After a brief cleaning, Bai Ye took out the map, looked at it, and said to the gods, "We can go directly down this river to the underwater world without going through the forest."

Bai Ye paused for a while when he said this, and then asked, "Do you want to continue walking, or just go down the river?"

The Demon God looked at Bai Ye and said, "I don't have any ideas, just go straight down the river, how about you?".

Chapter 863 Reaching the South China Sea

The Mechanic Dao God thought for a while: "It is estimated that these three days are all these things. We did not encounter any danger when we came, which means that these things are still very spiritual and dare not come out. In this case, let's not Waste of time."

Time Taoshen looked at Mechanic Taoshen.

Then he said, "Yes, I don't think there is anything left in this forest. Even if we go further, we may encounter some dangers or something. It's better to just go down the river like this."

The God of Food and the God of Wealth also nodded.

The God of Wealth said: "I see nothing else in the forest. Let's save time as soon as possible."

Bai Ye saw that the other Taoist gods all expressed their positions, and they all went straight down.

So I took a look at the map to the God of Nine Great Dao.

Then he turned his head and said to the voice of the devil: "Brother Du, now your flying sky is going to enter the sea, how is it?"

After hearing Bai Ye's teasing, the Demon God laughed.

"Of course there is no problem. Feitian has complained to me for a long time, and now I just satisfy it."

The few people in Bai Ye didn't talk nonsense and simply cleaned up.

He sat on Feitian, the god of the devil, and went down the river.

The water in this river is not shallow, but rather deep.

At the beginning, Feitian was too big 563, so there was no way to sink to the bottom.

I can only shrink myself aggrieved, about half of my body.

In order to swim into the stream, they were still free and easy when they sat on the back of Feitian in the white night.

Bai Ye suddenly felt that these people were very similar to a legend in his previous world, called the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea.

It's just that what they were doing at the time was gourd, and what they were doing at this time was whale.

Thinking of this during the day, I laughed.

The Taoist God of Time was very curious, so he laughed at Bai Ye.

Bai Ye said what he thought, and explained it to them by the way.

Which eight fairies are there, and what are the related things?

The God of the Nine Great Dao who listened to it was also full of sighs. It's really not easy to be a fairy anywhere.

Today, I went down the stream like this, chatting about life for a while, and chatting about gossip for a while.

If they find any beautiful scenery along the way, they will stop and go ashore.

Then go back to Feitian's back and move on.

In this way, they walked for about half a month or so.

Only when he really entered the deep sea, and when Feitian swam into the deep sea, he couldn't help but let out a cry.

Then instantly grow up his body, and move forward happily underwater.

Bai Ye didn't pay attention, and then sank into the water.

Fortunately, several people were not ordinary people, and they quickly floated on the water.Looking at the drops of water between each other, they smiled helplessly at each other.

Bai Ye looked around and found that the Demon God was not there.

He turned to the God of the Eight Great Dao and said, "Brother Du, he's not here. Is Brother Du worried that we are trying to reason with him. There are no people, so are you hiding?"

"What nonsense, I'm that kind of person." The voice of the Demon God came from behind Bai Ye.

When Bai Ye turned around, he found the even more embarrassed Demon Dao God, and the others were all laughing.

"Brother Du, are you here to teach Feitian a lesson?"

The Demon God responded with a sound from his nostrils, and then said to Bai Ye and the others, "I avenged you."

These words can make these people who have just come out of the water, amused.

Sure enough, the Demon God went to teach Feitian a lesson.

After a few people laughed, they went to Bai Ye's side and asked him how to find the wormhole in the deep sea.

Bai Ye took out the map and showed them.

In this deep-sea wormhole, if the Zerg do not show up, they will be difficult to find.

At this time, they can go to the sixth largest army in this ocean.

He had asked Lieutenant Colonel Leng before that the commander of the sixth army was a colonel surnamed Jin.

He is also an old colonel in his fifties, who made a lot of meritorious deeds when he was young.

Now that I am older, I take the initiative to apply for the wormhole guarding the sea, and train troops by the way.

It is very admirable among the generals of the empire.

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