The Demon Dao God and several people were on guard together.

Bai Ye also took out the source of thousands of machines and looked in the direction of the forest.

Suddenly, a white light flashed in front of Bai Ye, and the Taoist God of Time immediately popped out a finger.

That thing kept its attacking stance just like that, hanging in the air.

Bai Yi looked at the Taoist God of Time in surprise. Sure enough, the Taoist God of Time should not be underestimated.

Time Taoshen looked at Bai Ye's surprised expression, and said with a smile: "I fixed it, and it scared me just now, so I clicked it subconsciously."

Bai Ye nodded and looked at the super huge, white flowers suspended in mid-air at this moment.

Yes, there is nothing wrong.

It's like the piranha flower in the movie, but this flower is all white.

The petals are translucent white.

The flower paths and the flower hearts are snow-white.

At that moment, one of the petals, the slightly blue petal, showed sharp teeth.

This is not the same as what Bai Ye imagined. I didn't expect that the murder weapon of this flower was hidden in the petals. Just when Bai Ye wanted to observe further, he suddenly drew another vine from the side.

Similarly, without waiting for Bai Ye's reaction, the Demon God directly pulled out his long sword and cut off the vines.

The part that broke quickly fell to the ground, and the rest immediately shrank back and disappeared into the forest, leaving only the section that was cut, twisting, rolling, and struggling on the ground as if consciously, as if it was very painful.

Then, with another whistle, it burrowed into the soil and disappeared.

Lei Dao Shen was surprised, squatted on the ground and touched the ground: "This thing just got into it, and it just disappeared..."

Bai Ye nodded: "This should be my special characteristic, because I didn't feel any spiritual power fluctuations just now, and there was no change in the ground, which means that it was automatically integrated into the soil."

After speaking, Bai Ye wanted to go up and look at the flower.

"I didn't expect that after we walked for so long, the murderous intention appeared by the river."

Just when Bai Ye was about to say something, the section of Teng Man that had just disappeared suddenly appeared, wrapped around the flower fixed in the air, and wanted to drag it back.

It's a pity that what time Dao God has fixed, who can drag it?So a few people and Bai Ye silently looked at Teng Man who was working hard.

The Taoist God of Song and Dance looked at the Taoist God of Time, and suggested: "Why don't you put it away, you see it is so hard, it's no wonder it's hard to do it, just break it a little, even if it's a little longer, It's not that effective."

The Taoist God of Time looked aggrievedly at the God of Demonic Taoism, and complained, "That should be Big Brother Du, not my problem. Big Brother Du cut it off, and there's only so much left."

The Demon God helplessly put away his long sword and raised his hands: "My fault, my fault, then how do we solve it?"

The mechanical Taoist hurriedly stepped forward: "Don't panic, don't panic, leave this to me, I can help you solve it, I really haven't studied this thing, it feels unusual, I just don't know where its roots are. "

The Mechanic Dao God glanced at the Time Dao God: "Shi Jian, can you drag the root of this thing out for me? I can put it directly into the space ring like this, and go back and study it later."

The Taoist God of Time shook his head: "I can only control time, and its previous roots haven't been here, and I can't make it back to that time."

So the last few people decided that Yaoge Dao God, Yao Wu Dao God, Time Dao God, Wealth Dao God and Eat Dao God, they stayed where they were.The remaining five followed its vines, searched for its roots, and dug it out.

Bai Ye followed the direction of Bai Tengman and slowly walked back to the forest.

Finally, they walked under a big tree and found that this flower was parasitic on the root of the big tree.

And the big tree has long been hollowed out by it, and a few people passed by here just now, but they didn't find it.It turned out that there was such a big flower hidden in the big tree.

Bai Ye thought to himself, if it wasn't for the fact that none of them were idle, there would really be traps everywhere and dangers everywhere.

Several Taoist gods stopped beside the tree trunk, looking at the mechanical guide without doing anything.

When Bai Ye returned to his senses, he discovered this situation.

That means it seems to say, you can dig it yourself, do it, we can just watch it, we have already found it for you.

The mechanical Taoist released his puppet and began to dig.

But it was really a drop in the bucket for Bai Ye to say, and in the end, Bai Ye said to the mechanical Taoist god helplessly.

"¨"Brother Li, if you are at ease, let me come."

The Mechanic Taoist was curious about what Bai Ye wanted to do, so he stepped aside.

Bai Ye took out his source of a thousand machines and threw it on the ground, then silently thought about the shape of the excavator.

When Bai Ye opened his eyes, there were already four excavators lined up in front of him, digging towards the roots of the tree.

This is very efficient.

Several other Taoist gods looked at this machine in amazement and sighed at the changeable weapons of Baiye.

The Mechanic Taoist pointed at this thing and said in surprise: "I know this thing, why didn't I expect it, it seems that next time I need to put a few graves in the space ring."

Soon Bai Ye dug out the roots of the white flowers.

Surprisingly, the root of this thing is not white, but blood red.

When I dug it out, there was still a red liquid dripping down.

The mechanical god immediately took the small bottle and filled it up.

Bai Ye knew that it was definitely not blood, but it was estimated that it was the cell fluid of the plant. The last five people packed up and returned to the first waterfall.

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