Soon, the elevator doors opened.

When the door opened, Bai Ye's eyes widened.

Even people like Bai Ye who have seen many big scenes are shocked by the scenery in front of them.

It was a feeling that cannot be described in words.

Outside the elevator door is a large room of about 50 square meters.

The room is a fan-shaped structure, and the floor, walls and overhead are transparent, so it can be fully realistic and intimately feel the various schools of fish and other creatures on the seabed.

What surprised Bai Ye the most was the entrance to the wormhole of the Zerg on the bottom of the sea. .

Chapter 866 The Charm of Wormholes

Bai Ye's eyes can see the wormhole of the Zerg.

He did not expect that the wormhole of the Zerg would be so beautiful, like a galaxy in space.

A little bit of sunlight shimmers, whirlpool-like rotation, exudes green light, bright and fascinating.

It seems to be inhaling people's souls into it, and people can't help but want to explore what it is like inside, the beautiful scenery.

It is impossible to imagine that those ugly and ferocious bugs came from such a beautiful passage.

Bai Ye suddenly felt a little outrageous.

When Bai Ye returned to his senses, other Taoist gods sighed in his ears.

In particular, Yaowu Taoist God was completely fascinated by this wormhole. He couldn't help but took two steps forward, raised his hands, and seemed to want to touch.

Mechanic Taoist also looked surprised, looking at the wormhole outside.

He turned around and asked the Demon God: "Why do you think it's so beautiful, can we go in? I really want to go in and study it to see what's inside."

And the most surprising is the time Taoshen.

From ancient times to the present, time and space are inseparable, and the understanding of time and space is naturally different from others.

He stared at the wormhole obsessively, watching intently, completely ignoring the surrounding sounds.

After the white night often passed, he put it down, because he knew that there were many miracles in the universe.

Bai Ye's sigh is also only sighed at the beauty of the exit of the wormhole.

Unlike several other Taoist gods who have never seen this kind of space node.

Colonel Jin saw that Bai Ye quickly regained his sanity, and nodded secretly. It was the first time that he saw a wormhole, and there were very few people who could not be confused.

Although Bai Ye and the others were surprised, surprised, and curious, they were not confused and their concentration was very good. Colonel Jin was also quite surprised.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, this is amazing. I can feel the power of time distortion and the power of space inside. The time inside is much faster than ours."

When Bai Ye heard the words of Taoist Time, he looked at him in surprise.

Unexpectedly, the time of wormholes is faster than them. This is really an unexpected gain, and it also explains why the zerg reproduce so fast.

It may not be that they develop faster, or it may be that the time flow on their side is faster, which explains why humans always feel that the Zerg can't kill them all.

On the other side, Colonel Kim was equally surprised and shocked.

His shock point was different from that of Bai Ye. He never expected that this very handsome young man could feel the changes in time and space. What kind of strength is this?

Moreover, Colonel Jin found that after the young man finished speaking, the other people in the same group did not look particularly surprised, which also showed that they all understood the strength of this young man.

So does that mean that the strengths of these people are similar?How powerful this must be!The time flow rate of the wormhole can be seen with the naked eye.

Colonel Kim tried his best to suppress his surprise and calmed down.

Then he said to the Taoist God of Time: "You feel right, our scientists used a special method to conduct experiments, once threw an apple into a wormhole, and finally found out that the time of the original wormhole was much faster than ours. ."

Bai Ye heard the surprise and suspicion in Colonel Jin's words.

So Bai Ye smiled slightly and found an excuse to say to Colonel Jin: "Yes, his sixth sense is very powerful, and his eyes are different from ordinary people, and he can observe subtle changes in things."

Hearing Bai Ye's explanation, Colonel Jin nodded, and then said to Bai Ye, "Everyone has seen this wormhole, so I'll take everyone to a resting place."

Bai Yan gave another one of their military salutes.

To Colonel Kim: "There is Colonel Laukin."

In the end, Colonel Kim took them back to the elevator and explained to them that the floor of this elevator is not accessible to anyone, and everyone will apply for an ID card.

Like the [*]th floor of the wormhole, only the lieutenant colonel and above can enter.

Others were only brought in to visit once when they first entered the legion.

Above the thirty-third floor is where all the soldiers lived. Colonel Jin took Bai Ye to the forty-sixth floor.

When you get out of the elevator, there is always a very large lounge.

Through the transparent glass, Baiye can see a lot of sports facilities and entertainment facilities, all inside.

There are two wide passages on both sides of the elevator.

There are separate rooms on both sides of the passage. Colonel Jin took Bai Ye and the others and walked to the right.

While walking, he explained to Bai Ye and the others: "Soldiers now have two options. One is a capsule-like type, where several people live together, and the other is a single room. Of course, a single room is generally preferred for those who have military merit."

Colonel Kim paused when he said this, and pointed to the room in front of him.

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