Having said that, Colonel Leng glanced at Lieutenant Colonel Hu: "I am in charge here, he is only in charge of logistics, administration and so on. I originally asked him to receive you, but I didn't expect him to receive such a reception. Since that's the case, then I Just accept it yourself."

Finally, he took a step forward, directed at Huang Zhong's novel.

"Lieutenant Colonel Hu, take care of your hand, don't stretch it too long, or I will cut off the extra part for you."

Regardless of Lieutenant Colonel Hu's blushing and blue face, he turned his head and said to Bai Ye and the others, "Please come with me. In order to express my apology, dinner has been prepared for you."

The Demon Dao God and the Wind Dao God didn't understand what Bai Ye and Lieutenant Colonel Hu said just now, but they generally knew that it was not a good thing.

It's just that when they came out, they didn't understand what was going on here, so they didn't say anything, and only let Bai Ye do it for him. .

Chapter 859 Lieutenant Colonel Leng

However, it seems that Bai Ye is still very trustworthy, so he laughed randomly and patted Bai Ye on the shoulder.

"Let's go, Brother Bai, let's go as we talk, don't say I got into a fight, I'm really dry."

When Bai Ye looked back and saw Shi Lei Dao God, he said to the remaining Dao Gods: "Let's go and have a look, if the hospitality is not good, it doesn't matter, we will go out and leave here by ourselves, the world is so big, how can we be trapped Can you live with us?"

Having said that, Bai Ye turned his head on purpose, cast a glance at Lieutenant Colonel Hu, and followed Lieutenant Colonel Leng to leave.

Lieutenant Colonel Hu watched Lieutenant Colonel Leng take Bai Ye and his party away with a sullen look.

Suddenly, I wanted to cry, but I could only say that I lifted a stone and smashed my foot.

He didn't really think about doing an autopsy. He also knew that he couldn't beat others, so he just wanted to cooperate. He didn't expect these people to be so temperamental.

Well now, offend these people, but let Lieutenant Colonel Leng sell it well.

On the other side, Lieutenant Colonel Leng accompanied Bai Ye and the others as they walked forward, introducing them at the same time.

"I was stationed here at the beginning of this important military place, Lieutenant Colonel Hu of the Third Army Corps, but was later sent by the central government to assist me, so I am relatively polite to him."

Lieutenant Colonel Leng carefully observed Bai Ye's expression and found that Bai Ye was not angry.

He continued, "I didn't expect him to be so rambunctious, causing trouble for you all."

Bai Ye shook his head: "Actually, it's not a big deal, I also know that everyone is curious, but I think he doesn't respect me a little bit, it's also a matter of you to say it in advance, just take us there, What is that?"

Lieutenant Colonel Leng nodded: "Yes, yes, Bai Yingxiong is right. He doesn't have any bad intentions, but he is a little impulsive and willful in doing things, so we get along fairly well."

When Bai Ye heard it, Lieutenant Colonel Leng called himself a hero, which was really unbearable.

Bai Ye said, "My name is Bai Ye. You can just call me Brother Bai. Don't call me a hero. We don't exaggerate."

When Lieutenant Colonel Leng heard this, he laughed: "Brother Bai is happy, I don't like mother-in-law either, come, here, here."

Bai Ye saw a huge dining table in front of him.Like a separate private room, some food has been placed on the table.

Many white nights can't see what it is, and some vegetables are just a plate.

After a few people sat down, Bai Ye said to Lieutenant Colonel Leng.

"Can you tell us what these are? We haven't eaten them before, and we don't know if they suit my brother's taste."

Lieutenant Colonel Leng was stunned for a moment, then looked back at the God of Nine Great Dao.

It was found that several people were full of gods and handsome, handsome men and beautiful women.

Even if it is like eating the god of thunder and the god of thunder, there is a special temperament that people dare not underestimate.

He had seen other mercenary groups before, but compared to the mercenary group at this time, it was heaven and earth.

He also corrected his mentality and waved at his deputy.

"Hello everyone, I'm Lieutenant Colonel Leng's deputy. My name is Leng Gang. Let me introduce you to today's dishes."

As soon as he finished speaking, he pointed to a plate of red meat dishes on the table: "This dish is spicy and spicy."

Bai Ye immediately asked, "It's not the Zerg's doing it, right?"

Leng Gang shook his head and said with a smile: "No, this is a cow we raised alone. We don't eat Zerg. It's not whether it tastes good or not, or the external image, we can't talk about it."

Bai Ye nodded again and again, and said in agreement, "I'm also worried, so I specifically asked to ask."

Lieutenant Colonel Long reacted at this time, why Bai Ye needs someone to introduce dishes.

Then he said to Bai Ye and the others, "Don't worry, none of them are related to the Zerg. You can rest assured to eat them. All of them are kept in captivity by ourselves."

After hearing Lieutenant Colonel Leng's words, the gods nodded, picked up chopsticks, and simply tasted two or three sips.

The most favorite thing to eat here is to eat the Taoist God, and he has tasted all kinds of dishes.

Sometimes I will ask how the cold steel next to it is made?

Bai Ye just ate a little bit, and it tasted okay.

It seems that the future world does not really give up the sense of taste as in the novel, and the consciousness of human enjoyment is always there.

And the taste is more pleasant than before.

After eating, Lieutenant Colonel Leng took them back to their accommodation.

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Lieutenant Colonel Long opened a door, and inside was a very spacious room with sleeping compartments like capsules and pills placed one by one.

He said to Bai Ye, "Because the base has limited space and limited capabilities, I can only provide you with such a sleeping compartment. You are familiar with each other, so I will put it in one room."

Having said that, Lieutenant Colonel Leng opened a door next to him and said to them, "There are all kinds of washing things and tools in here. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me, or you can ask the intelligence inside. robot."

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