Time Taoshen immediately retorted: "Me? Brother Dao, how do I arrange you, what I say is the truth!"

Seeing the indignant Time Dao God, Chi Dao God smiled and said, "Yo, do you think you've found this Song and Dance Dao God City this year, it's amazing?"

As soon as the words of the Taoist God fell, the other people laughed.

Who knows that the God of Taoism still does not let go of the God of Time: "Just say, how much time did you spend going back to the Valley of Time after our meeting last time?!"

When the Taoist god saw that the god of time blushed, the surrounding gods also showed curious expressions.

The Demon God said: "Sanlang, tell me, I really didn't pay attention to this, when did Shi Jian go back?"

Chi Taoshen rolled his eyes: "Don't call me that, it's disgusting."

The God of Eating Dao turned around, turned his back to the God of Demonic Dao, and said to the crowd, "Eight years, a full eight years!"

After listening to Lei Dao Shen, he asked in surprise: "Food, how do you know it's eight years!"

Chi Dao God glared at Lei Dao God a little too angry and dared not to speak, and said compromisingly: "I later found him in the fifth year, when I got to the Valley of Time, I was told that he has not returned, so I Just wait for him in the Valley of Time."

The mechanical god said in surprise: "You won't wait three years!"

The Taoist God touched his nose and said, "Isn't that true? At that time, how did I know that he had this attribute. I only saw him surrounded by those female monks before, who could know that he was a luna!".

Chapter 853

Hearing this, Bai Ye burst out laughing.

Indeed, the Taoist Time God surrounded by beautiful women, who would have thought that it was Lu Chi.

At this time, the Taoist God noticed Bai Ye, pointed at Bai Ye and asked, "Who is this? Could it be that the Kendo God has rejuvenated?!"

After arriving, the God of Wealth, who had not spoken, also stared at Bai Ye.

The Taoist God of Time immediately said: "It's not, this is Friend Bai, my good friend!"

The God of Wealth walked in front of the God of Time and threw him a bag of things. After the God of Time took it, he slapped it curiously, and was immediately blinded by the shaking.

Bai Ye sat next to the Taoist God of Time and glanced at it, then immediately opened his eyes and quickly washed his eyes.

"Brother Qian, what are you doing for me?" The Taoist God of Time looked at the Taoist God of Wealth suspiciously.

But the God of Wealth didn't speak, so Bai Ye said, "What he means is, let you play and buy something you like, don't disturb him."

As soon as Bai Ye's words were finished, the God of Wealth immediately nodded in agreement.

Then he turned his eyes to Bai Ye again.

Bai Ye is helpless. I never heard that the God of Wealth does not like to talk. It seems that these people are more or less strange.

Bai Ye stood up, walked to the God of Wealth and God of Food, bowed and saluted, 557 then stood up straight and smiled at the two of them.

"In Xiabaiye, the city lord of Zhutian City is on good terms with several Taoist gods here, and you are welcome to come to my Zhutian City to play."

Bai Ye said, and handed out two invitation cards.

The God of Wealth and God of Food hesitated for a while, then looked at the several Dao Gods present, and seeing their encouraging eyes, the two looked at each other, and then finally got the invitation card.

When the two of them received the information from Zhutian City, Bai Ye's mood was extremely excited.

Now only the Kendo God has not seen anyone.

However, the last time I was in the forest with the Demon God, it was really unpleasant to meet the great-grandson of the Sword God, so Bai Ye was a little hesitant about whether to go to the Sword God.

In addition, the current value of Zhutian City is estimated to be too low, and it is not so urgent to see the Kendo God.

Bai Ye waited for the God of Wealth and God of Food to come back to their senses, and explained, "If you want to go shopping, you only need to exchange value points."

The God of Wealth followed Bai Ye and said, "You are very powerful, we can cooperate."

Bai Ye looked at the God of Wealth in surprise, unable to believe that the God of Wealth was speaking just now.

When everyone saw Bai Ye's expression, they all burst into laughter, and even the Taoist God of Time laughed.

If you want to ask what the Dao Gods are laughing at, Bai Ye can only sigh helplessly.

Unexpectedly, the temperament of this weak scholar, the God of Wealth, turned out to be Zheng Taiyin, which is not very strange, but it does not match the identity of the God of Taoism.

But the God of Wealth became angry, and threw shiny spiritual stones at several Dao Gods.

The name of the scholar who scattered money is well-deserved.

Bai Ye coughed: "God of Wealth, in the city of the heavens, there may be something you need, and you can freely switch between various sounds. As long as you want, there is nothing that it does not have."

The God of Wealth looked at Bai Ye in amazement at this time: "Really? Is there really something that can change my voice? Not even talismans, because this is part of my innate Dao bones and cannot be changed."

Bai Ye nodded affirmatively, and suddenly, a light flashed in Bai Ye's mind.

Then he smiled and said to the Taoist gods: "Today is such a coincidence, tomorrow will be the celebration of the Song and Dance Taoist City, and then everyone does not know when they will meet again."

Bai Ye saw that all the Taoist gods nodded, and then continued to express their thoughts.

"Why don't I be the host and bring everyone into Zhutian City, a few special worlds, and bring everyone to play in a group?"

Lei Dao Shen was the first to respond: "Okay, Brother Bai, to be honest, I don't dare to enter your worlds, and I don't know what's inside. With you as the guide today, I must go a few more times. One place, enough to play!"

The mechanical Taoist god on the side also said: "I want to go too. I only know the forging masters of other worlds. I haven't been to their worlds yet, so I can get a deeper understanding of their design concepts."

Even Yaoge, Yaowu and Taoist gods are moved. Recently, they have been in the grand ceremony of Song and Dance Taoist City. They don't have time. This time, they can enjoy dance and music of different cultural styles.

Not to mention the Taoist God of Time who has never been there, and the Taoist God of Wealth and Taoist Food God who have just joined.

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