After he finished speaking, he beckoned, and a winged polygon flew down from the roof of the house.

Yes, a polygon, like a parallelogram, is missing a few corners. Bai Ye's mouth twitched, and he didn't know who designed it.

...... 0

Lei Dao Shen and several people were very curious, especially the Mechanical Dao God, who almost couldn't control their desire to explore.

It was stopped in time by the demon god next to him.

Bai Ye nodded and said to Lieutenant Colonel Leng, "Thank you for your hospitality, then we will rest first."

Lieutenant Colonel Leng also got interested and withdrew.

By the time only Bai Ye was left in the room, Bai Ye did not let down his guard when they were there.

Instead, he raised his hand and arranged a large shielding formation, and then isolated the robot.

Turning back to the God of the Nine Great Dao, he said, "Now we can talk."

Then he explained to the mechanical Taoist god: "That thing has the function of video monitoring. If he comes in, he will see our every move, so I will block him first."

Thank you Taoshen for suddenly realizing it, and then said a little shyly: "Hey, I know, it's alright, you can just wait and study it, fellow Daoist Bai, why did you turn your face with that lieutenant colonel Hu just now?"

Bai Ye briefly explained the structure of the current world and how magical they are to this world.

After listening to this, the man nodded again and again.

"Don't worry, we won't stay here for a long time. After all, there are still many interesting places. No one has been there yet. We just settled here. I'll take a look tomorrow. If we can, we'll leave here."

Yaoge Yaowu Taoist God nodded again and again: "We really don't like places with many bugs!" Nai.

Chapter 860 Leaving the [*]th Legion Base

When several people heard the complaints of the Taoist God of Song and Dance, they all laughed.

In the next few days, Bai Ye, as he said, did not bring them to be too familiar with the people here.

But when they encountered a zerg attack, they went up to help.

After defeating the Zerg, several people will go to the battlefield to pick up some Zerg corpses and provide them to the mechanical gods for research.

Yes, there is also the study of the God of Eating Dao. Under the strong opposition of everyone, God of Eating Dao did not put the Zerg on the table.

Because he also found out that Zerg meat is not delicious.

So I gave up, but the mechanical Taoist found that the outer shell of the Zerg was very hard.

This is a material he has never seen before. This material is easy to melt after being exposed to high temperature, but it will not disappear. Just like iron, it can reshape various other shapes.

And this material is super invincible corrosion resistance.

The Zerg can't corrode with their own saliva, and they can see the hardness of the shell, so when they kill the Zerg, they are strictly prohibited by the mechanical gods and damage the shell.

Among them, the Mechanic Taoist likes Bai Ye the most.

Because Bai Ye will turn the source of thousands of machines into a needle-bone umbrella, the needles sent out directly penetrate the brain of the Zerg, there is no wound outside, and the integrity is the highest.

Slowly, the Taoist Time God made the people around him lose their eyes in surprise, because the Taoist Time God joined the medical department.

Whenever a soldier is injured, he uses the method of rewinding time to restore people to a state where they were not injured before, so it is very popular.

Coupled with his handsome appearance, there has been a boom in the medical team. Whenever he goes, there will be little nurses from the medical team around.

This can make the soldiers in the base love it or hate it.

Originally, there were few girls in the base, but this guy fascinated all of them.

Watching Bai Ye laughed, but in the same way, Yaoge Yaowu Taoshen also developed a group of fans.

Because Bai Ye suggested to Lieutenant Colonel Leng that long beheading would put a lot of mental pressure on the soldiers, so occasionally they could hold some entertainment programs.

The songs and dances of Yaoge Taoshen and Yaowu Taoist have a certain soothing effect, which really washed away the restless souls of the soldiers.

In the end, when Bai Ye actually proposed to leave, Lieutenant Colonel Leng was really reluctant to part, and kept him in every possible way.

During this period of time, Lieutenant Colonel Hu had to be mentioned.

Lieutenant Colonel Hu, who had been rejected by Bai Ye last time, was very calm, showing his face beside them from time to time to warm up.

Then, while they were free, I explained to them that I didn't want to dissect.

Said that this was the first time he had seen this magical power, so he wanted to study it.

In fact, Bai Ye also understood him later. After all, he wanted to reduce the death rate of soldiers, but he still didn't like his way.

Also, it should be said that the Mechanic Taoist is optimistic about the mechas in the base.

This Bai Ye knows that the number of mechas in the military management area is fixed, and the data must be reported at all times. It is impossible for the mechanical Taoist to take one of them for research.

However, it is not impossible. Now in the Zerg and battle, there are many mechs damaged and destroyed.

So Bai Ye came up with a trick to let the mechanical Taoist go to grind Lieutenant Colonel.

In fact, when Lieutenant Colonel Leng first heard it, he was a little shaken. After all, Bai Ye and the others helped the base so much.

If nothing else, the death rate of soldiers in the base is the lowest, and the soldiers now are particularly heroic and good at fighting!

Because you don't have to worry about being injured or disabled, but as long as you stay alive and come back alive, you can walk around in the Taoist God of Time, and you will be alive and well.

So the mechanical Taoist grinded Lieutenant Colonel Leng for a few days, and Lieutenant Colonel Leng nodded and agreed.

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