However, the large island where the Sixth Legion was stationed was far away from their current location.

Bai Ye raised his head, put away the map, and said to the Demon God: "Let's go to the Sixth Legion now, because the place where the Sixth Legion is stationed is the closest place to the seabed wormhole."

Everyone on the Nine Avenues nodded and agreed with Bai Ye's statement.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, in which direction shall we go? All sides here are the same, I..."

The God of Time was the first to speak.

Originally, he had a bad sense of direction, and he couldn't recognize it when there were houses all around him, not to mention the open space around here and the same place in all directions, it was a disaster for him.

Hearing the words of the Taoist God of Time, the other Taoist gods laughed.

Time Dao God blushed when they laughed.

A little angry and angry: "Stop laughing, laugh again and I will freeze you."

When Lei Dao Shen heard this, his eyes lit up: "Come on, Time Dao God, let's fight! I wanted to fight with you before, but I couldn't find you, and when I saw you before, I thought you were a little white face. Why would you be interested?"

Lei Dao Shen pointed to the surroundings: "You see it's empty and good here, how about it? Let's fight, let me have fun."

Time Taoshen's body hid behind Yaoge Yaowu Taoshen.

"Who wants to fight you, I can't beat you, you are too powerful, I admit defeat."

Seeing this, the Demon God said like a good man: "Okay, let's find the legion first. After finding the target, there will be a chance to learn from each other."

Because the demon god Feitian, Sa Huan didn't know where he went.

And all the way to sit on the fly, everyone has lost the freshness.

Under the strong recommendation of Yaoge Dao God and Yao Wu Dao God, Bai Ye summoned Da Bai.

Let it grow big and float on the sea, while you sit in this plush, warm fur.

If you look at it from the sky, it feels like an iceberg.

Bai Ye pointed at Da Bai and said the general direction.

Let it swim by itself, and if you encounter something on the way and want to eat, just eat it yourself.

Dabai understands what Bai Ye means, that is, let him catch the fish he wants to eat when he sees it.

In the end, Dabai didn't expect that before he could catch it, Feitian sent it to him.

Far away, the Demon God on his back saw his flying sky and swam towards them. The surrounding sea was full of all kinds of fish.

Then I saw it at night.Dabai stretched out his small hairy claws and gently stroked the water, it was the buyer's fish.

This guy actually threw it directly towards the back.

Fortunately, Bai Ye responded in time and blocked it with something, otherwise it would fall on him, but it was really super fishy.

Dabai tweeted a few times at Bai Ye. .

Chapter 864 Seeing Colonel Kim

Bai Ye can only resign himself to his fate and grilled fish for Da Bai.

Of course, the fire for grilling the fish can't be born on Dabai's back. If the fluffy white hair is burned, it is estimated that Yaoge Taoist God and Yaowu Taoist God will be distressed to death.

So Bai Ye took out a floating stone depicting the formation from the space ring, and grilled fish on it.

There are all kinds of fish in this sea, just the palm that Dabai drags up, there are many kinds.

There are silver-white ones, about the size of a washbasin, and orange-yellow ones, the size of a palm, slender and long, and black ones, about the size of a forearm.

After all, there are various kinds, and Bai Ye does not have such a detailed classification. No matter whether it is three seven or twenty one, they will be baked together.

The smell of grilled fish wafted far away on the sea.

Bai Ye left a few for Jiu Dao to taste, and all the others were fed to Da Bai and Fei Tian.

Dabai chirps happily several times, and still shakes his body from side to side in the water.

It made Yaoge Taoist God and Yaowu Taoist God like it very much.

Bai Ye didn't understand, although he felt that the fluffy was very comfortable, but he didn't understand why girls really had no resistance to Da Bai.

After Feitianyou came back, he was always by Dabai's side, and he did not leave after swimming.

Bai Ye guessed that the Demon God had taught him a lot just now, and now he doesn't dare to show Huan'er.

Feitian didn't come back just now, just to catch fish to please them.

Soon it was night, the sky was dark, and Bai Ye knew that the night at sea was quite different from that during the day.

However, it is also for different people, and for them the time is the same.

The Mechanic Dao God took out a lighting thing from the space ring, and he didn't know how he got it, but the lighting of the thing was half dim.

With the moon in the sky and the reflection of the sea, it still feels a kind of hazy beauty.

Let the white night feel a kind of quiet time.

In this way, a few people drifted around in the white night, and finally saw the small island in front of them, that is, the stationing base of the Sixth Legion marked on the map.

When they discovered the island, the soldiers on the island had already discovered them.

Therefore, before Dabai could swim to the shore, he was stopped by the patrol boats at sea.

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