The two of them, like the Demon Gods, also established a sect called Yao Art Gate.

It mainly recruits those disciples who like to sing, dance, musical instruments and other music theory, so among the decent ones, they are basically female disciples.

Of course, there are also male disciples, but the proportion is relatively small.

The current head of Youyao Yimen is a man and a violinist, and he was a sensation on the other side of the Tao back then.

The head of the sect is named Qin Feng, and because he admired Yaoge Dao God, he went to the city of Song and Dance Dao.

Later, he was also appreciated by Yaoge Taoist God and let him enter Yaoyimen. With his super-high piano skills and cultivation, as well as his attitude, he finally became the head of Yaoyimen!

At the same time, he is also the partner of Yaoge Taoist God.

Bai Ye raised his head in surprise when he heard this, which is rare.

During this time, Bai Ye thought about the corresponding songs and dances.

Of course, it wasn't him who came to perform, but he asked Shen Wansan to make the songs and dances he prepared into picture books and manuscripts.

I plan to make a greeting at that time, and also serve as a stepping stone.

Time is like this, in the process of appreciating the magic of the mechanical city in the white night, it slowly passed.

And the mechanical Taoist finally came out after eight days of retreat.

The mechanical Taoist god who left the customs saw Bai Ye standing with Li Bo.

At first, he was stunned, as if he didn't expect Bai Ye to be there, and then he was a little embarrassed and hesitant.

Bai Yequan acted as if nothing was wrong, he stepped forward to say hello, and congratulated the mechanical Taoist God on his exit.

Then he left with the Demon God, and wisely handed the problem to Li Bo.

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During this period of time, he frequented Zhutian City, and Bai Ye also had a better relationship with Li Bodu.

So Bai Ye told Li Bo about this matter, which would definitely be better than going into battle himself.

Li Bo also felt that this was an opportunity to unravel the knot of the Mechanical Dao God and an opportunity to suppress his nature, so he also agreed to Bai Ye to help persuade the Mechanical Dao God.

The Mechanic Dao God breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the backs of Bai Ye and the Demon Dao God leaving.

As a result, he turned his head and saw the disapproval on Li Bo's face. The mechanical Taoist touched his nose with a guilty conscience, and then walked in front of Li Bo.

Bai Ye didn't know how Li Bo persuaded him, but he believed that Li Bo would not let him down.

Sure enough, the next day, Li Bo brought the mechanical Taoist god to Bai Ye.


The Mechanic Dao God also agreed to join Zhutian City.

He also felt that if he suppressed himself like this, it would not be a long-term solution, and he also wanted to go to Zhutian City to see if he would not be suppressed by the way of heaven, as Bai Ye said.

At the same time, Bai Ye also took the opportunity to tell the Mechanical Dao God that Zhutian City can be upgraded.

The upgraded Zhutian City can recognize the super tenth-order, and it will definitely not be punished by heaven.

The Mechanic Taoist learned from Bai Ye how to upgrade Zhutian City.

So I contributed all the good things that I had in the bottom of the box and exchanged them into value points.

This can make Bai Ye satisfied, because it is only the ability of the Mechanical Dao God and his collections.

It earned a full five trillion value points for Zhutian City.

You must know that with Zhu Tiancheng's own auction house, Li Bo, the God of Demonic Taoism, and Xiangxi Building, the mercenary center's tasks totaled just 26 trillion worth of points.

And the mechanical Taoist is a person, and he has contributed 5 trillion value points, so can Bai Ye be unhappy?

After talking about it, Bai Ye wanted the mechanical Taoist god to help introduce Yaowu Taoist God and Yaoge Taoist God, but the machine Taoist God told him that no one could contact the two Taoist gods at the current time.

Because the Taoshen City of the two Taoist gods is not on land, but floating on the sea.

In January and June next year, they will stay on land for a month, and the rest of the time will be hidden in the clouds.So.

Chapter 840 City Living Technology Building

Because it is already May, there is still a month before the Song and Dance Dao God City of Song and Dance Dao will land on the ground.

Therefore, Bai Ye, the Mechanic Dao God and the Demon Dao God also decided to wait for a while in the mechanical city, and then the three planned to visit the Song and Dance Dao God while swimming in the mountains and water.

Since the Mechanic Dao God decided to join Zhutian City, he no longer suppressed himself and often entered Zhutian City.

So Bai Ye invited Shen Wansan and told Shen Wansan to arrange a studio for the Mechanical Dao God alone.

Then he asked Xiaobai to find out all the masters and forging masters of various worlds.

For example, Lu Ban, the dwarves, etc., let them all go to the workshop of the mechanical Taoist to discuss and exchange ideas.

In fact, Bai Ye thought about it before, Zhutian City can build a gathering place for life players just like the gangs that used to play games.

For each life skill, there is a workshop for communication, with private individual rooms and a common living room.

Some innovative technology invention competition exchange meetings can be held regularly, and the research results can be resold to the worlds of the heavens and the world. This way, it can also relieve some of the pressure of the white night.

Bai Ye just shared this idea with the Mechanical Dao God and the others.

As a result, it required the strong approval of the mechanical Taoist god, as well as the support of other types of technicians.

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