Some were automatically connected during the previous upgrade, while others were sub-worlds generated after the upgrade because the development of the main world was too fast.

Such additions and subtractions have exceeded 1, and there are some time boundaries that Bai Ye has never heard of or visited.

God of the Nine Great Dao, everyone has different choices and different hobbies.

So even after arguing for a while, nothing came of it.

In the end, he had no choice but to turn to Bai Ye for help.

Bai Ye asked them about their thoughts one by one, and finally Bai Ye decided to take them into the future world of technology.

Because for the gods of the Dao, the general world is despised.

So Bai Yi decided to take them to see new species, alien creatures, zerg!

After Bai Ye was determined, he took the God of the Nine Great Dao to the front desk to receive the mission. Coincidentally, there was a mission to kill the Zerg.

Bai Ye let all the gods of the Nine Great Dao pick up, and then took them back to his office here.

Then summon Xiaobai and let Xiaobai set up a portal in the sky.

Then Bai Ye smiled at the God of the Nine Great Dao, and took the lead in getting into the gate of time and space.

Immediately after, the Demon God, the Wind God, and the Thunder God followed and walked in.

The Taoist God of Time shouted and waited for me, and followed me in, and the Taoist God of Mechanism, the Taoist God of Wealth and the Taoist Food God who walked in the back walked away after waiting for the Taoist God of Yaoge and Yaowu to enter. go in.

As soon as they landed, they immediately fell down, and the Nine Great Dao's nerves panicked because they found that they couldn't mobilize the spiritual power in their bodies at all.

what's going on?Could it be that Bai Ye planned to kill them? !

Or the Demon God who has a lot of experience, Li Ji shouted loudly: "The spiritual energy here is thin, but it is not that there is no spiritual power, calm down and feel it carefully."

Then the Nine Great Dao Gods fell to the ground one by one.

Seeing Bai Ye who was already waiting there, everyone went up to question him, what was going on?

Bai Ye smiled helplessly and explained it to them.

This is the future world. It turned out that the world was a long time ago because of the destruction of the environment, so the spiritual energy was thin, and there were no monks at all, but only the power of science and technology.

At the same time, Bai Ye also explained that if we have spiritual power every time we go, will that break the balance?

And they are all invincible, so what's the point of coming to experience it.

Wouldn't it be a lot of joy, excitement and challenge lost.

Lei Dao Shen was the first to stand up and agree. He had been to several other worlds before, all of which were similar to what Bai Ye said.

After the explanation is clear, a few people are in the mood to slowly observe the surrounding environment.

They were left in the ruins at this time, and the former building frame could still be vaguely seen.

At this time, it was full of dust from the machine, some broken marks, and some unknown mucus of various colors, hanging on it.

It was really desolate, and the God of the Nine Great Dao looked around in surprise.

They have never seen such a place without any plants, and even if the devil is in the devil world, he has never seen such a harsh environment.

"It's become like this from now on, how can this person live?"

Time Taoshen looked around in surprise and asked Bai Ye curiously.

Bai Ye explained their confusion: "These are scraps left over from the war, there are plants and the like, but they are not here, our mission here is to hunt and kill the insect race...  ."

Bai Ye saw the dazed look on the face of the gods of the Nine Dao Dao.

Just explained to them: "The zerg is a worm from another world. This worm has a worm queen, and it will produce worm eggs all the time. After the worm eggs hatch, they will kill humans and use humans as nutrients. ."

The Demon God took over the words: "So do we need to destroy it?"

Bai Ye nodded: "It is very difficult to eradicate the queen, and there is more than one queen, and the queen exists in another space barrier, and it keeps hatching eggs to hide itself, so what we can do, It is to kill as many insect races as possible."

"Brother Bai, but what we have to do now is to leave here and find the Zerg?"

Bai Ye nodded towards Lei Dao Shen: "We need to identify the direction, and then find the human beings. After the meeting, it will be easy to handle. Let's choose a random direction."

The gods of the Nine Great Daos all began to feel the spiritual power in their bodies, because most people, from the beginning of their memory, they are the gods of the Tao, so they haven't felt the symptoms of weakness in their bodies for a long time.

It made their hearts a little complicated. Dao God is a Dao God after all. Even if they have no spiritual power, their own Dao God bones still exist.

Therefore, several people in this world are also super strong.

Feng Dao Shen felt the wind 2.1 coming from all around, and then pointed at a square.

"Let's go this way, there should be a crowded place going forward here. I feel the wind coming from this direction, and there is a breath of life, so if we go this way, we should reach a place with many people."

A few people wandered among the ruins, and there was nothing to say in the ruins.

Bai Ye was walking and searching, trying to see if he could find something of value.

Of course, the idea is very good, but the result is really disappointing, but Bai Ye didn't really want to pick up anything, just as a kind of entertainment for himself.

The speed of several people is very fast, so in less than an hour, they have all gone a long way.

At this time, Feng Dao Shen suddenly warned: "Everyone, be careful, I feel like something is coming towards us, and there are quite a lot of them.".

Chapter 856 Encountering the Zerg Army

Bai Ye also nervously took out the Source of Thousand Opportunities and turned it into a long spear.

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