This is the only coercive person he has ever seen in this world, so Bai Ye has become more formal.

The real surprise was Colonel Kim himself.

You know, he went to the battlefield to kill insects at the age of 18, and now he is still killing insects in his fifties.

There are at least tens of millions of reorganizations that have died in his hands, and after so many wars, he has naturally developed an aura that ordinary people can't bear, even his parents and people close to him. Can't stand it.

When he is around his children, he needs to subconsciously restrain this momentum.

Ordinary people can't stand the pressure when they see him, their forehead is sweating, their face is pale, and they panic.

At this time in the white night, they have completely let go of their aura, and under this aura, these people have no reaction at all.

This made Colonel Kim wonder if he was really old.

He looked back at his adjutant, and found that the adjutant was sweating, his face was pale, and his body was stiff.

It seems that it is not that he is too old, but that the other person is more powerful.

Colonel Jin remembered the call just now, Lieutenant Colonel Leng's report and video, so he restrained his momentum, smiled and gave the same military salute to Bai Ye, and then said.

"Welcome to the warriors. I have heard Lieutenant Colonel Leng talk about you. Thank you for your support. Let's go in and talk."

After Colonel Kim finished speaking, he made a gesture of invitation.

Bai Ye nodded politely, and Jiu Dao God followed Colonel Jin to the island with Bai Ye.

The base of the Sixth Corps is completely different from that of Lieutenant Colonel Leng before.

The base of Lieutenant Colonel Leng's Fifth Corps is like a skyscraper, with a wall of [*] meters, which encloses the entire base and is full of technology.

The base of the Sixth Corps was like a small fishing village in the countryside, with small and sparse houses, which surprised Bai Ye.

Colonel Jin saw the surprise and puzzlement on Bai Ye's face, and explained with a slight smile: "This little brother may not have lived on the island before, so I don't know that the attacks and raids of the deep-sea zerg are usually with the help of tsunamis or tsunamis. The storm is coming."

Hearing this, Bai Ye nodded in agreement.

"'So we won't build any military bases on the island, because when the sea comes, everything will be washed away. The houses you see are only used to give soldiers a rest when changing the guard and patrolling. place."

Colonel Jin took Bai Ye and the others to the side of a big tree.

Turning around and smiling, he said to Bai Ye and the others, "This is the entrance to our base."

When Bai Ye saw Colonel Jin, he picked up the golden card on his waist and swiped it on the tree.

Bai Ye then heard the sound of clicking.

At the bottom of the root, an entrance slowly cracked open.

Bai Ye glanced at it and saw the metal material, so it was.

Building the base underground, so that even if the Zerg strikes, or a natural disaster such as a tsunami occurs, there will be a place to escape. It is indeed a clever idea.

However, there was one thing Bai Ye didn't quite understand, so he asked Colonel Jin directly.

"Colonel Jin, I still have one thing I don't know, and I hope you can enlighten me."

Colonel Jin laughed and said to Bai Ye, "Young people don't need to be so polite. If you have any questions, just ask directly. Since I dare to let you in, I naturally trust you."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, thinking, of course you can trust us, we are here to help you, it will not harm your interests, nor belong to any faction, why do you not welcome it?

"Colonel Jin, if this is the case, how can you quickly dispatch troops when the Zerg attack?"

Bai Ye's question is very rude.

Colonel Kim probably didn't expect Bai Ye to be so direct.

So after hearing the question, he was stunned for a moment.

Then he explained to Bai Ye: "There are many entrances to the base, and of course there are many exits. I specially built an exit for the battle, so when the Zerg strikes, the soldiers can go out through the exit."

Colonel Kim sighed at this point.

"Nevertheless, the death rate of soldiers is still very high. I can only train soldiers to make them stronger. I haven't thought of a better way to reduce the death rate. If you have any better way, you can also tell me. ..  

Bai Ye smiled and shook his head: "Colonel Jin is humble, Colonel Jin has done a good job, and everyone sees it."

Colonel Jin said to Baiye with a sigh: "I actually envy the Fifth Army. His high wall can really protect the soldiers well, but here, natural conditions do not allow it."

The two of them had already entered the base, which was almost the same as that of the Fifth Army.

Bai Ye thought that Colonel Jin would take them directly to the lounge.

As a result, Colonel Jin turned his head and asked Bai Ye, "Do you want to take a look at the entrance of the Zerg cave?"

On one side, the Thunder God asked in surprise: "Is it alright now? I'm very curious about this thing. To be honest, Colonel Jin, we are here to see the entrance of this deep-sea Zerg cave."

"It doesn't matter, every soldier who comes to the sixth legion, the first stop, I will take them to see the wormhole of the Zerg, because I want him to be clearly aware of what he has to face and do well. Consciousness to surrender one's life to the motherland."

Colonel Jin took Bai Ye and the others into the elevator again. Bai Ye saw that the elevator had more than [*] floors underground.

The last floor was the sixty-sixth floor. Sure enough, after Colonel Jin entered, he pressed the sixty-sixth floor.

Bai Ye felt the elevator's rapid descent. Of course, these 2.1 feelings were only because he had opened up his consciousness.

Normally, this elevator is relatively stable.

But this is also relative. For people like the Demon God, Lei Dao God, as long as there is a slight vibration, it is also a little bumpy for them.

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