Lei Dao Shen waved his hand: "You also know what kind of relationship I have with other Dao Gods, and if I can give it, it's the Wind Dao God Mu Han, that kid, fortunately, I exchanged a sound transmission with him before, Make an appointment, and we can fight together in the future."

Bai Ye couldn't help crying when he heard what Lei Dao Shen said, and then suddenly seemed to remember something.

He said to Lei Dao Shen: "Brother Kong, there is one more thing, I didn't ask you, why don't you guys mention it, that second Dao God, Time Dao God Shi Jian? I feel that his sense of existence is very low. "

The result was the silence of Lei Dao Shen, a long silence, and he looked at Bai Ye with resentful eyes.

Bai Ye was taken aback, what's the situation?What look is this?

Shaking the goose bumps on his body, Bai Ye looked at Lei Dao Shen.

Then I heard Lei said sourly: "That kid is super invincible and popular, I don't even dare to have the idea of ​​fighting with him, if I fight with him, he will scratch his skin, and I will Can be drowned by saliva, no, it is chased to death."

what's going on?Could it be that Shi Jian, the God of Time, is a killer organization?Bai Ye was very puzzled.

"Brother Kong, is the God of Time so powerful?"

Lei Dao Shen nodded: "Powerful, really powerful, all over the streets and alleys of every household, wherever there are women, there are his guardians."

Bai Ye's ears listened to Lei Dao Shen's voice and felt a little wrong.

Hearing the news from the young escort in Chaos City before the union, Bai Ye had a bold idea in his mind.

"Brother Kong, don't tell me that the Taoist god is the object of secret love of all female monks."

Bai Ye looked at Lei Dao Shen with a relieved and loving expression on his face, and Bai Ye knew that he had guessed right.

Did not expect it!The other side of this road is quite fashionable, and there are even star chasers, and they are still die-hard fans.

It's not easy, it's not easy.

Since the God of Time is so different, Bai Ye didn't even think about inviting him to join Zhutian City.

So Bai Ye was in the God City of Song and Dance Dao, sweeping away those things that the City of the Heavens did not have, as well as those secret books. .

Chapter 849 Encounter with a wonderful youth

Bai Ye's main job is to stroll around casually and press on the road.

A few days later, the official performance of the City of Songs and Dances began.

After the competition some time ago, a few outstanding dancers were finally selected, and in the evening two days later, they performed on the stage.

And Yaoge Yaowu Taoist God will be the first guest to dance on the stage as the opening guest that night.

During this period of time, the Demon God and the Mechanic God were also quite nourished, and it was really the dragon that saw the beginning but not the end.

Bai Ye went to look for them several times, but could not find any trace.

Bai Ye listened to Yaoge Dao God saying that it seemed that they were building a stage for their performance. The Mechanical Dao God helped to design it, while the Demon Dao God organized his subordinates to help speed up the process.

Therefore, Bai Ye, the only free time, was embarrassed to disturb them.

You can only walk with Thunder Dao God, this day Lei ~ Dao God is not there.

I heard that he went with the Wind Dao God and brought Mu Han, the Wind Dao God, into a certain world in Zhutian City.

Bai Ye has already heard Xiaobai say that this Wind Dao God has also joined Zhutian City, and has contributed about 6 trillion worth of points.It's just a pity that I haven't met Bai Ye - ever.

Today is the night before the Daqing performance of the God of Songs and Dances.

Tomorrow, after the show is over, the City of Song and Dance will rise again into the air, and it won't land again until this time next year.

That night, Bai Ye was strolling down the street in a bored way, and bumped into a young man facing him.

The young man came over, Bai Ye quickly turned around to dodge, but the young man did not stop and fell to the ground.

Bai Ye stepped forward to help him up, and the young man thanked him repeatedly.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist, that, I want to ask, how do I get to the mansion of the God of Song and Dance?"

I have something to do with the Taoist God of Song and Dance. Bai Ye saw that this young man had a handsome face, a gentle expression, a slender body, well-balanced proportions, a natural clothes rack, and a very comfortable and gentle feeling.

Nodding secretly, it seems that this should be a musician, this Yaowu Taoist God has a good vision.

Bai Ye pointed in the direction behind him: "There, keep walking along this road, do you see the corner coming out? Turn inside, and then you see a particularly tall mansion, that's it. "

The young man thanked Bai Ye, then turned and left.

Bai Ye continued to admire the scenery of Taoshen City, and after about an incense stick, he saw the young man who had just asked for directions.He walked out of the alley on his right.

what's the situation?Bai Ye thought to himself, is this person following him?But I didn't feel like I was being watched.

Bai Ye nodded towards the young man, all to say hello, and then continued to walk forward.

Unexpectedly, he was stopped by the young man: "This fellow Daoist, it's great, I saw you again, can you point me to the way to the mansion of the God of Song and Dance?"

Bai Ye also looked around, it was a long way.

Finally, he said helplessly to the young man: "Go back to the position just now, you can go back."

The young man nodded: "Well, go back, I can go back."

Then Bai Ye told the young man about the route to get there. Finally, the young man said that he was clear and turned around and left.

Bai Ye suddenly felt a little strange, but he didn't take it seriously, and continued to walk forward.

He intends to go to Mechanic Daocheng and Demon Dao God to see how they have prepared the stage.

But what surprised Bai Ye was that he took another half cup of tea.

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