Zhutian’s Strongest Need System

Chapter 339: Previous life

"What is the soul boy doing?" Wang Yin suddenly found that the soul boy had already stood beside Wang Yao at some point, staring at Wang Yao closely, as if the newborn baby was particularly attached to his mother.

Of course neither Wang Ben nor Wang Yao could see him.

"Boy, what's the matter?"

"Brother, I feel this sister is so kind!" the soul boy replied.

"Oh, can you tell me about it?"

Soul boy:...

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it!" Wang Yin comforted the soul boy.

"No, it was a long time ago..." Under Wang Yin's guidance, the soul boy slowly told his story.

It turns out that the first rebirth of another person's life was to cast on a young lady.

This young lady and a poor boy fell in love with each other, but her father decided to marry her to an elderly official for his own prosperity and wealth.

The lady and the teenager decided to run away, but were arrested and sentenced to death for offending the public.

The female was already pregnant at that time.

"The mother of that life was exactly the same as this sister. She treated me very well. He didn't want me. She always wanted to give birth to me. Although she often vomited and fainted with me, she was very gentle to me. ..." The soul boy's eyes were full of nostalgia.

"But they don't allow father and mother to be together, they want to dismantle them, want them to die!" The soul boy suddenly became angry, his eyes flashed, and suddenly crackling lightning sounded in the room.

"What's going on?" Wang Ben and Wang Yao looked puzzled.

The soul boy hurriedly reduced his emotions.

He was afraid of hurting Wang Yao.

"Later, in order to let me survive, my mother promised to marry the old undead. Who knows that old undead is a pervert. He clearly married his mother, but in fact, on the same night, he immersed her in water and lived..." There were tears in the soul boy's eyes.

The soul boy and his mother arrived in the underworld, and were arranged to reincarnate again, but the soul boy was out of luck this time and went to a firework woman and was aborted.

After reincarnation again, she fell on a drunkard. Because she drank too much, the baby had a direct miscarriage, and the soul boy could not be born again. The more the number, the more resentment the soul boy had. Finally, she became an evil spirit and was captured by Lin Zhengying.

In so many rebirths, he only missed the first mother, the mother who truly loved him.

And that mother looks exactly the same as Wang Yao!

At this time he met Wang Yao and felt very cordial.

Wang Yao's frowns and smiles made him feel that this person is like his mother in the first life.

"Since you like this sister so much, do you want to be this sister's son?" Wang Yin mentioned the old things again.

Originally wanted to give the soul boy a chance to be good, but now he actually likes Wang Yao so much, that would be great. After all, Wang Yao is a queen, and her son has the highest chance of becoming a prince.

"No, this sister already has a baby in her belly. She is a younger brother. I can't hurt him!" The spirit boy shook his head.

If the soul boy before, would not care about these, but now the soul boy has been thoroughly purified and has a kind heart.

"As long as I can look at her, I feel very happy!" The soul boy added, but his words could not hide his loss and envy.

"Then you can visit this sister at any time!" Wang Yin gave the soul boy great freedom.

"Okay, okay!" The soul boy clapped his hands happily.

Wang Ben Wang Yao and Wang Yin chatted for a while, and then they were about to leave.

The soul boy looked a little anxious. He looked at Wang Yao and Wang Yin, as if he didn't know how to choose.

"Do you want to follow your sister?" Wang Yin asked.

"No, I just..." The soul boy lowered his head, "I won't leave my brother!"

"It's okay, my brother has already said that you can go whenever you want, come back anytime, or visit your sister at any time." Wang Yin is actually very happy to see that the soul boy can have this kind of thought, which shows that he is getting closer and closer to humans.

And it is a good thing for the soul boy to follow Wang Yao.

As Wang Ben said before, the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms hated Da Qin very much. It was not impossible to assassinate the people of Da Qin imperial family, especially the emperor and queen.

Therefore, letting the soul boy follow Wang Yao can protect Wang Yao to the greatest extent. After all, the soul boy is already powerful and can also use spells. After that, he practiced the skills of the master of hell, obtained the sky umbrella, and swallowed the world of this world. Part of the power of will, his strength has surpassed the ten realms of this world.

He is already at the top of this world, and there are few that can be stronger than him.

