The rest is more interesting, that is, there is a Taoist god of Yaoge and a Taoist god of Yaowu. These two girls can see that they really hate bugs, and they hate them to the point of not being able to.

As a result, as soon as they entered the battlefield, one of them was sturdy, and the weapon was thrown by them, only a phantom, but no human figure.

As soon as the worm appeared, it was quickly stirred and broken.

Although it is not as good as Mechanic Dao God and Demon Dao God, it is the fastest.

Just as Bai Ye was watching a few people and killing everyone in the simulator, the watch given by Colonel Jin flashed.

Bai Ye saw that it was Colonel Jin's adjutant, and Bai Ye turned on the connection button.

"Hello, Mr. Bai, Colonel Jin said he wanted to entertain all of you, so he has already set up a separate private room in the canteen on the second floor. I will meet you at the entrance of the canteen on the second floor, and you can see me when you get off the elevator." "

After listening to the adjutant's words, Bai Ye nodded: "¨"Okay, thank you, we'll get off the elevator now, see you later."

After Bai Ye hung up, he called out the Nine Great Dao Gods.

Came to the negative second floor with them.

Sure enough, just as the adjutant said, after opening the elevator, the adjutant waited at the door, saw Bai Ye give them a military salute, and then led the way in front of them, and came to the private room prepared by Colonel Jin's group with white eyes.

Colonel Jin was already sitting inside, and there were two other people sitting besides Colonel Jin.

One was a female officer in her thirties with black hair and black eyes, and the other was a twenty-seven or eight-year-old male officer with blue hair and black eyes.

Seeing a few people coming in, Colonel Jin stood up, and the two saw Colonel Jin standing up, and they also stood up to greet Bai Ye and the God of the Nine Great Dao.

After Bai Ye and the others were all seated, Colonel Jin introduced it to Bai Ye unhurriedly.

"Mr. Bai, this is the youngest lieutenant colonel of our sixth army, Lieutenant Colonel Han Ruihan, and the beautiful lady next to her is also the only female lieutenant colonel of our base, Lieutenant Colonel Cao Xin Cao."

Bai Ye stood up, gave a military salute to the two of them, and nodded in greeting.

"Lieutenant Colonel Cao, Lieutenant Colonel Han, my name is Bai Ye, just call my name."

When Bai Ye said this, he turned his head to Colonel Jin and said, "Colonel Jin, you can just call me Bai Ye. It's always from Mr. Bai. It seems too polite."

When Colonel Jin heard Bai Ye's words, he nodded with a smile: "Okay, then I'll call you Bai Ye. I feel too unfamiliar, so I don't know what to call them?"

Naturally, Bai Ye couldn't tell Colonel Jin that these people were Taoist gods. It was estimated that Colonel Jin didn't understand very well, so he could only tell Colonel Jin's name.

After this meal, the honored guests were very happy, because not only the common meat dishes, but also vegetables and some seafood in the deep sea were arranged by Colonel Jin. .

Chapter 868 Colonel Jin's Entrustment

The food of the Nine Great Dao Gods is very enjoyable. When they were drifting on the sea before, Feitian just caught some fish.

But what can be eaten in this deep sea is not only fish, but also some other shrimps or snails.

But these things, as the flying beasts of spirit beasts, don't know, so they also miss a lot of delicious food.

At the dinner table, Colonel Jin asked Bai Ye, "I don't know how long you want to stay here, and what are your plans next?"

Bai Ye looked at the Nine Great Dao Gods and asked their opinions with his eyes.

Lei Dao Shen put down the food in his hand, looked up and said, "I don't have any arrangements, and I don't have any urgent matters. Just follow everyone."

The Demon God and the Mechanical God nodded in agreement.

Cai Dao gave Colonel Jin a thoughtful look, and then said: "I don't have any plans for the time being, but I just think that if I'm almost here, I'll look at the next place."

Yaoge Taoist God and Yaowu Taoist God also echoed and said, "As long as we don't delay our affairs, we don't care. It's good to see more or less scenery."

The god of eating Tao smiled and said, "I want to go to other places to see if there are other things that I haven't eaten in 573."

Time Taoshen kept his head down and ate without speaking.

Bai Ye also looked back at Colonel Jin: "Does Colonel Jin need help with anything? If we can do it, just mention it, but if we join the legion, then I can only reject your kindness in advance."

When Colonel Jin heard Bai Ye's words, he shook his head again and again: "How can I be hard on others? It's fine if I don't know, Lieutenant Colonel Leng has already told me about your aspirations, how can I expect a few of you to join the sixth Legion."

When Colonel Kim said this, he looked at the two lieutenant colonels sitting beside him.

The three looked at each other, and Colonel Jin looked at Bai Ye hesitantly with a wry smile.

"There is really one thing that I may need to trouble you all. It's like this. You all know that the base of my Sixth Corps is built above the wormhole. The scientific research room of Lieutenant Colonel Cao recently discovered that the wormhole has been abnormal recently."

When Colonel Jin said this, he turned his head and gestured to Lieutenant Colonel Cao, asking her to explain to Bai Ye.

Lieutenant Colonel Cao nodded and explained to Bai Ye: "We recently calculated and observed and found that the rotation speed of the wormhole is significantly faster than that of the previous period. According to past experience, this is the energy fluctuation that the wormhole is about to open."

Lieutenant Colonel Cao saw that Bai Ye and Jiu Dao Shinto stopped one after another, looked at herself seriously, and she continued to explain.

"This time the energy changes are relatively large. We guess that through the space wormhole, the number of Zerg crossing time and space should be much more than before. We estimated that the personnel reserve of the base may not be enough to support this Zerg attack."

Bai Ye was stunned when he heard this, then turned to look at Colonel Jin.

"Colonel Jin, is your request to us related to the opening of the wormhole?"

Colonel Jin put down his chopsticks and stood up. He gave Bai Ye a military salute before speaking.

"We have studied how to destroy wormholes before, and there have been breakthroughs in research, but the strength of our base soldiers is not enough to complete this plan, so..."

Bai Yeming understood that Colonel Jin had taken a fancy to their strength and planned to let them destroy the wormhole.

As far as Bai Ye knows, the wormhole is not so easily destroyed.

That is the channel connecting the two worlds.

If one fails, it is very likely that this space channel will be turned into a black hole, so that the entire world will be swallowed up. No matter how bad it is, it will swallow up everything around it.

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