The giant bear turned around and stood up, looking down at the human not far away. Feeling the vitality in his body quickly dissipating, he could not help but roar in anger, and then rushed towards Li Xuan.

Li Xuan faced the giant bear that was three stories high, looked at the furious look in its eyes and the bloody mouth, and was not timid at all. He waved the spear in his hand and rushed towards the giant bear.


Although the furious giant bear was much stronger than usual, facing the spear, even if the giant bear raised both arms, it could not stop it. Li Xuan held the spear with both hands and chopped the huge giant bear away. Even one of the giant bear's arms was chopped off and drooped weakly to the side.

However, even though the giant bear knew that the human in front of him had the strength to crush him, he still stood up and rushed towards him with his hands and feet.

Looking at the persistent giant bear in front of him, Li Xuan also raised his eyebrows slightly, and raised the spear in his hand, looking straight at the giant bear in front of him.

In the next moment, the spear in Li Xuan's hand turned into a flame-like red, with a flame-like afterimage, and once again chopped the giant bear flying over, and this time the force was much greater than before, even the giant bear as big as a hill was chopped more than ten meters away, causing the giant bear to fall helplessly on the boulder, making a rumbling sound.

The giant bear that was chopped again, after falling on the boulder, never got up again, turned over weakly on the boulder, and then lay on it weakly, with blood in its mouth constantly flowing out, and some dark red internal organs were mixed in it,

The giant bear roared twice weakly, looked at the humans not far away with a dim look, and closed his eyes forever.

Li Xuan looked at the dead giant bear and felt a little emotional. He didn't expect the monster's vitality to be so strong. Even if he crushed its internal organs, it could still hold on until now, and it had to fight with him before it died completely.

After confirming that the giant bear was dead, Li Xuan didn't stay here for long. When he came to the giant bear, he put its body into the Qiankun bag. He didn't even clean up the battlefield, so he called the cloud eagle not far away and flew towards the next target.

In fact, with Li Xuan's current strength, no matter whether it is a monster or a human, as long as it is in the innate realm, he will crush it.

The reason why he was so careful when killing this giant bear was because the giant bear's innate magical power was very suitable for group battles. If he accidentally let it run away, it would be a big trouble when the monster attacked the city.

You can imagine that more than a dozen demon-level monsters with khaki defensive light on their bodies attacked the city, and opposite them, there were only two innate masters, Li Xuan and Yan Yizi. At that time, even if Li Xuan had overwhelming strength, it would take a lot of time to get rid of these tenacious monsters. At this time, Yunzhi County didn't know how many people would die when facing these demon-level monsters.

Whether it was Li Xuan's former friends in the Constable's Department, or Zhou Wanmiao and Yun Jianshu, these people were related to him. If they died because of this, Li Xuan would not feel good.

So, this is why Li Xuan would deal with the giant bear first. In this way, the initiative behind is in his hands. Even if the giant tiger and the snake monsters join forces, he is sure to kill them all quickly.

However, you should pick the softest ones first.

Although Li Xuan had killed the giant bear, he did not go directly to the giant tiger. Instead, he flew to the territory of another big monster based on the previous intelligence.

Just as Li Xuan was sitting cross-legged on the cloud eagle, feeling the biting cold wind, the lights in the police station of Yunzhi County were also brightly lit.

Yunzhi County Government Office, Constable Division, usually the office of Commander Yan

Just when Commander Yan was drinking tea and talking with Zhou Wanmiao and Yun Jianshu, three constables headed by Constable Yang and nine captains behind them entered one by one. Three captains stood behind each constable. They stood in the open space of the room and saluted Commander Yan:

"Hello, Commander."

Commander Yan put down the teacup in his hand, looked at the people in the audience, waved his hand and introduced:

"Sitting here are two adults of the Yunying Guard from Beiwang County who came to support our Yunzhi County. You should meet them."

Hearing Commander Yan's words, everyone present was shocked and saluted Zhou Wanmiao and Yun Jianshu:

"Hello, two adults."

As the leaders of the Constable Division, no one is more important than them.Knowing the current situation, knowing that Yunzhi County is really in danger, so seeing the arrival of reinforcements, especially the famous Yunying Guards, they are very happy and excited.

After the people from the Constable Division greeted Zhou Wanmiao and others, Commander Yan said:

"The reason why I called you here is because Envoy Zhou Tiepai wants to know the specific situation of Yunzhi County now. You are the leaders responsible for various matters in Yunzhi County. I believe you are very familiar with the situation in Yunzhi County."

Next, everyone told Zhou Wanmiao and Yun Jianshu about the things they were responsible for, and Zhou Wanmiao asked about all these in detail, and while asking, he also recorded them in the notebook.

After everyone had understood, Commander Yan waved his hand and let them go down to rest.

At this moment, a captain with a dark complexion behind Captain Yang hesitated for a moment, but still stepped out and saluted Zhou Wanmiao:

"Captain Zhao Tieshi of the Yunzhi County Constable Department greets Zhou Tiepaishi."

When Captain Zhao spoke, Zhou Wanmiao hadn't spoken yet, but Captain Yang next to him knew what he wanted to do and quickly said:

"Old Zhao, let's talk about your matter after the monster attack on the city is over. Besides, Beiwang County is so big that Lord Zhou may not know about it."

Hearing Captain Yang's words, Captain Zhao said unwillingly:

"Yangtou, you should also know about this matter. Our Yunzhi County may not be able to continue to exist. I'm just a little worried about that child. If I don't ask, I won't feel at ease."

Hearing Captain Zhao's words, Captain Yang was speechless, so he waved at him, indicating that he didn't care and let him go and ask.

Zhou Wanmiao, who had just finished recording, closed the notebook in her hand after hearing the conversation between Captain Zhao and Captain Yang, and then looked at him and asked with a little doubt:

"Is there anything Captain Zhao wants to stay?"

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