In order not to expose himself and be implicated by the group of idiots who didn't even change their Cloud Eagle uniforms, Li Xuan turned over from the window and left while they were eating.

However, this time Li Xuan did not wander around the county town again, but walked out of the city gate in the north of the city with his camouflaged weapons.

After leaving the city gate, the lush forest came into Li Xuan's eyes, which made Li Xuan, who was in a bad mood, feel a shock in his heart, and his bad mood and emotions were swept away.

After leaving the city gate, Li Xuan first found a remote place to practice the Eight Vajra Kung Fu, and then he rushed to Vulture Ridge with his weapons in a refreshed state.

This time their mission was very simple, which was to eliminate all the bandits in Tianjiu Village.

Of course, the people who could be valued by Li Xuan and other Cloud Eagle Guards, in addition to the Tianjiu who had achieved the great perfection of the acquired heaven, the rest were the other twelve masters of the Blood Refining Realm of the so-called Thirteen Vultures of Vulture Ridge.

However, the strength of the Tianjiu was not something that Li Xuan and his team could deal with right now. Moreover, the leader of the Tianjiu Village also kept a vulture of the spirit level.

This meant that if there was no overwhelming strength to subdue him when he first came into contact with him, it would be possible that he could not be kept. After all, people could not fly.

However, Li Xuan did not rush directly to the Vulture Ridge. Although he was now more familiar with the terrain there, he was no match for the bandits who had set up camp there.

After entering the forest, Li Xuan took out an inconspicuous and worn robe from the package.

Don't underestimate this robe. This robe was made by Li Xuan based on his memories of his previous life. It was an old six-piece suit for moving in the forest.

After taking off his coat, Li Xuan put on the robe in his hand, and then he put the hood on the robe on his head.

The whole robe was dyed yellow and green, the yellow was khaki and the green was grass green, and a hat of the same color was put on to cover the hair.

As Li Xuan put on the concealed clothes, it seemed as if he was hiding directly in the mountains and forests. Coupled with the mottled sunlight in the mountains and forests, Li Xuan seemed to be invisible.

Li Xuan nodded with satisfaction at the clothes on his body. After slowing down his steps, he was like an elf in the mountains, looming and quietly rushing towards Vulture Ridge.

Tianjiu Village is now the number one force near Jiuyang County. If nothing else, the number of subordinates should not be small.

And Tianji had just killed the county magistrate and the commander of Jiuyang County, and now was definitely the time of the most stringent vigilance.

So Li Xuan did not wait until he was near Tianjiu Village to change his clothes. In that case, it would be very easy to be discovered. If he was discovered, his trick would not be so effective.

In order not to expose his whereabouts, Li Xuan tried to walk lightly, so he was a little slow. When he arrived near Vulture Ridge, it was already noon.

Since time was not very tight, Li Xuan looked at the sun that had climbed to the top of the tree, and found a very hidden place with lush trees and started to eat lunch.

It was called lunch, but in this situation where he could not make a fire or hunt, Li Xuan simply ate some dried meat and dry food, which was considered lunch.

Just when Li Xuan had just packed up and wanted to continue to move towards Vulture Ridge, he suddenly stopped in place, holding his breath and listening carefully.

Because there were dense trees in the mountains and forests, the sound was already vague and intermittent when it came, so Li Xuan would confirm it again.

Just when Li Xuan waited for less than two breaths, a clearer cry for help came again, the sound was shrill and desperate, which made Li Xuan's heart fluctuate a little.

Let's go and have a look. This is already the outskirts of Vulture Ridge. It is very likely that a passerby encountered the bandits of Tianjiu Village. If so, it would save me some effort and I could follow them to find the specific location of Tianjiu Village.

Li Xuan rushed towards the direction of the cry for help while comforting himself.

Since the destination this time was not far away, and Li Xuan was quite fast, it took less than ten breaths for Li Xuan to jump onto a tree near them, pull apart the branches in front of him, and look forward.

What came into Li Xuan's eyes was a scene he expected.

In front of him was a relatively narrow mountain road, which was just enough for a car to pass. If he guessed correctly, this mountain road should be a relatively hidden trade route.

It should be a small caravan with a fluke mentality, trying to bypass Tianjiu.The checkpoint of the village was blocked here.

At this time, the battle in front of Li Xuan had come to an end. This caravan was not big, with only about 20 people. Most of them were helpers in transporting goods. How much combat power could they have?

When Li Xuan arrived, there were only three or four people resisting. The rest were either captured or chopped down, lying on the ground groaning in pain.

Around this caravan, there were fifty or sixty people. These people were all fierce and fierce, and even their clothes were randomly worn. Surrounding them, they were either shouting like a jeer or holding weapons in their hands, ready to go up.

At this time, Li Xuan's eyes suddenly looked at two more conspicuous people in this group of bandits.

One of them was dressed more splendidly than the average bandit, and the weapon in his hand was very sophisticated, much better than the weapons of other bandits.

The most important point was that there was a sharp-eyed mountain eagle on his left shoulder.

This mountain eagle was very handsome, not only the eyes but also the shiny feathers, which showed that it was well-fed. At this time, it was constantly moving its claws on the shoulder of the bandit, looking a little irritable.

Beside this man and the eagle, there stood a tall figure. This person was a head taller than the average person. He was wearing a jacket that exposed his arms, and on his shoulder, he was carrying a huge mace.

Although this mace was not made of iron, it was almost the same. On the protruding spikes, there was a faint red glow, and at the top, there seemed to be some meat shreds hanging, but they should have been dried by the wind.

After seeing these two people, Li Xuan was very sure that these two people were definitely the leaders of Tianjiu Village.

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