The Zerg on the bottom of the sea are really not different from those on the land. Most of the Zerg on the land are crustaceans.

Some looked like shrimp in the water, but most of them were similar to turtles, with a thick shell on their bodies.

There are many feet under the chest and abdomen paddling the water, moving back and forth very fast.

Bai Ye didn't understand why Colonel Jin brought them to the bottom, but he didn't ask.

When the elevator door opened, Colonel Jin turned his head to the side of the elevator, pressed the password, and scanned his retina.

A secret door was opened.

It turned out that there was still a long corridor here, and Bai Ye immediately followed Colonel Jin and passed through the corridor.

In the white night, they saw that the sleeping chambers were opened one by one.

There is probably a regiment of soldiers who have put on mechas and are ready to set off at any time to destroy the enemy.

When the soldiers of the three regiments saw Colonel Jin, they gave a military salute in unison, and walked up to a soldier wearing a red mecha.

Bai Ye estimated that this might be the head of the three regiments.

Sure enough, I heard the voice of the report coming from the mecha.

"Report Colonel Jin, the head of the third regiment, Wang Qiang is ready, the soldiers of the third regiment, all 100 people have assembled, please instruct the colonel."

Colonel Jin gave him a military salute, and then gave up his body, revealing Bai Ye and the God of the Nine Great Dao.

"These are support for you. Our special guests will set off with you soon. They belong to the mobile unit and can kill the enemy on their own. If you need their assistance, add the combat command room and contact you later."

The head of the third regiment gave a military salute and responded loudly, "Yes, Colonel Kim."

Colonel Jin nodded towards the head of the third regiment: "Pay attention to safety! Come back victorious."

In an instant, the entire No. 2 battle exit, the soldiers' flags shouted: "Victory returns, victory returns!"

Colonel Jin turned to Bai Ye and said, "You will follow the commander of the third regiment for a while and get a set of combat uniforms. You need special clothing for underwater operations, and you will join the command room for a while. I am leading the fourth and fifth regiments. Report anything in time."

After Colonel Jin finished speaking, he pointed to the watch on his wrist, and saw Bai Ye nodded to show his understanding.

Colonel Jin turned his head to open a side door next to him and walked inside.

Bai Ye estimates that every battle entrance should be connected, and there is also a passage like when he came here.

When Bai Ye turned back, he said to the head of the third regiment: "My name is Bai Ye, let's add the command room, we can contact you if there is anything..."

The head of the third regiment nodded, and quickly pulled Bai Yi into the command room.

This command room is equivalent to the team channel during the game.

There are only Colonel Jin, Lieutenant Colonel Cao, Lieutenant Colonel Han, Bai Ye and the heads of the five major regiments, these core members.

At this time, the head of the third regiment will lead Bai Ye to collect the diving suit.

Bai Ye rushed to the head of the third regiment, nodded, and then said to the God of the Nine Great Dao behind: "Let's go and get the underwater combat uniform."

Lei Dou Shen muttered softly from behind: "You don't need a combat uniform, and that thing might limit my performance."

The demon god on the side hurriedly complained: "I said, Kong Pan, don't recruit thunder, this is under the sea, don't recruit thunder, you didn't kill the Zerg when you came here, and it's not easy for us to be electrocuted. ."

"Hey! Du Shiliu, am I that kind of person? How could I make such a low-level mistake, I think you should remind Han Mu, who caused a tsunami in a storm and swept us away directly. "

After listening to the words of Demon Dao God, Lei Dao Shen turned his head like this pot was thrown at Feng Dao God.

Feng Dao Shen looked at Lei Dao Shen helplessly: "Old Kong, don't worry, I will make a storm roll for you alone."

After Feng Dao Shen finished speaking, he didn't even look at Thunder Dao Shen, and followed Bai Ye and the others toward 2.1.

Upon hearing this, Lei Daoshen hurriedly chased after him: "Han Mu, don't, we have the best relationship, you can't be so unkind."

On the other side, the Taoist god of Yaoge and Yaowu were in distress.

"Sister, it's too inconvenient for the two of us to be at the bottom of the sea. It would be nice if we could go to the shore and fight."

Hearing the words of Taoist Yaoge, Taoist Yaowu nodded and said coldly: "Well, the bottom of the sea is indeed not suitable for us."

On the other side, the Taoist eater nodded again and again: "Not only is it not suitable for you, but it is estimated that the mechanical Taoist has enough headaches. Those precious pimples of his, I don't know if they can survive underwater."

The mechanical Taoist god next to him raised his head proudly when he heard the words of the Taoist god.

"You think I only have one kind of puppet. Today, I will let you see how my darlings are amazing."

Chapter 871 Countdown

Seeing that he couldn't take advantage of the Taoist God, he walked to the God of Wealth.

"The money is here, isn't it suitable for you to be at the bottom of the sea? You said that if you sprinkle your money in this sea, wouldn't it be a real waste of time?"

The God of Wealth did not speak, but instead walked around the God of Food and walked forward.

Bai, who was walking in front, also heard the words of the God of Chi, and imagined the scene, and it was true.

Just when Bai Ye wanted to say something to the God of Nine Great Dao, the head of the third section said to Bai Ye and the others, "Everyone is here, please come in with me."

The head of the third regiment led them into a large warehouse, and then pressed a few buttons, and several large drawers popped out from the wall.

"Everyone, this is the underwater diving combat equipment, which has automatic oxygen extraction equipment - which can automatically extract oxygen from the water, as well as various weapons, mines, laser locks, water guns, you can choose your own weapons, or you can equip more superior."

Bai Ye turned back and asked Jiu Dao God: "Let's choose the weapon we need."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he raised his head and asked the head of the third regiment: "Commander Wang Qiang, there is something I want to ask. Are our battles underwater? A few of my friends are not suitable for underwater battles."

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