And he is still a spirit body, if he didn't show up on purpose, others would not see him at all.

Such a guard can be said to be unique.

By the way, the spirit body!

Wang Yin suddenly thought of a question.

"Little boy, my brother asks you, you are a spirit body. Will it affect her if you stay with your sister for a long time?"

"No, brother, don't worry! The spirit body will not directly affect the yang body, as long as it is not deliberately inhaling the yang energy, there will be no effect!" The soul boy is very clear about this knowledge.

"It's so good!" Wang Yin was relieved.

"Brother, rest assured, not only will my spirit body not have a bad influence on my sister, it can also assist her in her practice!"

After speaking, the soul boy turned into a light and shadow, and went directly after Wang Yao.

"Unexpectedly, Wang Yao actually looks similar to the mother of the first life of the soul boy. This time the soul boy can finally be reborn. Even if Wang Yao is pregnant, she can have a second child!" Wang Yin hummed, very much. To be happy for the soul boy.

I wonder what happened to Han Xin? Go check it out.

Wang Yin teleported to Han Xin's side.

Han Xin was not surprised when he saw Wang Yin, he was not immune to Wang Yin's magic.

At this time, Han Xin was located on a high hill, opposite the capital of Qi.

Looking down from the mountain, the entire city has been surrounded.

"When did you have so many soldiers? Fusu sent to support you?"

"No, these troops were collected along the way!" Han Xin had only three thousand great Qin cavalry, but his continuous victories along the way absorbed many hungry people and civilians into the army, and the army expanded rapidly.

It really deserves to be a "soldier". No wonder it was said in history that Han Xin had more soldiers, and Wang Yin secretly admired him.

You must know that leading soldiers to fight is not the same as fighting.

Fighting you beat me, I beat you, there are only two fights, whoever has more strength and who has good skills has a higher probability of winning.

But when the individual PK becomes a group fight, the situation is different. single

There are also ten people on both sides, and it is not that the side with the stronger average strength will win.

If you increase the number of people, it will become dozens of people, hundreds of people, or even thousands of people. At this time, the role of individuals in the battle is suppressed to a very small range, and organizational power becomes extremely important.

Without a strong organization, chaos is easy. Once chaos becomes a chaotic formation, it does not necessarily mean that a large number of people will win.

In fact, at this time, a large number of people is not well organized, but it is easy to lose to a small number of organizations well organized.

Liu Bang once asked Han Xin how many soldiers he could bring, and Han Xin said that the maximum was 100,000.

Liu Bang asked how many soldiers you can bring. Han Xin said that the more the better, the more the better.

This shows Han Xin's strong organizational control capabilities.

Only a general such as Han Xin with strong organizational control ability can incorporate into his own army several times more men and horses at the same time, and let them play a role.

Wang Yin initially estimated that the number of troops belonging to the Daqin side under the city was at least fifteen thousand.

In other words, Han Xin expanded his team of 3,000 to five times within a few days.

Although the elite level of the extra 12,000 people cannot be compared with the three thousand Qin Tieqi, their morale is definitely not weaker than the Qi State army in the city.

But even so, Han Xin has only 15,000 people. There is no way to compare with the hundreds of thousands in the city. Even if it is an army, there are 30,000 Qi troops in the city.

According to the military book, ten encircles it, and times it divides. Han Xin is "half", how dare he go around?

Obviously he has his ingenuity.

Not long after, the main gate of the city was opened, and a group of people came out from it, all without weapons, and proclaimed that they would surrender.

"I have surrendered?" Wang Yin looked at Han Xin, and he was really powerful.

Han Xin and Wang Yin went down to the hills to accept their surrender.

On the way, he explained to Wang Yin how to make the enemy surrender.

It turns out that this time he used a scheming strategy. He asked the hungry people and the surrendered sergeants to shout to the city, "Those who surrender out of the city will not be blamed, and there are food and food stamps to receive", "Qi people should not kill Qi people. !" things like that.

These people are all Qi people, and they have a very high degree of reliability in their hometown dialect, and the people in the city have been shaken by the Qi dialect.

Moreover, Han Xin also asked people to sing outside, specifically singing Qi Guo's songs. These songs made the Qi people in the city miss their hometown and relatives, and they were unwilling to have wars and killings, which greatly destroyed their fighting spirit and morale.

