But a few people were worried about the mechanical Taoist god, and they forgot the time as soon as they retreated, and they wanted to go out to see more.

So they stopped the Mechanic Dao God, and everyone gave the space ring equipped with the mecha to the Demon Dao God.

In the presence, only the Demon God can restrain the Mechanical God.

Bai Ye offered to leave after a week.

Because it feels that the surrounding Zerg is more or less the same as the one they wiped out, and there is really nothing to see in this piece.

So Bai Ye was like Lieutenant Colonel Leng asking if there was anything more magical.

Or a more suitable place to visit.

As soon as Lieutenant Colonel Leng heard it, he knew that these people were planning to go out to play. He was a little helpless. He liked that these people could stay here, but he also knew that he had no capital to keep these people at all.

In fact, Lieutenant Colonel Leng has always had a conjecture in his heart. He thinks that these are not people, but gods...  

It was God who saw that the Zerg was too arrogant, so it was filmed to save mankind.

Lieutenant Colonel Leng thought this way, but Bai Ye didn't think that he had developed a believer among his own.

Of course, even if you know it, there is nothing, because as far as Lei Dao Shen and the others are concerned.

Isn't that believer becoming immortal and tens of thousands?Every inch of land on the other side of the road.

When Bai Ye left, Lieutenant Colonel Leng gave Bai Ye some resources.

Even Lieutenant Colonel Hu knew that he needed to win over these people, so why would Lieutenant Colonel Leng be gentle?

But Lieutenant Colonel Leng didn't try his best to give good things to Bai Ye and them.

When Bai Ye saw the gift from Lieutenant Colonel Leng, he complimented in his heart. He is really a clever and smart person.

Lieutenant Colonel Leng gave a total of two things, one is a map of the world.

About the corresponding locations of several major military regions, as well as prosperous places and some places worth visiting.

The second gift is the Zerg Daquan here.

Bai Ye felt that the gift of Lieutenant Colonel Leng was more used to please the mechanical Taoist god.

Therefore, the Zerg Daquan means that there are many types of Zerg in the Zerg, with different appearances and different functions.

So Lieutenant Colonel Leng gave this thick Zerg Daquan to Bai Ye and the others, so that they could encounter them at any time and take extra precautions.

In the end, Lieutenant Colonel Leng sent a spaceship to send them out of the base. 2.1

Returning to the side where we just came, on the barren land, the Demon God asked Bai Ye, "Brother Bai, where are we going next?"

Bai Ye didn't rush to answer, but turned around and asked them: "This is probably the situation in this world. Do you still want to experience it or want to know more about it?"

Several people also heard Bai Ye's voice-over, and the mechanical Taoist said: "Brother Bai, you mean, if we feel similar, can we feel it at another time?"

Bai Ye nodded: "Of course, I have adjusted it for a while, so you don't have to worry about delaying tomorrow's Daqing in the City of Song and Dance."

The Demon God thought for a while and said: "This world is quite interesting, I haven't played enough yet, I heard that there is also a sea world here, which is the lair of a Zerg sunk on the seabed. Brother Bai doesn't know if he is here or not. nearby.".

Chapter 861 The Veil of the Dream God

Bai Ye smiled slightly after hearing this.

"The real base at the bottom of the sea will be farther away from here, but it doesn't matter. What we have most now is time, and we can play as much as we like."

Even Bai Ye was very interested in this submarine base.

He heard that this submarine base not only has Zerg, but also some ocean giants.

Bai Ye knew that the value of this giant ocean beast was much more than that of the Zerg, and that he could take some auctions back to Zhutian City.

Earn some value points, isn't it delicious?

Bai Ye asked other people what they thought, and everyone felt that the place where the Demon God wanted to go was pretty good, and they had no other opinions.

So the group of them started to set off for the submarine military base again.

According to the map given by Lieutenant Colonel Leng, this world, as a whole, has a relatively large land area, and the ocean only accounts for one-third of the entire planet's area.

But in this third, there is very little land, it is all deep ocean.

This is also the reason why there are many deep-sea giants.

Bai Ye's current location is on the west side of the map, while the deep sea is on the southwest side of the map.

So it stands to reason that if they keep moving in one direction, they can still see the ocean. Other Taoist gods also think that if 29 walks on foot, some of them are too long and boring.

Therefore, they have all found their own spirit beasts, although the strength is very low here.

But using spirit beasts as pure foot strength is not a problem, and you can also let them come out to let the wind out.

This idea was first proposed by Bai Ye, because the white hair in his family was already making a fuss. No, it should be called Da Bai now.

Xiaobai has made small reports several times, saying that Dabai is a bit playful in living in Tiancheng, and destroys some surrounding buildings in various ways.

Of course it's not very important, and it didn't cause any serious damage.

Therefore, Bai Ye proposed that everyone can take out their own spirit beasts as means of transportation, which would also add a lot of fun to the journey. After the Nine Dao Gods heard it, they all felt that this idea was a good idea.

So on the road, you will see a group of very strange people, as well as a group of messy, all kinds of strange animals.

Needless to say, Bai Ye directly summoned his Baimao. After Baimao appeared, he deeply won the favor of Yaoge Taoist God and Yaowu Taoist God. It was simply impossible to stop.

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