Seeing that the little monk agreed, Li Xuan nodded with satisfaction, and then walked towards the giant eagle next to him.

Now that the little monk's affairs have been dealt with, the next thing is to deal with the giant eagle.

The little monk standing behind Li Xuan knew what he was going to do when he saw the direction Li Xuan was walking, but this time he just opened his mouth hesitantly and said nothing more.

No matter how simple the little monk was, he knew what he could participate in and what he could not provoke no matter what.

What's more, he was just a little innate monk. Even if his master was here, he could not cause these troubles for no reason.

Between countries, let alone the strong men with the Arhat fruit position, even the strong men with the Bodhisattva fruit position could be easily crushed.

However, when Li Xuan came to the side of the giant eagle and raised the spear in his hand, the giant eagle, which had been unwilling to surrender, turned its head and cried softly at Li Xuan.

Seeing the change of the giant eagle, Li Xuan asked in surprise:

"Are you agreeing to my request?"

The giant eagle chirped again and nodded slightly to Li Xuan.

Although the giant eagle was still a little unwilling, after the little monk interrupted Li Xuan's fatal attack, it had just had a buffer of time, and the giant eagle had figured it out and no longer planned to fight to the end.

Seeing this, Li Xuan was also a little happy. He stretched out his hand and patted the giant eagle's huge hook-like beak and said:

"Don't worry, as long as you follow me sincerely, I will never treat you badly in the future."

The giant eagle also chirped softly in response to Li Xuan's words.

Then, Li Xuan stroked the feathers on the giant eagle's neck again, tried the feel, and took out a bottle of healing pills from his arms and poured them all into the giant eagle's mouth.

After eating the pills, the giant eagle was able to barely stand up from the ground after a short while, slowly flapping its wings.

However, since the injury on the wings had not yet completely healed, the giant eagle could not fly for a while.

Li Xuan did not force it, but just let the giant eagle's sharp eagle eyes face him. A golden symbol flashed on his forehead, and then planted a divine seed in the giant eagle's mind. As long as there was this seed, the giant eagle would never run away. This is actually a simple application of the soul secret method that Li Xuan had learned before.

After leaving two more bottles of wound medicine for the giant eagle, Li Xuan took the little monk away from here. Anyway, this is also the territory of the giant eagle for a long time. There are no powerful creatures around. Li Xuan is more at ease to leave the giant eagle here.

When Li Xuan brought the little monk to Yunzhi County, the sky had already brightened. Seeing this, Li Xuan took the little monk directly to Brother Yan's mansion.

When Li Xuan came to the martial arts field of Yan's mansion under the leadership of Yan's personal attendant, Yan Yizi was still practicing his martial arts there, while Zhou Wanmiao and Yun Jianshu were watching from the side.

When Li Xuan came to the martial arts arena, Zhou Wanmiao found him. After patting Yun Jianshu who was a little fascinated beside him, she came to Li Xuan.

"Brother Xuan, how was the result of this operation?"

Zhou Wanmiao saw that there was a little monk she didn't know following Li Xuan, so she asked her question in a somewhat obscure way.

Li Xuan knew what Zhou Wanmiao meant, so she stretched out her palm and shook it, and said with a smile:

"Five, one of which was the giant bear that Brother Yan was worried about. I took care of them all. By the way, I also subdued a giant eagle of the big demon level, which can be used as a means of transportation for Shiyu in the future."

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Zhou Wanmiao's eyes flashed with envy, and she said with a smile:

"It's worthy of you, Brother Xuan. You have basically completed this mission in just one night. Even if the remaining big demons come together, you and Brother Yan can resist their attacks without any problem."

Li Xuan was not proud of Zhou Wanmiao's words, but shook his head and said:

"It's still not safe. I'll kill a few more tonight, then it's safe. In this way, even if there are a few more big monsters, they won't be able to cause a big wave. This is safe."

At this time, Yun Jianshu also came over. After greeting Li Xuan, he looked at the hardworking little monk behind him with some curiosity and asked:

"Brother Xuan, where did you find this little monk? You know, in our Great Zhou, monks are really rare."

Speaking of this, Yun Jianshu looked at the scars on the head of the hardworking little monk and continued:

"And it seems that this is a real monk, otherwise, there wouldn't be thisWhat a standard ordination scar. "

Seeing this, Li Xuan shrugged helplessly and said:

"Let me introduce you to this young master. This young master is the hardworking young master of the Lantuo Temple in Posuo Country. I also met him in the dense forest. According to him, he should have lost his way in the dense forest and crossed the border between our Great Zhou and Posuo Country in a daze. Since I met him, I brought him back. After our mission this time is completed, I will bring him back to Beiwang County,"

Speaking of this, Li Xuan looked at Yun Jianshu and asked:

"Jianshu, I remember that there should be an office established by Posuo Country in Beiwang County, right?"

Hearing what Brother Xuan said, Yun Jianshu thought for a while, then nodded and said:

"There is indeed one, but the location is very remote and there are not many people. However, if it is just to send the hardworking young master back, there is still no problem. "

After hearing Yun Jianshu's words, the eyes of the young monk Kuxin were bright. This news should be the only good news for him recently. He bowed to the people around him and said:

"I am Kuxin from Lantuo Temple. I meet all the donors. I will leave the matter of the young monk returning to Posuo Country to you."

After hearing the words of the young monk Kuxin, Yun Jianshu did not agree immediately, but looked at Li Xuan next to him.

After seeing Yun Jianshu's expression, Li Xuan waved his hand and said:

"I promised him before that we will send him back when we go back."

Seeing this, Yun Jianshu also patted his chest and agreed.

At this time, Brother Yan in the martial arts field finally completed today's training. After shouting loudly, he came out and wiped his sweat with a towel, smiling and said:

"I haven't felt so refreshed for a long time. It's all thanks to you, brother Li. Come on, brother will treat you to a drink. "

Hearing what Brother Yan said, Li Xuan patted his head helplessly and said:

"Brother Yan, let's talk about drinking after this mission is completed. At that time, I will accompany you to drink for three days and three nights, how about it?"

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