As the whole body's true qi circulated rapidly, the jade-colored true qi in Li Xuan's body seemed to be out of control. With his Danzhong acupoint as the center, the whole body's true qi was circulating rapidly, carrying the same amount of spiritual energy, rushing towards the Danzhong acupoint, as if the Danzhong acupoint was their final destination.

Originally, Li Xuan's whole body parts and organs had been tempered by the spiritual energy, and even the speed of the spiritual energy flowing into the Yintang acupoint was a little slower. When all the spiritual energy stopped, this breakthrough was completed.

This also means that Li Xuan has successfully completed the advancement from the acquired to the innate realm. If he wants to enjoy the spiritual energy infusion again, he will probably have to wait until he breaks through to the master realm.

As a result, just when Li Xuan had just completed the breakthrough of the innate realm, he encountered an unexpected situation.

As the true qi in Li Xuan's body carried a large amount of spiritual energy into his Danzhong acupoint, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth not only resumed the speed of entering his body, but also had a trend of getting faster and faster.

After all the Qi in the body was infused into the bottomless Tanzhong acupoint, Li Xuan felt that the trend of the spiritual energy entering the body suddenly stopped, and then it dissipated directly and no longer entered Li Xuan's body.

At this time, there was a bright spot in the Tanzhong acupoint flickering there. With the frequency of the bright spot flickering, a large amount of Qi and spiritual energy would be swallowed by this bright spot, and it was like a Pixiu, accepting all the huge amounts of Qi and swallowing them all into its stomach.

Finally, after this bright spot swallowed all the Qi and spiritual energy, it was satisfied and revealed its original appearance, floating in the Tanzhong acupoint, slowly rotating.

At this time, Li Xuan could see the appearance of this bright spot clearly.

This little thing is jade-colored, and there are two small dots, one black and one white, evenly distributed on it, just like a small Tai Chi carved from fine jade, except that this jade not only has a natural feeling, but is also full of Taoism, and is flickering slightly, as if breathing.

After seeing this little thing, Li Xuan frowned slightly. Just such a little thing swallowed up all his true energy? I don’t know what it’s for?

As if sensing Li Xuan’s thoughts, the jade seed flickered twice quickly, as if expressing its dissatisfaction.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xuan felt that his body was involuntarily running the "Yuqing Taiwei Record", and when running the skills, he began to quickly absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and absorbed all the spiritual energy into the jade seed.

Just when Li Xuan thought that the jade seed was still using the same old trick to absorb spiritual energy, he did not expect that these spiritual energy would be immediately converted into jade-colored true qi after entering the jade seed, and sent out from the Tanzhong acupoint, causing the true qi in Li Xuan's body to recover rapidly.

Because of the participation of the jade seed, the true qi in Li Xuan's body recovered quickly, but when the true qi recovered to the previous level, the jade seed did not stop converting true qi. Instead, when it reached the critical value of the initial stage of the innate, the speed of rotation became faster, and the "Yuqing Taiwei Record" also ran faster and faster, and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy became more violent.

Although Li Xuan didn't know why the jade seed had this situation, he knew that this was a rare opportunity. He held his breath and concentrated when the jade seed converted the true qi, and concentrated on running the "Yuqing Taiwei Record", which made the circulation of the true qi in his body smoother.

However, when the true qi in Li Xuan's body reached a limit, no matter how much the jade seed converted the true qi, Li Xuan's true qi did not increase.

Slowly, slowly, as time went by, the speed of the jade seed's rotation slowed down, and the speed of the true qi also tended to slow down.

Seeing this situation, just when Li Xuan was about to give up, he saw the jade seed tremble slightly, and then, on the surface of the jade seed, dense characters flashed at a very fast speed. The characters were as small as a needle tip. Even if Li Xuan had been looking at the jade seed, he could not see the content on it clearly.

After the characters flashed, the jade seed seemed to turn on a switch. The whole jade seed suddenly lit up and emitted a jade-clear light.

As the light flashed, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth seemed to be attracted by something, rushing towards Li Xuan at a speed five times faster than before.

Originally, the true energy in Li Xuan's body had reached the critical value. With this sudden increase, the barrier in Li Xuan's body was suddenly broken, allowing Li Xuan to directly break through from the early stage of Xiantian to the middle stage of Xiantian.

With Li Xuan's breakthrough, the jade seedThe speed finally slowed down, as if it had changed from running wildly to walking, suspended in the Danzhong acupoint, and there was a leisurely feeling of leisure.

At this time, Li Xuan's speed of absorbing spiritual energy finally slowed down, returning to the level of an ordinary innate warrior, slowly absorbing and refining spiritual energy to increase a little true energy.

Li Xuan did not dare to relax at this time, but struck while the iron was hot, running the "Yuqing Taiwei Record" over and over again, so as to stabilize his rapidly advancing martial arts realm as soon as possible.

When the first ray of morning light shone into Li Xuan's room from the window, Li Xuan finally stopped practicing, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the rising sun.

After opening his eyes, Li Xuan completely understood what an innate strong man was.

Feeling the power in his body that was countless times stronger than before, Li Xuan felt that his current gestures would cause much more destructive power than before.

Moreover, it was not just his majestic innate true qi,

Li Xuan clenched his fist and felt the terrifying power contained in it.

After entering the innate realm, Li Xuan finally understood that innate strongmen and acquired warriors were not the same thing at all.

It was like the difference between a baby and a strong man. Even countless babies could not pose a threat to the strong man.


Li Xuan slowly loosened his fist and observed this unique world.

After entering the innate realm, it may be because all the organs in the body have been tempered by spiritual energy, or it may be because this body has a slight connection with the whole world.

The world that Li Xuan sees now is completely different from before,

Just like seeing mountains is not mountains, seeing water is not water.

In Li Xuan's eyes, the whole world has an inexplicable meaning, even the swaying leaves and the clouds in the sky have an inexplicable color.

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