I saw the young man again, this time the young man looked left and right in the middle of the avenue, with a blank expression on his face.

Just as Bai Ye was about to turn around and leave, he was seen by the young man. The young man ran towards Bai Ye.

"Daoist friend, Daoist friend, wait, it's great, Daoist friend sees you again! Well, Daoist friend, you, can you show me the route to the mansion of the God of Song and Dance? I, I just now A little confused."

Bai Ye thought to himself, not only you are confused, but your wife is confused.

How can a normal person be like you?This young man still looks handsome and unrestrained, how could this be.

Although he thought so, Bai Ye couldn't say that.

He pointed the way to the confused young man again, and then pointed out the reference objects with his fingers.

When do you see how to turn?

The young man listened very seriously and nodded again and again.

Before leaving, Bai Ye asked again, did he really remember?

However, the young man kept reassuring and remembering that this time there was definitely no problem.

Bai Ye finally left with confidence.

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After such a long delay, Bai Ye didn't want to go, so he planned to go home.

At this time, he found that in the mansion of the God of Song and Dance, there was only one drugstore away, and the young man was actually there, wandering back and forth at the door of the drugstore.

Bai Ye can say with certainty that the boy lost his way again.

Sure enough, just as Bai Ye walked past, the boy in white saw Bai Ye, ran over, and said to Bai Ye, "I, I didn't forget how to walk, but fellow Daoist, I seem to be lost again, please tell me again."

Bai Ye waved his hand towards the young man, shook his head, and said to him firmly, "This fellow Daoist, no, I can't show you the way anymore."

Bai Ye don't look at the young man for a moment, like a discarded puppy, his whole body is depressed and pitiful.

...... ......

He sighed helplessly, and said to the young man, "I will also go to the residence of the God of Song and Dance. Follow me, so that you will not get lost again."

Bai Ye led the young man along the road, but Bai Ye found that he was really naive. This young man seemed to want to go when he saw the road, he wanted to drill when he saw a hutong, and he wanted to turn when he saw a bend. Can't stop it.

It was obviously the road of Banzhuxiang, and the young man on his body took it with him, and Bai Ye just walked for an hour.

Bai Ye is also full of admiration. He feels that this person is really a god.

When Bai Ye pulled back the youth for the nth time.

In the middle of the night, I finally couldn't help it: "I said what's wrong with you? Why are you walking around? I've already told you, if you walk in a straight line, why do you have to turn?"

The young man scratched his head embarrassedly, looked at Bai Ye and smiled: "I'm sorry, I have troubled you, fellow Daoist, please bear with me. I'm just like this. I always get lost and can't find my way. I've caused you trouble."

In the end, the young man said aggrievedly: "If fellow Daoist is in a hurry, don't worry about me, I will find it by myself."

Bai Ye really couldn't help sighing, what is the most in the world, and the most wonderful things?It's not that you haven't met it, it's that you have little knowledge.

Bai Ye finally decided to take the young man by the collar and take him to the residence of the God of Song and Dance.

There is enough time for Bai Ye to find him, and it is enough to walk around this divine city three times.

Bai Ye couldn't help but ask the young man, "You actually love getting lost so much, how did you find it?" Nai.

Chapter 850 Time Dao God

After listening to Bai Ye's words, the young man scratched his head shyly.

He smiled slightly at Bai Ye, and then said, "This fellow Daoist, to tell you the truth, I've been here for three years since I came to this God City of Song and Dance Dao, and this year finally let me go."

WTF?gone for three years? !Bai Ye couldn't believe his ears.

"Where did you start, the end of the universe?"

The young man heard Bai Ye's teasing, so he smiled with a good temper and didn't speak.

Bai Ye was very curious before suddenly, what is this person's life like?So ask him.

"Fellow Daoist, can you tell me how many places you have been to so far?"

The young man was stunned after hearing this, and Bai Ye guessed that no one had asked him this question.

Because Bai Ye saw that the young man was stunned after listening to his words, then his face flushed, and finally, there was a little sadness.

Just as Bai Ye wanted to comfort the young man, he heard him say, "This is the first time I've come out, and I've only been to this place."

After listening to the young man's words, Bai Ye instantly understood his sadness, it was really sad.

The scene was also particularly embarrassing, Bai Ye patted the boy on the shoulder and said.

"It's okay, fellow Daoist, isn't this coming out? Everything is difficult at the beginning. Since you can find the Song and Dance Dao Divine City in three years, it shows that you have a firm will, so the next place will take another three years. We cultivators have the most. It's time."

The young man nodded vigorously.

He smiled at Bai Ye and said, "Although Daoist friend is not the first person to laugh at me for being confused, but Daoist friend, you are the first person to comfort me."

After listening to the youth's words, Bai Ye didn't feel praised.

But looking up at the young man's sincere eyes, Bai Ye was relieved.

At this time, the young man seemed to remember something.

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