

Both fell silent.

"That child is the only person left in the Li family who can accompany a little one, so..."

Uncle Li looked up at Bai Ye: "Young man, if your invitation card was before this incident, Xiao Xiao would definitely be a treasure, but now, that incident has hit him hard, so... "

Bai Ye nodded understandingly. His Zhutian City not only spanned the heavens and the world, but also connected to various worlds. What kind of second dimension and what kind of future technology world are very common.

So the Mechanic Dao God is worried that once he enters the city of the heavens, he will not help but study.

It is also inevitable to create works, and the next person to leave is either himself or his relatives around him.

Bai Ye estimates that this is also the reason why the Mechanical Taoist God refused, and he would rather not accept this rare opportunity than reappear.

However, Bai Ye felt that his city of the heavens should not be punished by the way of heaven.

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