Of course, the waiter was reluctant to part with the silver bean, so he immediately perked up and asked:

"Sir, please tell me."

Li Xuan tapped the table carelessly with his hands, pretending to think, and then asked:

"Do you know the exact location of Tianjiu Village? Or the location where they usually rob people, I will see if I can lead the caravan to bypass them. In this way, even if it is a bit hard, it is better than losing both people and money."

Hearing Li Xuan's words, the waiter also relaxed a little. After carefully scanning the people around him, he moved closer to Li Xuan and whispered:

" Sir, you can't say this outside. Now Tianjiu Village is the overlord of our Jiuyang County. There are many of their spies in the county. If they know that you are asking about their location, you will be in big trouble. "

Li Xuan's face also showed a surprised expression at the right time, and stuffed a few Da Zhou Tongbao into the hands of the waiter, and then complained:

"Brother Xiaoer, please understand. I dare not spy on Tianjiu Village. It's just that this caravan is eating and chewing every day. It's really unbearable, so I came to think of a way. Alas..."

Li Xuan sighed sadly at the end.

The waiter stroked the few Da Zhou Tongbao in his hand. Although he was a little disappointed, he also understood. The man in front of him was wearing ordinary clothes and eating ordinary food. He looked a little tight. The silver bean just now should have been taken out for the purpose of inquiring about the news.

The waiter put the copper coins into his pocket and said:

"Sir, you don't have to worry. If you ask others about this, they may not be able to help you. But I grew up here since I was a child. I can't say that I know everything about the surrounding environment, but I know it almost exactly."

Hearing the waiter's words, Li Xuan showed a look of surprise on his face. He grabbed his hand, let him sit down, and said anxiously:

"It seems that I have found the right person today. Tell me quickly. If it is really useful, I will reward you handsomely later."

The waiter was not polite and sat down to chat with him in a low voice. When talking about the specific location and several in and out paths, he dipped his finger in tea and drew a simple map on the table so that he could understand.

For all the questions of Li Xuan, the waiter also answered everything he knew, so that he quickly understood the specific location and terrain.

After figuring out what he wanted to know, Li Xuan stuffed a few copper coins into the waiter and thanked him, and then he finished the questioning.

Of course, Li Xuan was not a fool, and would not believe the one-sided words of the waiter.

After finishing his meal, Li Xuan rented a middle room here, put some unimportant luggage in the room, and then left here and began to wander around Jiuyang County.

Next, Li Xuan used the same method to inquire about the information about Tianjiu Village in two restaurants, two small shops and a teahouse.

Fortunately, Li Xuan was a martial artist and had a big appetite. He ate in all these places before he was full.

Then, Li Xuan went to the grocery store again and bought some things. He then returned to Zhuma Tower and rested in the room.

In order to hurry on the road for the past five days, Li Xuan did not have a good rest. He asked the waiter for a bucket of hot water, took a good bath, washed off his fatigue, made a small mechanism on the door and window, and fell into a sweet dream.

When Li Xuan woke up from his dream, it was already the next morning. Li Xuan opened the window and found that it was already dawn and there was movement in the kitchen of the restaurant.

Li Xuan stretched his body hard, and there was a crackling sound of bones on his body. Li Xuan walked downstairs leisurely.

Just as Li Xuan was sitting in a corner of the lobby, eating the breakfast provided by the restaurant, Li Xuan suddenly frowned and sped up his eating speed. After eating a few bites, he walked upstairs.

Just when Li Xuan was halfway there, there was a sound of horse hooves at the door of the restaurant, and then five tired figures strode in.

These five people were dressed in dark green clothes with black waist badges around their waists. After coming in, they shouted for the shopkeeper to bring up all the good wine and food.

When one of the fat guys suddenly looked towards the stairs, he only saw a piece of clothing disappear around the corner.

Just when the fat guy wanted to say something, the thin guy next to him suddenly shouted to the waiter:

"Waiter, go and get all the delicious food. If our Mr. Feng gets hungry, you won't be able to pay even if we demolish your restaurant."

After the thin guy said this, he turned to the waiter next to him.Mr. Feng, who looked exhausted, flattered:

"Mr. Feng, you have worked hard. We can rest after we have dinner. Please wait a moment."

Hearing the thin man's words, Mr. Feng just nodded slightly, his eyebrows were full of irritability and fatigue, but he was too lazy to even say anything.

This was the first time he had gone so far, and he was always on the road, without any fun. He didn't expect to be so tired. Even if he stopped and walked while on the road, he didn't rest well and was still very tired.

Besides, are the meals provided in the post stations along the way for pigs? Even if he was patient, it was still difficult for him to swallow that kind of food.

Fortunately, he prepared a lot of food and snacks when he left Beiwang County, otherwise, this journey would be even more difficult.

So, Mr. Feng now only felt that he was on the verge of going berserk, that is, he didn't bring slaves with him this time, otherwise, he would have vented his anger on the slaves.

Don't look at the people around him who flatter him, but he is not stupid. He knows that these people are his classmates and will help him in the Cloud Eagle Guard in the future, so he can't vent his anger on them, so as not to make them disunited.

Under the deterrence of their Cloud Eagle Guard uniforms, although it was still morning, they quickly prepared a table of sumptuous meals for them.

Young Master Feng looked at the rough food on the table, frowned slightly, but still took the lead in sitting in the main seat. As he sat down, everyone also sat down one after another.

In the past few days, they didn't eat well in order to hurry on the road. They were already hungry, so they all started to chop big pieces.

Li Xuan returned to the room and listened to their voices with bated breath for a while before giving up.

Li Xuan never thought that this group of people, who obviously had excellent exotic BMWs, still fell behind him. He had been here for almost a day, and they just arrived. I really don't know what they did on the road.

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