"Because you all helped kill a lot of Zerg when you were in the Fifth Army before, you can be considered to have military merit, so I arranged a separate room for the next door."

Colonel Jin pointed at the house number above the door and said to Bai Ye and the others.

"You can choose from No. [*] onwards. Which one do you like? Just swipe your card to enter. This is the room card."

Colonel Jin gave Bai Ye the room card number while speaking, and let them assign it themselves.

Colonel Kim saw them, quickly assigned the room, and then pointed to the activity room opposite the elevator.

570 "The event is free to enter. There are some sports facilities and some amusement items in it. Everyone can enjoy it for free, but if you want to eat, you need to go back to the second floor, the third floor, and the fourth floor."

Bai Ye asked Major Jin in surprise: "Why so many, is there a canteen on three floors?"

Colonel Jin nodded: "Because there are a lot of soldiers here, the first three floors are canteens. If you want to go out to eat, you can go up to the ground floor and eat on the beach after you finish the meal. , there are no restrictions."

"Okay, Colonel Kim, we all understand. It took you so long. We can arrange the rest ourselves."

Bai Ye said to Colonel Jin with a smile.

Colonel Kim handed Bai Ye a watch.

"This is a communicator. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me. You can ask my adjutant. The number of the adjutant Wuhe has been stored in it."

Bai Ye nodded, and then sent Colonel Jin to the elevator door.

Afterwards, he took the God of the Nine Great Dao and returned to their room, and explained to them how some facilities in the room should be used, such as my toilet, bathroom bath and so on.

But fortunately, the God of the Nine Great Dao, after passing through the base of Lieutenant Colonel Leng before, already has a certain grasp of these high-tech things. .

Chapter 867 Simulation Training Game Machine

So Bai Ye just told them the corresponding positions and some changed shapes.

After that, I went back to the room where I rested, took a hot shower, and then rested.

Bai Ye hadn't rested and slept for a long time, because he had been drifting at sea during this time, and he was still very tired.

When Bai Ye opened his eyes, he looked at the time and found that it was already very late, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

When Dabaiye pushed open the room, he saw the Demon God who also went out.

Bai Ye said hello: "Big Brother Du, you are also going out here, how about the other Dao gods?"

Seeing that Bai Ye was also out of the room, the Demon Dao God smiled at him: "Brother Bai, you finally came out. It seems that you have been very tired recently. They all went to the activity room."

"Oh, is that so? Then I'll go over and take a look." After Bai Ye heard the words of the God of the Devil, he also said curiously to the God of the Devil.

"Let's go, Brother Bai, I'm planning to go to find them too."

When Bai Ye and the Demon God entered the activity room, they discovered that the Dao Gods were all surrounded by a game console.

One by one, full of surprise and admiration, Bai Ye walked over and observed it, and found that this was a simulator game console for fighting against Zerg.

The appearance of the simulator game console is an oval, the front and rear are transparent, the left and right and the rear three sides are transparent, and there is a screen on the front, which broadcasts the pictures inside.

It seems that Colonel Jin is worthy of being a colonel. Even the entertainment facilities of the soldiers are devices that simulate insecticides, which is really very thoughtful.

When Lei Dao Shen and the others saw Bai Yi and Mo Dao Shen coming in, they immediately greeted them.

"Brother Bai, you're awake, tell us how to play this thing, I think they're so fun to play, and my hands are itchy."

Bai Ye walked over, looked at the soldiers who were operating next to him, and asked a few simple questions.

I understood it, and finally I explained how to operate it with Demon Dao God, Eat Dao God, and Wealth Dao God.

After Bai Ye's explanation, all the gods of the Nine Great Dao understood, and then all of them were eager to try.

Even Yaoge Taoist God, Yaowu Taoist God, and two female Taoist Gods are no exception.

Fortunately, there are a lot of machines in the activity room, so Bai Ye took them into the control room one by one, and took them to get familiar with the buttons slowly.

Finally just outside the screen, watching their on-board operations.

In Bai Ye's heart, several Dao Gods are very powerful, but things are completely beyond Bai Ye's expectations.

how to say?Bai Ye was so amused that he couldn't stand up straight.

Because there is no spiritual power in the outside world, after all, it is a simulator, there is no way to simulate spiritual power, only what they call spiritual power and physical ability.

The role of these simulators - mainly to exercise the soldiers' hands-on operation, hand speed, reaction ability, and their spiritual power, so that the nine gods who are accustomed to using spiritual power will be beaten by the Zerg in a hurry and can't be defeated. soldier.

And they made a lot of jokes. It was rare to see the God of the Nine Great Dao so aggrieved, and Bai Ye couldn't laugh at it.

Moreover, among the few people, the one who got started the fastest turned out to be the Mechanic Dao God.

React faster than others.

The second one to get started was the Demon God, who was expected in Bai Ye.

The IQ and EQ of Mo Dao Shen are all online, and he is an absolute scholar.

But what Bai Ye never expected was that the worst player was the Thunder God, who was known for fighting. Thunder God was a straightforward person and liked to go straight to each other.

But in this simulator, it is wearing mecha and fighting the Zerg.

So often, Thunder Dao God forgets that he can't use spiritual power, raises his hands towards the sky, and quietly waits to receive thunder and lightning.

The first time I saw this picture, Bai Ye's surprised eyes almost popped out.

Bai Ye didn't expect that the first time Lei Dao Shen was killed, he would be killed like this every few times. He didn't reflect on his strategy at all, and the whole person was a little anxious.

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