This trick was actually used by Han Xin, another historical thread, and it was called bewilderment.

He asked the Han army to sing the songs of the Chu region and the kite to blow the tunes of the Chu region. So the Chu people missed their hometown very much. They put down their weapons and walked out of the camp. Xiang Yu knew that the situation was over, so he could only flee with his cronies.

At this time, he played this hand again, and it was still very effective. When the fellow of the Qi country saw the fellow, his eyes were tearful. Although there were tens of thousands of troops, he had no fighting spirit.

And Tian Dan is also different from Wei Jiu. He does not have a master of the eight realms by his side, and it is impossible to solve the siege by assassinating the marshal. In fact, even if there is, it is useless, because it turns out that the masters of the eight realms are not the two of Han Xin's side. The opponent of the monster beast.

In addition, Han Xin invited his brother, Tian Rong, who was in the uprising with him, the two brothers met and burst into tears, but they could only accept the defeat, because the soldier Han Xin from Daqin was not what they could do. Resisting. The two brothers can only surrender after discussing.

"I don't know how long it will take for Han Xin to capture Qi country?"

In the Kylin Palace, all the monarchs and ministers of one dynasty were talking about Han Xin.

"It took Han Xin five days to destroy the State of Wei, and it should not take longer than five days to destroy the State of Qi!"

"It's not necessarily. Qi is stronger. Maybe it will take a few more days!"

The ministers' estimates are already very bold, but the facts still slapped them in the face.

Just as they discussed, the battle report came again.

"Good news, good news, Da Qin is overjoyed! General Han Xin has captured Qi State! Qi State's Tian Dan Tianrong surrendered!"

"What? How is this possible?" If Han Xin's military forces have defeated the enemy before, it feels incredible. After all, Han Xin's forces are only less than one-tenth of the enemy's. Now he has used so little force to make the opponent surrender. This is simply astonishing.

What is the situation?

The surrender would have to be when the army is overwhelming, and surrender will only occur when there is no one to beat.

Why did you get to Han Xin's place, and became a weaker opponent, and the stronger party actually surrendered!

It was as if a rabbit said to a group of wolves, "Don't move, you are already surrounded, surrender!" Then the group of wolves obediently surrendered.

This is totally out of common sense!

However, they had not reacted yet, and another sergeant rushed in.

"What's going on? Has the situation changed?" Monarchs and ministers speculated.

"Great victory! There is a battle report from the south, Baiyue has been set!"

"What, Baiyue has decided? What is the situation, you say it again, my ears are not very good!"

Wang Ben said in surprise.

The sergeant read the words again, yes, that's what happened, Baiyue had already decided.

Fusu and the civil and military officials were all stunned.

I originally thought that Han Xin would destroy Wei in five days, and that Qi would be pacified in two days. Who knew that Zhang Liang could actually calm Baiyue in such a short time!

Baiyue is not comparable to the rejuvenated Wei and Qi.

There are only five cities in the rejuvenated Wei State and six in Qi State. Although Baiyue has not many cities, the area there is too large, at least ten times the size of Wei and Qi. There are several laps, how did he calm it down?

"Could it be a false report?" Some speculated.

"How could it be possible that Zhao Tuo didn't have such courage!"

"False report? What good is it, impossible!"

Anyone with a brain has denied the possibility of false reports.

"Actually, I also think it is impossible to make false reports. UU read www.ukanshu.com but it is incredible!"

When everyone was inexplicable, another report came up, this time it was very clear, and finally the whole thing was clearly explained.

After reading it, Fu Su realized that there really is such a genius in the world. If Han Xin is a soldier, then Zhang Liang's is indeed a saint.

When he asked Fusu for the power to act cheaply, Fusu couldn't figure out what he wanted to do, but because of his trust in Wang Yin, he still gave him this power.

After all, Wang Yin is the endorsement, and even if Zhang Liang really badly played the situation in the south, there is still Wang Yin who can give him the answer.

Only let Wang Yin be willing to take action, let alone Baiyue in the South, even Qianyue, Wanyue can handle it.

Unexpectedly, it was Zhang Liang who calmed down Baiyue by himself.

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