The next day, at the Farewell Pavilion ten miles east of Beiwang County

Li Xuan was leading his horse, looking at a group of people not far away who were farewelling with willow branches, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, Zhou Wanmiao, who was dressed in tight clothes, had come to his side on horseback. After getting off the horse, he looked in the direction of Li Xuan's gaze with some curiosity, and his eyes flashed inexplicably, and then he asked curiously:

"Brother Xuan, what are you looking at? Is there anyone you know there?"

Zhou Wanmiao had a good eye. The group of people not far away were all dressed in Confucian clothes. They were obviously scholars and were not the same kind of people as them.

Li Xuan shook his head and said:

"I don't know them. I just saw them breaking willow branches to bid farewell. I don't know when this became popular. Look, the willow trees around here, as long as they are slightly lower, are all broken, making a mess. It's so ugly."

After being reminded by Li Xuan, Zhou Wanmiao carefully looked at the willow trees around her and found that it was indeed the case. She couldn't hold it anymore and laughed:

"It's true. Those literati claim to be elegant and unique. I didn't expect them to do such a thing that ruins the scenery. Haha..."

As the jewel in the crown of the Zhou family, Zhou Wanmiao has embarked on the road of martial arts, but she has also been exposed to and studied the Four Books and Five Classics before, and has come into contact with many literati and Confucian scholars.

In front of her, these literati and Confucian scholars are all elegant and well-educated. There are also many people who are like peacocks with their tails spread in front of her. They are either discussing the form of the country or reciting their new poems, just to make Zhou Wanmiao look at them more.

However, Zhou Wanmiao was not interested in these people. She studied in the academy to complete her cultural studies so as not to be ignorant.

You should know that when some literati and scholars curse others, they all use some allusions. If you don’t understand them very well, you won’t know even if they curse you in front of you.

And Zhou Wanmiao and Yun Jianshu, the children of the rich families, were sent to the academy to study before the age of fifteen. These were all routines, so as not to be illiterate just practicing martial arts.

Just as Li Xuan and Zhou Wanmiao were talking, Yun Jianshu also rode over on horseback and joined Li Xuan and the others. He looked over with their gaze and said:

"Zhou Wanmiao, isn't that guy over there the one who has been pestering you in the academy, the pretty boy from the Huang family? How could it be such a coincidence? Or is he here to send you off?"

Li Xuan didn't expect that there were acquaintances of Zhou Wanmiao there, so he turned and looked at her.

But Zhou Wanmiao said with an irritated look at this time:

"Who knows, it must be a coincidence. No one knows about my mission today except my parents, and they don't know that the place we agreed to meet is here. It's just a coincidence."

Speaking of this, Zhou Wanmiao showed a dangerous smile on her face, looked at Yun Jianshu and said:

"Speaking of which, there are only three of us who know that we are gathering here today. It is impossible for Brother Xuan. Did you leak it?"

Zhou Wanmiao said, and slowly moved closer to Yun Jianshu.

After seeing Zhou Wanmiao's expression, Yun Jianshu's face turned pale with fear. He took two steps back, waved his hands and said:

"Sister Zhou, Sister Zhou, how could this be possible? I don't get along with that pretty boy from the Huang family. How could I tell him your whereabouts? Coincidence, coincidence, it must be a coincidence."

Yun Jianshu had been beaten by Zhou Wanmiao countless times since he was a child, and he had a psychological shadow. Although both of them were students in the Earth Class, he had never defeated Zhou Wanmiao in the competition. When he saw Zhou Wanmiao showing this expression to him, he began to be scared from the bottom of his heart.

Maybe the noise here was a bit loud, and the people over there also looked over here a few times.

And one of these people seemed to have seen something, so he walked over here.

Yun Jianshu also saw this person walking towards this side, as if he saw a savior, and said to Zhou Wanmiao:

"Sister Zhou, Sister Zhou, that Huang family's pretty boy is coming this way, how about we leave quickly?"

Hearing Yun Jianshu's words, Zhou Wanmiao also stopped, and after taking a look over there, she lowered her voice and said to Li Xuan:

"Brother Xuan, the annoying guy is here, let's go first?"

Although Li Xuan didn't know what grudges there were between them, he still nodded obediently. Before the man was halfway there, the three of them rode away on horseback, and when the man saw this, he also stopped and watched the three of them, but he didn't know what his expression was now.

After seeing his actions, the people with him also came to his side and asked curiously:

"Brother Huang, did you run into someone you know?Are you a human? Why did he run away without even saying hello? He is indeed a reckless martial artist. "

Huang Zhengwen has a good appearance, fair complexion, and a handsome look, but his eyes are a little gloomy, which makes him look a little uncomfortable.

However, when others came to Huang Zhengwen, his face, which was originally full of gloom, became warm, and even the gloom in his eyes was restrained.

At this time, he shook his head and said with some pretending to be helpless:

"A classmate during school is not a person of the same kind, so it's better not to meet."

After Huang Zhengwen finished speaking, he smiled and greeted:

"Today is the day to bid farewell to Brother Kong. Don't disturb our interest for irrelevant people. Before I went to bed yesterday, I suddenly had some inspiration and wrote a farewell poem for Brother Kong. Please appreciate it. "

After hearing Huang Zhengwen's words, the people around him also became interested and started to make a noise, asking Huang Zhengwen to recite it on the spot.

At this time, Zhou Wanmiao, who had walked away, also began to explain what had just happened to Li Xuan.

"Yun Jianshu should know that our Zhou family and the Huang family are also old friends. Both our fathers and grandfathers have a good personal relationship, and this Huang Zhengwen is the second son of the Huang family.

However, Huang Zhengwen is born weak. Even after taking the medicine of spiritual medicine and the cleansing of the tendons and marrow by masters, his physical fitness is only the same as that of ordinary people, but he cannot practice martial arts.

Fortunately, he is the second son and has an older brother to support him, otherwise Uncle Huang and Aunt Huang would be so worried.

Since Huang Zhengwen cannot practice martial arts, his family let him take the path of a civil official. It is also a good choice to become a parent official who governs a place. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Wanmiao was a little irritated and touched her hair, then continued:

"But I don't know why, he looked at me differently. When Uncle Huang came to visit my house, he would come with him, and when he was in school, but I didn't feel very good about him, so I kept avoiding him. "

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