After Bai Ye entered Lei Dao Shen and Feng Dao Shen, he just wanted to lift his foot to go back when he heard a voice behind him.

"Brother Bai, stop and see who we brought."

Bai Ye heard the voice of the Demon God, and looked back, the Demon God, the Mechanic God, the Yao Ge Dao God, and the Yao Wu Dao God, several of them brought the Time Dao God over.

How would you describe that picture?Ambush on all sides, you know?That's it.

Four people from four directions sandwiched the Time Dao God in the middle.

Bai Ye just wanted to laugh when he saw it, but he also understood why they did this.

Because Bai Ye had already experienced it last night, the God of Time excels. .

Chapter 852

Seeing Bai Ye's uncontrollable smile, the Demon God looked back at their formation, and laughed along with them.

The God of Thunder and God of Wind, who had already entered, heard the voice and came out.

Seeing the time Taoshen caught in the middle, I instantly understood.

And the only people present are time and Taoism, so I don't know what everyone is laughing at?

Time Taoist didn't answer the smiling crowd, but waved his hand towards Bai Ye excitedly: "Fellow Daoist Bai, I specially asked them to bring me here to find you."

The other Taoist gods don't know what is the charm of Bai Ye, which makes Time Taoist like so much.

Bai Ye let everyone enter the living room together, then looked at everyone, and after thinking about it, he took out a thousand intestines, and then took out the spirit cup and filled it with everyone.

In the presence, only the Demon God knew what it was, so he asked for two bottles from Bai Ye, so the Demon God immediately drank it, thinking that it would be better to rub a little more.

The rest of the Taoist gods who were sitting didn't know why.

It was the first time they saw the Demonic God in such a hurry, and they all laughed at the Demonic God.

The Demon God did not pay attention to the others, but brought the spirit cup to Bai Ye, meaning full.

Bai Ye shook his head and laughed, and poured another cup for the Demon God.

When other Taoist gods saw this, they also tasted it. Even the time Taoist god, who has never been drinking, was not worthy of curiosity and took a sip.

Then, his eyes lit up, he raised his head, he drank all the light, and then he learned from the devil, and handed the spirit cup to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye was helpless, turned his fingers and performed a spell, the wine glass would automatically float in the air, and the spirit cup would be automatically sensed.

Whoever has an empty glass floats in front of him and fills it up.

Seeing this in Bai Ye, he looked at the Taoist gods, the devil gods, the mechanical gods, the Yaoge gods, the Yaowu gods, the time gods, the thunder gods, and the wind gods.

In the middle of the night, I suddenly felt like I was collecting seven dragon balls, collecting the top ten gods.

Bai Ye looked at a few people: "I don't know why all the Taoist gods came to see me together, why ¨.?"

Lei Dao Shen practiced and waved his hand: "Brother Bai, I didn't make an appointment with them, I just wanted to introduce you to Feng Dao Shen, who knew that all of them would come!"

Demon Dao Shen also said helplessly: "We are also escorting Shijian this kid, he insists on coming to you, there is no way, just because we have nothing to do, we plan to come over for a walk."

Bai Ye helped his forehead helplessly, just as he was about to say something, he heard Yao Wu Dao God say: "Speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for hundreds of years, the last time we met was when our ten Dao Gods were just formed. "

The mechanical Taoist said: "Yes, except for the most difficult Kendo god, there are only two people who love to play and eat money to come and Saburo. I don't know where they are now?"

The Demon God thought for a while and said, "How about we send a sound transmission and ask where they are?"

When Bai Ye heard it, he was very moved, because the value of his Zhutian City upgrade was just a little bit short.

If the two of you are here, wouldn't you save a lot of trouble? !

Bai Ye held back his slightly excited mood.

Yao Wudao's clear and cold voice came: "I guess they should already be in our Song and Dance Dao God City, but these two guys didn't show up. I'll contact them, let's get together."

After Yao Wu Dao God finished speaking, he gave Bai Ye a meaningful look, and Bai Ye instantly understood that this was Yao Wu Dao God selling his own good, so Bai Ye smiled and nodded towards Yao Wu Dao God, the two of them couldn't agree more. announced.

Soon, the sound of Yaowu Taoist God flew out, and several people shared their collections of various foods while drinking.

Soon, a sound transmission flew in.

Several people also stopped talking and looked at the sound transmission in the hands of Yao Wu Dao Shen.

"Hahaha, we're at the door, if it's not open yet, let's come in!"

The several Taoist gods present here were all overjoyed when they heard this hearty voice.

And Yao Wu Dao God, a little in the air, in the hall, a light curtain appeared.

Then, the light curtain began to sway, generating a little microwave, then one foot stepped out, and then two people walked out of the light curtain.

"Are you in such a hurry to see me? Yao Wu, here I come!" The hearty voice from before came again.

Bai Ye looked at the person who was speaking. This person was wearing a short scarf around his head and was dressed in refined clothes. It was this round body shape that Bai Ye instantly recognized as the tenth-ranked esophagus God Saburo.

In fact, it should be called this way, but I heard that the esophagus god dislikes the homophony to be similar to the ten gods, which is not obvious, so people called him to eat the god.

And the other, a slender, thin and weak scholar-like person, is probably the legendary scholar who scattered wealth, the money from the god of wealth.

Bai Ye was a little puzzled when he heard the words of the Taoist God, and saw the teasing smiles of the surrounding Taoist gods.

The Taoist God of Time, who was sitting beside Bai Ye, leaned into Bai Ye's ear and said to Bai Ye, "¨"Brother Dao, I have been chasing Sister Yao Wu for hundreds of years, and I haven't caught up yet, so I only took advantage of it. ."

Bai Ye knew it right away, and before Bai Ye could say anything, he heard the Taoist God say to the God of Time: "Hmph, your kid's whisper, you almost shouted on the street! You also arranged me, I haven't told you yet. !"

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