Sure enough, it was the God of Thunder. I don't know when, he actually went around behind Bai Ye and attacked him.

Does this man have to be so sturdy, why hasn't he given up?Bai Ye thought helplessly in his heart, when will this be a hit, he regrets being so serious,

Is it too late to give up now?

"Lei Daoshen, let's stop, can't we just stop fighting? Even if you win, I lose, so it's alright."

As a result, Lei Dao Shen did not answer his words, but instead shouted loudly.

"Why do you talk like that? Win means win, lose means lose, there's no such thing as such, fellow Daoist Bai, come! Let's continue, I know you can fight again."

Bai Ye is thinking now.Yes, I can fight again, but I don't want to play with you anymore. What's the point of fighting like this?Seems to have to figure out a way.

Bai Ye pondered in his heart, this is either to make him feel that I have tried my best to defeat him, or, to defeat him in one move, so that God of Thunder doesn't want to and dare not resist.

But he had already fought with him before, so the first method would definitely not work.

Then come the second kind, if the second kind, you have to think about it.

Bai Ye was dodging the attack from the God of Thunder Island, while calmly thinking about the plan.

Bai Ye, relying on his instinct, successfully avoided the attack of Thunder Dao God several times.

Lei Daoshen immediately discovered Bai Ye's insincerity, but he couldn't attack him, so he could only hate it.

The God of Thunder stopped suddenly, and then continued to receive the thunder and lightning in the sky with both hands. This time, he no longer turned the thunder into a grid, but woven a long wall of electricity in front of him, just like weaving something. .

At this time, Bai Ye was standing there from a distance, watching the magical operation of Lei Dao Shen.

Bai Ye is actually Fei's admiration for Lei Dao Shen, and such a fine control of a certain power is not something ordinary people can have.

No matter what Bai Ye thinks, Lei Dao Shen earnestly receives the power of lightning from the sky and weaves his own wall of lightning.

Then, after the weaving was formed, he pushed hard with his right hand and pushed it towards Bai Ye.

Bai Ye dodged as before, but something surprising happened to him.

These walls seem to be conscious, following his rotation back and forth, the white and the night are opposite, it is to the left.

Bai Ye stepped back and it stepped back, and it really was really staring at him.

Bai Ye immediately threw out the source of thousands of machines to resist the wall of lightning, but the wall of lightning was full of purple electric lights that appeared and disappeared from time to time, what should I do?

Bai Ye looked at the Thunder Dao God standing in the distance, and then at the huge wall of lightning in front of him.

Then he gritted his teeth, intending to repay him in his own way.

Looking around in the white night, except for the yellow sand, it is a strong wind, or it is thunder and lightning.

But it doesn't matter, doesn't he still have Zhutian City?

Therefore, Bai Ye absorbed the brilliance of the heavens from the city of the heavens, condensed it into a mist, and poured it on the head of the Thunder God.

Lei Dao Shen dodged, but how could Bai Ye let him succeed? Of course, the first move was a false move, and the second move was the real killing move.

Bai Ye didn't want to attack him, he just wanted to drown him, so the unfortunate Thunder Dao God ended up being a jerk.

Just when Lei Dao Shen was helpless, Bai Ye condensed his aura into his hands and covered the surface.

Then he pushed the wall of lightning in front of him with his hands and pushed it towards the God of Thunder.

At this time, the Thunder God was trying to solve the clothes that were soaked in water.

In an instant, Lei Dao Shen felt extremely sore and numb all over his body, and his body twitched unconsciously.

Bai Ye did not stop, and at the same time used his spiritual power to attract more thunder and lightning in the sky, and thundered towards the Thunder God.

Taking advantage of your illness and killing you, I threw about a dozen lightning bolts one after another in the white night.

And Lei Dao Shen was also bewildered by the electricity, dizzy and dizzy, and his limbs were sore.

So I can only shout loudly in a grid: "Stop, stop, okay, I admit defeat."

Bai Ye finally exhaled, stopped the movements in his hands, and slumped on the ground.

With his hands behind his back, his eyes stared blankly at the big black thing lying on the ground in front of him.

553 just sat there in a daze.

Lei Daoshen was really numb in his hands and feet, unable to move, and could only lie down quietly.

His eyes were empty, and he was also in a daze.

So the two great masters were like two fools, dazed together on the ground.

Fortunately, this is the realm of Thunder God, and no one else exists.

If it really existed, it would really be ruined for a lifetime of fame.

Lei Daoshen moved his body and felt less sour, so he willfully and slowly rolled to Bai Ye's side.

That's right, it really rolled over, and Bai Ye looked at this long-lived man with black lines all over his head.

Childish behavior like a five- or six-year-old child, stretched out his foot and kicked him.

In this way, the Thunder Dao God who had just rolled over was kicked out again.

"Hey, boy, don't go too far!"

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