And the mechanical fighting god is even more wonderful, Bai Ye finally understood why the Thunder God was complaining to him at that time.

Because the machine Taoist actually released a lot of puppets, they were thrown into the battlefield in an instant. Basically, more than half of the Zerg that attacked could be assigned a puppet.

Anxiously, Lei Dao Shen screamed: "Lao Li, you are not particular about it, hurry up and collect your puppets and leave some for us.".

Chapter 857 Lieutenant Colonel Hu's Invitation

And Feng Dao Shen took this opportunity to directly fan a few tornadoes forward.

At this time, the Thunder Dao God didn't follow these Dao God ink marks anymore, and attacked directly, because he knew that he would not attack again, and it was estimated that the Wind Dao God would wipe out all the Zerg.

Bai Ye was a little helpless and surprised when he saw these few gods who were fighting for toys like children.

When I first came to this world beyond the Tao, I really never thought that the ten gods of the Tao have such personalities, and they are so different. Don't they have the consciousness of being a master at all?

Soon under the practice of several Dao gods, there were not a single Zerg left that the Zerg General sent to attack them, and the Lei Dao Idol continued to run forward to destroy the Zerg above the city wall.

At this moment, the people inside the city wall seem to have discovered them.

More mecha warriors flew out of the high wall and fought with the Zerg in the air, seeming to want you and Bai Ye to wrap them up together.

The rest of the Taoist gods were in a burst of energy, slaughtering the Quartet, and laughing with each other.

Looking at the white eyes and sighing, it is really a chat and laughter, the Zerg flies ashes and vanishes, and the pieces are crushed into dust.

At this time, Yao Ge, Yao Wu and Time Dao Shen also rushed over.

Seeing that the men in front were so cruel, and the ground was already covered with dense Zerg corpses, the Taoist god of Yao song and dance, who loves cleanliness, immediately took a few steps back.

And the God of Time has never seen such a picture.

You must know that when he went out before, there were flowers, fruits, and petals all over the ground.

Where have you seen such a fight?Cover the ground with Zerg corpses.

Taoshen Time watched several Zerg corpses fall in front of him, and immediately waved his sleeves unbearably.

I saw that the Zerg corpse in front had disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared.

The time Taoist uses this is time retrospection, returning time to the clean ground before the appearance of the Zerg, and the Zerg's corpse is naturally crushed in the process of time flow and disappears into the cracks of time.

Soon, the Taoist God moved forward while walking, but was stopped by the Mechanical Taoist God.

"Hey, I said Shijian, didn't I say it, the corpse was left for me to study, why did you all get rid of it?"

The Taoist God of Time looked at the Taoist Mechanic aggrievedly and pointed to the battlefield: "Look, there are so many things on the ground, it's not enough for you? I just want to walk forward and see what's going on, but these Zerg The corpse was disgusting, so I cleaned it up."

Bai Ye was surprised when he heard the voice and looked back.

Although he knows that no matter where time is, it is not a simple existence - but he did not expect it to be so silent, which is also terrifying.

The sufficiency was quickly wiped out, and the worm general was also turned into scorched earth in a lightning bolt from the Thunder God.

This wave of Zerg, it is estimated that I did not expect such a powerful person to appear.

Which of their previous attacks did not come naturally?This time it was also because there was not enough food recently, and I wanted to reserve some, but I didn't expect that I was the part that was reserved.

In the white night, they saw that the Zerg was no longer a climate, and they stopped one after another.

Seeing that the last few Zerg in the sky were beaten down by the mecha, they just stood there and didn't move.

Sure enough, after a while, a door opened on the city wall, and a spaceship flew out from it. The spaceship was not big, about the size of an ordinary plane.

The plane flew in front of Bai Ye and the others, hovered in mid-air, and slowly stretched down a ladder to reach them.

When Bai Ye brought the Nine Great Dao Gods into the future world, they had already made changes in their external images, but they all let them choose their favorite styles.

Therefore, it is not a strange dress for these people to appear here.

A man who looked like an officer slowly came down from the top of the stairs, and after he came down, he glanced around.

Bai Ye estimated that he was looking for the leader, and after thinking about it, he took a step forward and walked to that person.

The man turned towards Bai Ye and gave a military salute that Bai Ye fans had seen before - it was probably unique to this world.

Bai Ye also changed his gestures with his movements.

After seeing Bai Ye's military salute, the man said, "I'm the third army, Lieutenant Colonel Hu Ranhu, I don't know which army they belong to, we didn't send a distress signal, where did you know that there was an enemy attack? ?"

Bai Ye smiled politely and said to the officer, "Lieutenant Colonel Hu, you misunderstood, we are not from any legion, we just happened to pass by here and saw a large group of Zerg coming to sneak attack, so we came after Zerg. here."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he pointed to the nine major gods behind: "We are a private mercenary team, mainly taking on new missions. This time we saw the Zerg, which is also one of our mission goals, so we want to help."

Lieutenant Colonel Hu nodded. He knew that he would often encounter a separate pair of mercenary squads, saying that they came to do missions.

And often encounter all kinds of strange mercenaries, these people in front of them are relatively normal.

That's only in terms of appearance and clothing. In terms of strength, it's really super different.

Lieutenant Colonel Hu looked at the dead Zerg corpses on the battlefield, and was speechless in his heart.

In the surveillance screen just now, I only saw a few people's tacit understanding and strange moves, but I didn't know that the lethality was so great, and I didn't know the terrifying shock until close range.

The strength of these people is really not to be underestimated. If they can be pulled into the army, it will be a big killer.

Moreover, Lieutenant Colonel Hu also saw in the monitoring just now that they were not equipped with mechas, they just fought hard, and they were so powerful. If they were equipped with mechas, it could be said to be their secret weapon.

Thinking of this, Lieutenant Colonel Hu immediately wooed him and said, "¨"I don't know if some of you want to join the legion. Our third legion is also a well-known legion in the entire empire and is well-treated."

Bai Ye gave Lieutenant Colonel Hu the military salute he just learned, and then smiled and refused.

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