In order to confirm this matter, Bai Ye called out Xiao Bai.

"Xiao Bai, do you think that if you make a super powerful weapon like the Mechanical Dao God, if you are in the city of heaven, will you be punished by heaven?"

"Returning to the city lord, there is a certain probability. Now the highest level that Zhutian City can accommodate is only tenth order. If it is made to exceed tenth order, it is a bit difficult for the current Zhutian City, but after the upgrade, it will not be affected. any punishment."

After listening to Xiaobai's words, Bai Ye thought to himself that it was exactly as he had guessed.

At this time, although the overall strength of the heavens is not as strong as the other side of the Tao, it is basically the same level of existence as the other side of the Tao.

After the upgrade, Zhutian City is likely to be beyond the existence of the Tao.

Xiaobai's words now seem to have proved this.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye looked up at Uncle Li and asked, "Uncle Li, is the weapon made by the Mechanical Taoist God still there?"

Uncle Li shook his head regretfully: "It has been destroyed by Heaven, and it's gone. What's wrong? What did you remember?"

"Uncle Li, you also know the potential of Zhutian City. I think the things that the mechanical gods are worried about will not appear in my Zhutian City, so I want to find that weapon and verify it."

Li Bo understood what Bai Ye meant, but unfortunately the weapon was no longer there.

It was already destroyed by Heaven at that time.

"City Lord Bai, you can try to explain it to Xiaogang. If you can really avoid the punishment of Heaven, I believe Xiaogang will join Zhutian City."

Bai Ye thought so too, but he didn't want to look for the Mechanic Taoist in such a hurry now.

After all, the Mechanic Dao God may be immersed in guilt and sadness now, so let's wait for the Mechanic Dao God to calm down and then negotiate.

Bai Ye told Li Bo about his thoughts, and Li Bo agreed.

Therefore, we first arranged for the Demon God and Bai Ye to stay there, and then Uncle Li took the Demon God Bai Ye to the room prepared for them before.

Then tell Bai Ye how to use the facilities in the room one by one.

Bai Ye has just verified that these mechanical Taoist gods are not traversal, they are really the aborigines here.

But Bai Ye was really surprised and amazed when he saw some facilities in the room.

Although such an idea may have a complex structure, the basic effects can be achieved.

For example, toilets and showers are very convenient.

This is even more firm. Bai Ye wants to win over the Mechanical Taoist God. In fact, Bai Ye wants to win the Mechanical Taoist God, not only because of his technology and craftsmanship, but also because of his value.

More importantly, he felt that it was really a pity that Tiandao restricted such talents. .

Chapter 839 Joining the Mechanical Taoist God

After staying here, Bai Ye thought that he would be able to see the Mechanical Dao God the next day.

You can explain it to him, but when Li Bo came over in the morning, he told the machine Taoshen to retreat.

Moreover, mechanical Taoist gods generally retreat, and they will only come out after completing the work.

Bai Ye didn't know whether he was running away from himself this time, or if he really had something to do, but Bai Ye wasn't in a hurry, it was all at this juncture, and it was impossible for him to just give up the mechanical Taoist god.

What's more, Bai Ye felt that it took longer to visit other Taoist gods, and he might not be able to win over them!

So Bai Ye and the Demon God lived a happy life in the mechanical city.

Bai Ye went out with the Demon God every day to experience the delicacy and convenience of the mechanical city.

And in private, Bai Ye also bought a lot of gadgets made by the mechanical Taoist gods and put them into the auction of Zhutian City.

The Demon God and Uncle Li, who had the invitation letter, entered and exited Zhutian City several times. As the number of times they entered and exited Zhutian City, their understanding of Zhutian City deepened, and they admired and respected Bai Ye even more.

In the past few days, Bai Ye took the time to ask Xiao Bai, how much value has Zhutian City accumulated now?

Xiaobai summed up with him, the previous Xiangxi Building, the Mercenary Center, and the addition of the Demon God and Li Bo.

Now, the value points of Zhutian City have accumulated to 26 trillion value points.

It is still 100 trillion value points away from the upgraded 74 trillion value points.

So Bai Ye also thought about which Taoist God to visit next during this time.

Bai Ye asked about Li Bo and Mo Dao God. Based on the consideration of the two, he felt that the next one that Bai Ye could visit would be the fifth Yao Wu Dao God and the sixth Yao Ge Dao God, these twins.

Because the performance stage of the two of them was made with the help of the mechanical Taoist god.

There is another reason, because these are twin Taoist sisters, and they are relatively close to the mechanical city. According to the speed at which they came to the mechanical city before, they can arrive in about a day.

So at this time, Bai Ye waited patiently, the mechanical Taoist God left the customs, and then went to visit the twin sisters.

Bai Ye also asked in detail if there was anything to pay attention to.

Mo Dao Shen and Li Bo told Bai Ye that the only thing you noticed was how to enter their Dao God City.

Because the two of them are twins, they usually live together. Their Taoist City is also built together, but the two of them divide the city equally, and they are separated by half.

The one in the south is the elder sister, Yaowu Taoist God, and the one in the north is the younger sister, Yaoge Taoist God.

The two built a big stage in the middle of Taoshen City. Every 30 days or so, they would set up a singing and dancing challenge arena, and the two of them would perform once a year.

Li Bo regretfully told Bai Ye that this year's performances of Yaoge Taoist God and Yaowu Taoist God have ended.

Fortunately, both of them like to promote juniors, and they often appear in the ring of the God of Song and Dance, looking for good seedlings.

Pull into the sect for training.

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