Bai Ye turned his head to look at Lieutenant Colonel Cao in amazement and gave a thumbs up.

"You are also too powerful. You are the pride of human beings. Just through some symbols and numbers, you can study the operation of such abstract experiences."

When Lieutenant Colonel Cao heard Bai Ye's compliment, his face flushed slightly, he shook his head, and said shyly.

"What are we? We are just sitting in a safe office and using our brains. The real powerful ones are you warriors who go on the battlefield to kill the insect race. It is really admirable."

Colonel Jin heard the conversation between the two and walked over with a smile.

"Okay, now let Lieutenant Colonel Cao explain to us the plan to close the wormhole."

Cao Zhong nodded his head and walked to the middle of the crowd. This is a photo of a wormhole on the big screen.

"A wormhole is a space barrier connecting two worlds. There is a lot of space in space, so it rotates at a high speed, and the space is stable. If we want to close the wormhole, we must disturb this stability. sex."

When Lieutenant Colonel Cao said this, he kissed a button and tapped the screen.

Then continue this is the vortex in the middle of the wormhole said.

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"Look here, if we..."

Under Cao Zhongxiao's explanation, Bai Ye and the others gradually understood the battle plan.

In fact, it is very simple. Maybe because this is the world of science and technology, people prefer to use scientific methods to explain some phenomena.

But for the gods of the Nine Dao on the other side of the 5th shore, everything has spiritual power. As long as you grasp the core strength, the rest will be easily solved.

You may understand with a simple example,

It's like saying, to build a teleportation array, how to make this teleportation array fail?

There are two ways. One way is to use up the spiritual energy of the spiritual stone, and there is no spiritual force to support the energy operation of the channel.


The second method is simpler, that is, violent destruction, using a larger energy to destroy the stability of the teleportation array and destroy the array.

Lieutenant Colonel Cao analyzed the current stage of their technology, and the research on energy is still lacking.

Moreover, the energy to build a wormhole is not controllable by current manpower, and there is no way to exhaust this energy.

So Cao Middle School adopted the second method, violent destruction.

Violent destruction will produce what Bai Ye said before. After the destruction of space, there will be great energy fluctuations. Whether this energy will produce black holes is beyond human control.

Fortunately, Lieutenant Colonel Cao discovered a metal element material.

The material of this metal element is very stable under normal circumstances, but when this material comes into contact with space quantum, this metal element will decompose itself.

A huge amount of energy is generated during the decomposition process.

They also tested this energy, which is enough to close the wormhole.

The problem Colonel Jin encountered was that the current mecha defense energy and speed could not support the mecha warriors, and could quickly and safely leave the place before the wormhole exploded.

Colonel Jin saw the video of Lieutenant Colonel Leng passing over, and they were fighting in the white night.

To discover Bai Ye and them is to use an energy that they are still unable to study and penetrate, and it is an energy that exceeds the limits of human beings.

That's why Colonel Jin guessed that maybe Bai Ye and the others could complete the tasks that the mechas couldn't.So.

Chapter 870 Prepare to fight

After Bai Ye listened to Lieutenant Colonel Cao's overall plan.

He was bowing his head in contemplation, when the lights in the room suddenly began to flicker, and a red alarm sounded.

Bai Ye immediately looked up at Colonel Jin.

The God of the Nine Great Dao didn't understand what it meant, so he looked at Colonel Jin in surprise.

Colonel Jin's face changed: "No, the Zerg raided, it should be the wormhole that opened ahead of time, Lieutenant Colonel Cao, you protect the base."

"Lieutenant Colonel Han Rui, you immediately organize the frontline troops to meet the enemy immediately, and I will arrive later," Colonel Jin turned to Lieutenant Colonel Han and said.

Lieutenant Colonel Han immediately gave a military salute: "Yes, Colonel Kim, promise to complete the mission."

Then Lieutenant Colonel Han ran out of the gate and began to assemble the team.

Colonel Kim revealed the watch on his wrist, pressed a button, and then only heard the voice of Colonel Kim from the entire base.

"Attention all soldiers, the Zerg is coming, please prepare for battle, the first regiment and the second regiment will immediately go to the No. 1 battle exit to wait for Lieutenant Colonel Han; the third regiment will get on the armor and prepare for the No. 2 battle exit; the fourth regiment and the fifth regiment's No. 3 battle exit Assemble and wait, and the rest of the crew are always ready for battle."

After Colonel Kim finished speaking, the sound in the base automatically repeated three times.

Colonel Jin turned his head to look at Bai Ye and the others: "You come with me, now that the Zerg is attacking, do you want to stay at the base or go out to fight?"

Bai Ye looked back at Jiu Dao Shen's eager expression.

He smiled slightly towards Colonel Jin: "Colonel Jin, we request to fight."

Colonel Jin said in a loud voice: "Okay, you come with me, I will take you to meet the Third Regiment, and they will lead you to the battlefield. You don't have to follow the command, you belong to the mobile unit like the Third Regiment, and you just need to adapt accordingly."

Bai Ye and Jiu Dadou Shen walked out with Colonel Jin, and responded, "Understood, Colonel Jin."

Colonel Kim took them to the elevator, and pressed the minus sixty-sixth floor.

When the elevator door opened, Bai Ye saw the wormhole on the opposite side, which has now expanded, and many zerg raced out of it.

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