Bai Ye had just landed at this time, and his center of gravity was still unstable, when he heard the sound of quick killing from the front.

Immediately put up a long stick in your right hand as support, and lie back on your back.

I saw Lei Dao Shen's long stick rushing past his eyes, and the fierce air wave that set off shook the broken hair in front of Bai Ye's forehead.

Bai Yefei waited for the long stick of the Demon God to fly over completely, and then he leaned back, rotated 90 degrees, stood up sideways, and reached out to grab the Thunder God's long stick.

Then, in response to the thunder and lightning that fell from the sky, he threw it towards the Thunder God.

Lei Dao Shen saw Bai Ye's move.

He stepped aside to give way to the attack, his own long stick, and chased back.

Counting the distance of the attack, remove the strength on the long stick, then grab the middle of the long stick with a long hand, and then spin it quickly, dancing it into a phantom.

At the same time, he shouted: "Lei Chi, go."

Bai Ye saw the rapidly spinning long stick, like a disc, attracting thunder and lightning from the sky.

He flew towards the top of Bai Ye's head, as if he wanted to cover Bai Ye.

How could Bai Ye take advantage of his wish, so he immediately used power on his feet.

Bouncing up, standing on the top of the source of thousands of machines with one foot, in mid-air, and then looking at the opportunity, flying down, stepping on one foot on the fast rotating long stick.

And Lei Dao Shen's long stick, as if he had his own consciousness, dodged left and right.

This is Bai Ye's hand reaching out, the source of thousands of machines on the side, and he grabbed the long stick of the Thunder Dao God with him, and the Thunder Dao God who threw the long stick did not stop giving up the attack.

Instead, taking this opportunity, he received the thunder and lightning from the sky with his bare hands, as if the thunder and lightning were like hemp ropes in his hands and let him rub...  

Finally, he opened his hands, and the power of thunder and lightning changed his shape with his movements.

When Lei Dao Shen saw Bai Ye's attention, he was all on his long stick.

Lei Dao Shen took this opportunity to launch the thunder and lightning group in his palms, and the thunder and lightning group twisted his body and rushed towards the white night.

Bai Ye immediately felt the shock in the air and the power of lightning.

He didn't dare to hit hard, so he recalled the source of thousands of machines, imagining the shape of the umbrella in his mind.

The power of thunder and lightning from the attack was caught with the umbrella, and then, the umbrella was buckled back to hold the power of lightning.

Then Bai Ye started to shake the source of thousands of machines, like throwing a discus, throwing the power of thunder and lightning back to the God of Thunder.

Lei Dao Shen did not expect Bai Ye to actually catch his own power of thunder and lightning.

And at the same time, he also threw it back to his own thunderbolt group, so he was stunned for a moment, and at this moment, the group of thunderbolts ran towards Thunder Dao God.

At the same time, Bai Ye turned the source of thousands of machines into the shape of an arrow tower that catches thunder and lightning, lured the thunder and lightning in the sky, and continued to attack the Thunder God.

Within 10m of the whole body, it is full of the power of thunder and lightning, and the purple power grid appears and disappears from time to time.

However, Bai Ye did not attack again. When the thunder and lightning slowly dissipated here, he saw Thunder Dao Shen kneeling on one knee, his right hand on his knee, and his right hand on the ground.

Clothes 2.1 and the hair on his head were abnormally blackened by the power of lightning, and were tattered.

Bai Ye thought Lei Dao Shen would stop at this point, but unexpectedly he shouted: "Come again!"

Then he raised his hands, received the power of thunder and lightning in the sky, and slapped the ground fiercely.

Bai Ye saw a giant dragon composed of lightning, attacking himself through the ground, following the palm of Thunder Dao God.

Bai Ye immediately straightened his face and treated it calmly.

Knowing that this is the real power of Thunder Dao God, Bai Ye was not ambiguous, and he inserted the source of thousands of machines on the ground.

Put your hands together, open it, and frantically absorb the surrounding spiritual power for your own use.

I saw the surrounding spiritual power rushing towards Bai Ye like a vortex, saying that it was too late, that was fast, Bai Ye pushed the spiritual power group in his hand towards the lightning giant dragon. .

Chapter 846

Say it's late, it's quick.

The purple electric dragon composed of the thunder and lightning power of the God of Thunder, and the spiritual power dragon composed of the power of the White Night Spirit Group.

The two sides collided quickly.

Just listening to a bang, the earthquake shook the mountain, setting off a gust of wind and yellow sand, sweeping away all around.

He couldn't see the other person's figure at all, and he couldn't control his own body at all.

Bai Ye instinctively grabbed the source of thousands of machines immediately, turned it into a hook, and hooked the earth fiercely to stabilize his body, so that he would not be blown away by this rushing aura.

Bai Ye didn't know what was going on on Thunder Dao Shen's side. Anyway, he estimated that the other party was not feeling very well.

So Bai Ye took this opportunity to push back a few hundred meters, standing still in the distance to observe.

Soon, the sand was slowly blown away by the wind, revealing the place where they stood just now.

Why would you know where they were standing just now?Because the ground just now has been replaced by a big pit, or should be said to be a deep pit.

The diameter of the big pit is about 29 meters in diameter, and it is about [-] meters in depth.

But Bai Ye didn't see Lei Dao Shen.

In the middle of the night, when he was puzzled, he suddenly felt a wind sound behind him, and he immediately swept forward.

And in mid-air, Ling Kong turned his body around,

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