Having said that, Lei Dao Shen opened his fingers and pointed around, and said to Bai Ye.

"Look here, is there nothing here? It's so clean that it won't hurt no matter how you beat it."

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Bai Ye heard the words of God of Thunder and thought for a while, is this God of Thunder very short of money?

So Bai Ye bowed his hands and bowed: "Xia Baiye is the city lord of Zhutian City. I heard about the special features of the God City of Song and Dance Dao before, so I want to have a look at it, so I came here."

Lei Dao Shen waved his right hand with an impatient look on his face: "You don't need to tell me so much, you can simply tell me, you can just call me Bai Ye, why are you so long-winded."

After Bai Ye, he cooperated and said, "Lei Dao Shen, what's the matter with you?"

In the end, what I didn't expect was that Thunder Daoshen's face was full of disgust: "You are a bit forgetful, I didn't tell you just now, I want to discuss with you, or fight, you must understand this. All right, come on, make a move."

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Seeing this, Bai Ye immediately took a step back and put his hands behind his back.

When Lei Dao Shen saw Bai Ye's actions, he immediately understood that this kid didn't want to fight with him, so how can this be done?

"Fellow Daoist Bai, don't be nervous, I don't want to do anything to you, let's just learn from each other, okay?"

Bai Ye looked at him unexpectedly, and the Thunder God, whose attitude had changed so much, stared at him suspiciously.

Lei Dao Shen was a little embarrassed, and smiled at Bai Ye.

"I know I was a little reckless before, but isn't it a long time since I had a fight? I'm not feeling well now, and I'm also worried that you won't fight me, so I brought you here directly."

Hearing the words of the Taoshen Lei opposite, Bai Ye finally felt that there are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky.

This is really a martial arts idiot!Bai Ye said to Lei Dao Shen.

"I don't mean anything else, I just want to ask, why should I fight with you? What good is it for me?"

"Benefits?" Lei Dao Shen, who thought he had heard it wrong, repeated.

Then he pointed at Bai Ye and said: "Boy, you are really interesting, you are the first person to ask me what's the benefit of fighting with me? There are many people who ask me why I fight, but you are the first to ask me for the benefit. "

Lei Dao Shen thought for a while, and then said: "Well, if you promise to fight with me, I promise to do one thing for you, or promise you a condition?" Nai.

Chapter 845 Battle with Thunder God

Having said that, Lei Dao Shen took out his weapon, Lei Shen stick!

Pointing at Bai Ye from a distance, he said, "Come on! Stop chirping."

Bai Ye looked at the God of Thunder, who was already ready, and made a final struggle.

"Do you have to fight? If you don't fight today, won't you let me go?"

The God of Thunder on the opposite side said: "Yes, this is equivalent to my domain, which I developed alone. If you don't fight with me today, I won't let you out."

"Okay! Let's fight today, but it's just a discussion."

The God of Thunder on the opposite side did not answer Bai Ye's words, but charged directly towards Bai Ye.

Bai Ye summoned the source of thousands of machines, looked at the long stick of Thunder Dao God, and made it become the same long stick as Thunder Dao God.

Then he held it with both hands and raised it to his head, blocking the blow of Lei Dao Shen rushing in front of him.

Then he pushed his hands hard and pushed Thunder Daoshen back.

Lei Dao Shen took a step back and shouted: "Lei Yin Shu."

I saw that there were suddenly dark clouds in the clear sky, and a flash of lightning struck from the dark clouds in an instant.

And Lei Dao Shen directly raised the long stick in his hand and greeted the lightning, and instantly the stick flashed purple electric light.

Lei Dao Shen once again swept towards Bai Ye, sweeping away thousands of troops.

Instantly sprinkled a grid, Bai Ye ducked back, but was still swept a little bit.

Bai Ye clenched the source of thousands of machines in his hand, and relieved the soreness and numbness of his fingers.

Seeing that he missed a hit, Lei Dao Shen immediately put the long stick upright again, caught the thunder and lightning that fell from the sky, and then continued to attack Bai Ye.

Bai Ye knew that avoiding blindly was not the best strategy, so this time, he took the initiative to run towards the Thunder God.

And when he was about to collide with the God of Thunder, he threw the stick sideways and provoked the legs of God of Thunder.

And Lei Dao Shen was already prepared, and at the moment of passing the white night, he raised the long stick in his hand and resisted it horizontally.

The two did not stop when they crossed each other, but turned around quickly and continued to attack the other side.

Bai Ye knew that Lei Dashen was known for his physical strength, so he also punched him to the flesh and attacked at close range.

I saw the surrounding yellow sand, rolled up by the momentum of the two long sticks

If there are people in the distance at this time, I am afraid that only a piece of yellow sand can be seen in the sky, and the two of them cannot be seen at all.

"Hahaha, happy! I haven't been so happy for a long time, continue."

After the Demon God said this, he continued to move towards Bai Ye.

Bai Ye bends his left knee, relays his right leg, and performs a backflip, dodging the attack, and then in mid-air, he changes the direction of his body and attacks Lei Dao Shen's back.

The Demon God seemed to have eyes behind him. With his left leg as a fulcrum, he drew a semi-circular arc with his right leg and turned his body sideways to avoid the blow.

At the same time, he stretched his upper body forward and pushed his hands towards the back end of the long stick, directly letting the long stick fly out and hit Bai Ye's face.

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