Li Xuan looked at this world full of inexplicable flavor with burning eyes, as if he remembered something, grabbed the Silver Scale Red Dragon Spear beside him and came to the yard.

Looking at the morning sun in the distance, Li Xuan felt the warmth of it shining on his face, smiled brightly, and casually shook off the coarse cloth wrapped around the spear.

Under the shining of the morning sun, Li Xuan held the spear and began to practice his first-class martial arts "Suzaku Red Flame Spear" that he had already mastered by heart without any true energy.

After practicing the spear technique, Li Xuan's mind was immersed in it, sweeping horizontally, chopping vertically, shaking, wrapping, stabbing, and blocking.

One move at a time, as he pleased,

Li Xuan himself liked spear techniques, so it was easy for him to immerse himself in them, and his mind jumped and rejoiced with the dancing of the spear.

The Suzaku Red Flame Spear, as soon as the name was heard, it was known that it was a martial arts with fire attributes, and each move was fiery and violent.

As Li Xuan practiced this martial art, it was like a volcano about to erupt, full of warm and oppressive feelings.

As Li Xuan practiced it more deeply, he felt like a ball of hot flame, vowing to burn the enemy to ashes.

At this time, the sound of Li Xuan practicing martial arts finally attracted other people in the house.

Just when Lin Shiyu saw Li Xuan and wanted to call him happily, the old man next to her quickly covered her mouth.

Lin Shiyu, who was blocked, looked at her father innocently, and whimpered to her mother next to her, asking her mother to see how her father treated his daughter.

Seeing that Lin Shiyu was still not giving up, Uncle Lin whispered to her:

"Your brother Xuan is practicing now, at a critical moment, don't disturb him, understand?"

Lin Shiyu heard what her father said, although she didn't know what was going on, but she still blinked and nodded to show that she understood.

Seeing that his daughter was obedient, Uncle Lin let her go and began to watch Li Xuan practice spear attentively.

After being let go, Lin Shiyu also made a silent face at her father before looking at Li Xuan.

Li Xuan, who was so absorbed in his practice, didn't know that he was being watched. He was still immersed in it, practicing the moves of "Suzaku Red Flame Spear" with great concentration.

Under the gaze of Uncle Lin's family, Li Xuan's moves were full of charm, and he was free and easy, like a raging fire, like an explosion. Slowly, dots of fire began to appear on the tip of his silver spear.

With the appearance of this fire, Li Xuan seemed to have opened his mind, and the practice of the spear was no longer restricted to one move after another. Just like an antelope hanging its horns, the waving and practice of the spear were natural.

As Li Xuan changed and improved, the tiny flames were like sparks, and soon ignited the entire spear head, then the dragon head, dragon body, and spear shaft.

In the end, not only did the entire spear turn into the color of flames, but even Li Xuan himself was coated with a layer of flames. Under the illumination of the morning sun, it was unclear whether the morning sun ignited him or he ignited the morning sun.

Looking at Brother Xuan who was like a fire god descending to earth, Lin Shiyu's eyes were full of mist, but she still asked her father with some concern:

"Dad, what happened to Brother Xuan? How could such a strange phenomenon appear?"

The high-level warriors in this world have all kinds of magical legends. Lin Shiyu, who has been influenced by them since childhood, is not at a loss.

Hearing his daughter's words, Uncle Lin also came back to his senses from the deep shock. Looking at Li Xuan who was still practicing martial arts, he said:

"Now your brother Xuan's martial arts has long surpassed mine. I don't know what you are asking."

Speaking of this, Uncle Lin paused, looked at the flames on Li Xuan's body, and then said

"However, I have heard from others that if the innate strong or the master strong practice a certain high-level martial arts to the realm of perfection, all kinds of strange phenomena will appear. I wonder if it is the case with your brother Xuan."

Hearing her father's words, Lin Shiyu nodded as if she understood, and then she didn't say anything, but stared at Brother Xuan with her eyes, as if she was looking at her world.

When the morning sun rose to a high place, Li Xuan finally stopped practicing martial arts.

And as he stopped practicing, the flames on his body and on the spear slowly disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

Li Xuan, who stopped practicing, looked at the spear in his hand with excitement, and his mood was a little excited.

"Was that my spear force just now?"

Unlike Uncle Lin, Li Xuan had gone through more than a month of cramming training at the Cloud Eagle Guard and had a full understanding of the various aspects of the Innate Realm.

However, he never expected that just when he had broken through to the Innate Realm,, just when he established a slight connection with this world and saw a different world, he comprehended a little bit of his own spear power.

However, Li Xuan also understood in his heart that he should not look at the big battle when he was practicing martial arts just now.

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that he only comprehended a little bit of spear power by integrating himself into this spear method by chance.

And this kind of coincidence cannot be replicated every time, let alone applying spear power to actual combat like the bronze medal envoy Peng Bailiang.

However, even so, Li Xuan was very happy in his heart, because he had touched a little bit of the threshold and had felt it once. As long as he studied hard in the future, the number of successes will definitely increase until he completely mastered his own spear power.

Everyone's sword power, knife power, and spear power are unique.

It is not only affected by martial arts, but also by the martial artist's own understanding of this world, the practice of skills, and the understanding of the realm of martial arts, which will be integrated into this spear power at that time.

Only when you have your own spear power can you be considered to have your own martial arts path and go further and further on this path.

When Li Xuan slowly experienced the spear power he had just integrated, Lin Shiyu next to him saw that the strange phenomenon on his body had disappeared, and immediately ran over impatiently

"Brother Xuan"

Hearing Lin Shiyu's call, Li Xuan also came back to his senses, looking at the cute little girl in front of him who only had eyes for him, he couldn't help but smile and said:

"Shiyu, why did you get up so early?"

Hearing Brother Xuan's words, Lin Shiyu did not answer, but said:

"Brother Xuan, Brother Xuan, what happened to you just now?"

Then, Lin Shiyu began to tell Li Xuan about the strange phenomenon that had just happened to him with his hands and feet dancing.

At this time, Uncle Lin and his wife also came over, but did not speak, but looked at Li Xuan, obviously wanting to know what had happened just now.

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