The valley was quiet at night, except for the chirping of insects and the occasional bird song not far away.

At this time, the giant bear had completely entered the state of cultivation. The moonlight shone on its body, but it was absorbed into its body silently. Correspondingly, the yellowish-brown light on its body surface became more and more intense, which was a manifestation of its defensive innate magical power becoming stronger and stronger.

In this quiet night, Li Xuan was like a ghost, holding a spear in his hand, quietly approaching the giant bear, and when he moved forward, he also closed his eyelids slightly, focusing on the ground under his feet, not on the giant bear.

As a battle-hardened demon-level monster, the giant bear is also very sensitive to murderous intent. The eyes are known as the windows of the soul. This is not just talk, but because the eyes are the best at expressing and releasing emotions in the heart.

Although Li Xuan tried his best to suppress his murderous intent when approaching the giant bear, he still did not dare to look directly at the giant bear just in case, to prevent the giant bear from being too sensitive and being able to sense his murderous intent.

Just when Li Xuan was almost halfway through the road ahead, the giant bear lying on the boulder shook its ears inexplicably at this time, immediately raised its head, looked around, and the earth-yellow light on its body disappeared at the same time.

Li Xuan also felt the giant bear's abnormal reaction, his feet froze there, and his body slightly crouched down to avoid the giant bear's sight.

Fortunately, Li Xuan was far away from the giant bear now, and there were some obstacles between them, otherwise he would have been discovered directly by the giant bear.

In the perception of the giant bear, Li Xuan is now just a little mouse. There are many mice with the same breath as him in this valley, so he did not attract the attention of the giant bear at all.

The giant bear lying on the boulder did not sense anything. The reason why he suddenly raised his head was that he felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

The giant bear looked at the surrounding scene carefully again and found that everything was normal, no different from the previous night. He raised his head to look at the bright moon, opened his mouth and yawned lazily, and then lay down again. Not long after, his body was glowing with earthy yellow light again, and he entered the state of cultivation.

Feeling that the giant bear had returned to its original state, Li Xuan also quietly breathed a sigh of relief. He waited for a long time in the original place to make sure that there was nothing abnormal before moving towards the position of the giant bear again.

Not long after, Li Xuan quietly touched the vicinity of the giant bear.

Only when you get close to the giant bear, you will know how huge it is. At this time, Li Xuan is only five or six meters away from the giant bear, and its huge body is like a wall of flesh blocking Li Xuan, and it rises and falls regularly with its breathing.

In fact, in Li Xuan's Qiankun bag, there are the bodies of a black bear and a bull demon, which were left by the previous owner of the Qiankun bag when he got it.

It's just that he has been busy recently and hasn't had time to deal with it.

Moreover, there is a big difference between a living and a dead giant bear. One is a pool of dead meat, while the other is a living creature. Not only is the body huge, but it also has great destructive power, which makes people afraid.

Looking at the giant bear so close, Li Xuan did not hesitate. He quietly raised the spear in his hand, mobilized the surging true qi in his body to rush towards the spear, and mobilized the blood and qi in his body. With the feet as the root, he drove the thighs, then the waist, and finally the waist as the node, driving the strength of the whole body, swinging the spear in his hand and stabbing the back of the giant bear.

And just when Li Xuan was rapidly mobilizing the true qi and blood in his body, his breath-retaining technique naturally failed, causing Li Xuan, a guy with blood and qi like a rainbow and a dragon's momentum, to suddenly appear in the giant bear's perception.

This feeling is like when you are really sleeping soundly at home, you are suddenly surrounded by several hungry tigers with drooling mouth corners, and they will pounce on you in the next second.

And Li Xuan's sudden appearance in the giant bear's perception is actually more creepy than this, no, creepy bear.

So, at this moment, the entire giant bear shuddered, and all the hair on its body stood up.

However, at this time, the giant bear had no other way to react, so it rushed all its demonic power towards its innate magical power, causing the layer of earthy yellow light on its body to suddenly light up.

At this time, Li Xuan's silver scales, which were stimulated to the extreme by the true qi,The Red Dragon Spear, with a chilling spear tip, had already reached the giant bear. After a brief moment of contact with the khaki light, it had already broken through easily like breaking through a window paper, and stabbed into the giant bear's body with undiminished power. The spear light, which was continuously transformed from the majestic true energy, basically shredded all of its internal organs the moment it entered the giant bear's body.


At this time, the giant bear was belatedly reacting, but was immediately stimulated by the severe pain from its body and couldn't help but raise its head and howl. The sound was shrill and desperate, scaring the surrounding animals to lie on the ground, and some timid ones were even scared to shit and urinate.

Of course, the injuries on his own body were the most clear to him. The giant bear clearly understood at the moment he was attacked that his injuries were fatal and his life was about to end.

At this time, after Li Xuan succeeded in this attack, he pulled out the spear from the giant bear's body, and left the vicinity of the giant bear with a tip of his toes.

As Li Xuan just left the place, a huge bear paw came over with a huge wind sound, as fast as lightning, but because Li Xuan left, the bear paw hit nothing.

As the bear paw swung, the giant bear also turned around and looked at Li Xuan not far away with fierce eyes.

However, the giant bear was already very embarrassed at this time. Not only were its eyes red, but its eye sockets were already cracked, and a lot of blood flowed out.

And its bloody mouth was constantly bleeding, not only dyeing its teeth bright red, but also dyeing the ground in front of it dark red.

The hatred and rage contained in the eyes looking at Li Xuan seemed to have turned into substance, staring at him tightly with great anger. If a timid person, he might even be scared to death on the spot.

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