After seeing so many corpses of big monsters, the big toad monster realized that something was wrong.

Although his innate magical power, swallowing the sky, is a very powerful ability, even when facing an enemy stronger than it, it can use this innate magical power to swallow it.

However, as the owner of this innate magical power, the big toad monster knows this ability very well and knows where its limit is.

In short, this ability can be said to be a single-challenge magical skill. As long as the enemy is locked by it, as long as it is not much stronger than it, it will be swallowed.

However, this magical skill also has its limit, and the human opposite does not know how to get so many corpses of big monsters at once, which makes the limit of its innate magical power full at once. Although it will not collapse, it can no longer pose a threat to this human.

Li Xuan was still in mid-air at this time. After he threw out all the corpses of the big monsters kept in the Qiankun bag, he saw that the swallowing speed of the big toad monster suddenly slowed down.

If it was fast before, after so many corpses of the big monsters appeared at once, it was stuck there and became a snail's pace. Moreover, at this time, Li Xuan also felt that the suction force that was locked on him before was reduced by 90% and became insignificant.

Looking at the big toad monster that had reacted and showed panic in his eyes, Li Xuan's mouth curled up slightly, and the spear in his hand became more dazzling.

Then, in the horrified eyes of the big toad monster, Li Xuan easily got rid of the few remaining suction forces, and came to the top of the big toad monster's head with a shake of his body, and inserted the long spear in his hand into it.

The tip of the spear, which was all flaming red, paused slightly at the top of the big toad monster's head, and easily broke its defense, and then half of the spear body was inserted into the head of the big toad monster like inserting into butter.


At the moment when the spear pierced the toad monster, the violent true qi raged in its body, directly crushing its brain into tofu dregs.

The toad monster that was pierced by Li Xuan's spear immediately dimmed its eyes, and the innate magical power it had just used also stopped. After shaking twice, it fell to the ground, without even moving, and was directly sent to another world by Li Xuan.


When the toad monster fell to the ground, Li Xuan turned over and jumped off its body, then waved his hands repeatedly, and put all the bodies of the many monsters he had just taken out into the Qiankun bag, and quickly glanced around, and then he was relieved.

It only took a few seconds from when he took out the bodies of the monsters, killed the toad monsters, and put all the bodies back into the Qiankun bag.

At this time, Brother Yan and others who were closest to him were several hundred meters away, and they had no time to pay attention to the situation on Li Xuan's side, so naturally they did not notice the abnormality here.

As for the Yunzhi County wall, they were resisting many monster-level monsters, and they were far away from here, and there were some trees blocking them. In the shadows, they naturally could not find the situation on Li Xuan's side.

After putting his mind at ease, Li Xuan looked at the toad monster lying on the ground.

At this time, the toad monster had no signs of life at all, just lying on the ground crookedly, and there was still purple poisonous fog that it had spewed out before, which poisoned most of the dense forest next to it.

Seeing this, Li Xuan killed a few more small monsters, and then came to the body of the toad monster, waved the spear in his hand and gently picked up the inner elixir of the toad monster, which he carefully collected.

The body of the toad monster was too conspicuous to be put into the Qiankun bag, which was a pity. Fortunately, most of the value of a monster was in this inner pill, so it was not a loss.

Thinking of this, Li Xuan remembered the body of the centipede monster that had just been swallowed by the toad monster. The situation was too urgent just now, and the inner pill of the centipede monster was not taken out, which was a loss.

Li Xuan glanced at the situation here again, confirmed that no other monsters would appear in the dense forest, and rushed to Brother Yan.

However, before Li Xuan arrived, the more difficult black phosphorus wild boar monster finally fell to the ground and was cut by Brother Yan, which was considered to be the end of the monster.

In a blink of an eye, Li Xuan came to Brother Yan and his friends, and then noticed their own situation.

At this time, Brother Yan was in a good state. Although he was a little embarrassed, he was not injured. This was because he had just entered the innateIn the current situation, it is not easy to kill a big demon-level monster.

Yun Jianshu and Zhou Wanmiao, who are next to him, are in worse condition than Brother Yan.

They are not only panting and pale, but also exhausted.

Li Xuan saw this and threw two bottles of pills to them and asked:

"How are you? Is there any problem?"

After Zhou Wanmiao took the pill, she was not polite. After taking one, her face flushed a little, and she said:

"It's not a big problem. The attack of this big monster on us was basically blocked by Brother Yan. The reason why we are so weak is mainly because Jianshu and I used some moves that consume a lot of energy to break the defense of this wild boar monster just now, which is why this situation occurred."

At this point, Zhou Wanmiao looked at the corpse of the wild boar monster lying on the ground next to him, and said with lingering fear:

"I didn't expect the defense of this big monster to be so strong. I Even if I use my strongest moves, I can only barely break its defense, let alone kill it. "

Li Xuan raised his eyebrows when he heard Zhou Wanmiao's words, and came to the side of the wild boar monster, touched its body carefully, nodded and said to Zhou Wanmiao:

"It's really not your fault. The defense of this wild boar monster is very strong. It should be a passive innate magical power that greatly increases its defense, which makes it so hard for you to kill it. The defense of the monsters I killed was not so strong. "

Wild boars are originally thick-skinned animals, and they are easy to go crazy. Even the tiger, the king of beasts, will not easily provoke it.

And it is normal for the wild boar monster to have a greatly increased defense after becoming a monster. It can only be said that Zhou Wanmiao and his friends were unlucky, so they started off badly and encountered such a thing.

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