Several other Dao gods saw Bai Ye like this, and they all took out their weapons.

They walked forward on alert, Bai Ye, and Lei Dao God, Feng Dao God headed, Demon Dao God and Mechanical Dao God broke off at the end of the line, Yao Ge Dao God, Yao Wu Dao God, Wealth Dao God and Eat Dao God General Time Taoshen surrounded the middle, moving forward cautiously.

Just when other Taos are thinking and walking for a long time.

Then I heard Bai Ye's cry: "Be careful, get down!"

The Taoist God of Time quietly raised his head, only to see densely flying over his head, many kinds of bugs that he had not seen recently.

How are these bugs different?That is, they are all very big, maybe one of them is the size of an adult.

And these bugs have hard armor on them.

The sharp teeth in the mouth, and the green mucus flowing from the mouth, really made the time sick.

After about ten minutes, all the bugs flew over.

Bai Ye did a calculation and found that there were about 29 or [-]. [-]

Fortunately, they all have their own way of hiding, so they were not discovered by these Zerg.

Bai Ye saw so many Zerg flying past.Turning back to the God of the Nine Great Dao, he said, "It seems that these Zerg should be the residence of the humans in front of the raid. Let's hurry up and help."

Lei Dao Shen was the first to respond: "I've never seen this kind of bug before, and I don't know if it's serious or not. Let me meet it, let's go, let's go!"

The Demon God also stood up and moved his body: "I haven't moved my body for a long time."

The machine Taoist said to them: "Don't kill too much, otherwise I will not be able to study these corpses. I think its shell is so hard, it may be a good material."

Bai Ye gave a thumbs up to the mechanical Taoist god: "Brother Li, you really said it, don't worry, we killed the bugs and left them to you, enough for you to study for a long time."

And Yao Wu Dao Shen said to a few people with a look of disgust: "This thing is too disgusting, you go first, we will pass slowly, I don't want my long silk to get on these things. slime."

At this time, the Taoist god of time also nodded: "I am worried that I will get lost if I walk too fast, then I will accompany Yaoge Yao to dance the Taoist god, and walk slowly behind."

The Taoist God then said, "I know that there are insects in many places that can be eaten, but I don't know what these insects taste like, fellow Daoist Bai, do you know?"

Bai Ye shook his head and said with a smile: "I really don't know, let's go to the front and find someone to ask."

So Bai Ye, the God of the Devil, the God of Thunder, and the seven of them hurried forward.

Yaoge Yao danced the Taoist god, and the three Taoist gods still had time to follow at their normal speed.

When Bai Ye and a few people arrived, they saw a very high wall built in the distance, which should be several kilometers visually.

And above the high wall, at this time, it was full of dense Zerg.

They opened their mouthpieces and began to gnaw at the material on the wall, green drool flowing onto the city wall, making a creaking sound.

And inside the city wall blocked, all kinds of lasers are constantly emerging from the outside.

Above the high wall, Bai Ye could see that several mechas appeared, firing laser bombs at the Zerg, sweeping down a large area, but there were too many Zerg.

There are also several mechas that have been scrambled by the Zerg, and the battle is very fierce.

In front of them, the corpses of the Zerg continued to fall, and the mechas of the human race fell down with smoke.

Bai Ye looked at this scene at this time, and his blood was really boiling. This is the future world, this is the era of mechas, and it is also the era of Zerg.

Without saying a word, Bai Ye grabbed the source of a thousand opportunities and transformed the shape of the spear into a needle-bone umbrella.

Then after opening the umbrella, Bai Ye fired countless needles towards the Zerg in front.

And every needle was very precise and hit the Zerg's brain, killing them instantly. Many Zerg fell from the sky like raindrops.

Mechanic Taoshen, Feng Taoshen and the others were the first to see Bai Ye take action.

Only Lei Dao Shen who had played against Bai Ye loudly praised and cheered, and finally, not to be outdone, raised his long stick, caught the thunder and lightning from the sky, and waved towards the Zerg in front of him.

Although their strength has been suppressed at this time, in the past, the Thunder God God could destroy all the Zerg with a single Lei Si, but that was meaningless.

Lei Dao Shen exterminated the Zerg in front of him and shouted: "Happy! The wind reaches God, let's compare and see who is more powerful. How about it?"

Feng Zhishen smiled and nodded in agreement: "What else are you talking about? Let's go."

After speaking, Feng Dao Shen took out a folding fan more than half a meter long from his space ring.

With a swipe, it unfolded, and the top of the folding fan was instantly filled with brilliance, and then the wind to the gods gently fanned, and saw a lot of rotating tornadoes appear in the sky, rolling the surrounding Zerg into the distance and tearing it apart.

Bai Ye was the first time I saw Feng Dao Shen's weapon, and I didn't know what it was before.

Only now did I finally know that it turned out to be this kind of suave weapon, but it was also very in line with the temperament of Feng Dao Shen.

The remaining few people did not speak, and they all took out their housekeeping skills and greeted the Zerg.

Bai Ye and the others attacked from behind, which was equivalent to flanking the Zerg 557 clan on both sides, and their combat power was exceptionally powerful, and they saw that most of the Zerg on the battlefield disappeared in an instant.

Bai Ye heard a sharp scream in the middle of the Zerg, and it was estimated that it was the Zerg general who commanded the Zerg.

The insect will scream at Bai Ye and the others, and then a part of the Zerg will fly towards the Demon God and the others.

"Everyone be careful! This is the worm general who is commanding the battlefield. We caught it by surprise just now. Now it should be prepared. Be careful not to be injured by them. There are many worm eggs in their blood, and they will live from the wound to people. in the body."

After listening to Bai Ye's words, the other Taoist gods showed surprised expressions.

It turned out to be so vicious, but anyone who was injured would be sojourned, which was too rascal.

However, Bai Ye was not afraid, and the Dao Gods basically belonged to the law attack and long-range output.In addition to eating Dao God, but eating Dao God's long knife is no joke, there is a large knife.

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